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Фонд оценочных средств по учебной дисциплине деловой иностранный язык (английский)

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Kidneys are a pair of glands situated close to the spine in the upper part of the abdomen. They are on a level with the last dorsal and upper two lumbar vertebrae, and each is, to a great extent, covered behind by the twelfth rib of its own side. They are kept in this position by a quantity of fat and loose connective tissue, in which they are embedded, by the large vessels, which supply them with blood, by the peritoneal membrane stretched over their front surface, and largely by the pressure of the other abdominal organs against them.

Structure. In size each is about 4 inches long, 2½ inches wide, l½ inches thick, and weighs over 4 ounces. The size, however, varies a good deal. The left kidney is slightly longer and narrower, and lays a trifle higher in the abdomen than the right.

The kidney in adult human beings presents a smooth exterior, though in early life, as in many animals, it is divided up into distinct lobes, corresponding to the pyramids found in the interior. Enveloping it is a tough fibrous coat, which, in the healthy state, is bound to the kidney only by loose fibrous tissues and by a few blood vessels that pass between it and the kidney.

The outer margin of the kidney is convex; the inner is concave, presenting a deep depression, known as the hi1us, where the vessels enter its substance. At the hilus the renal vein lies in front of the renal artery, the former joining the inferior vena cava, and the latter springing from the aorta almost at a right angle. Here, too, the ureter, which conveys urine down to the bladder, is attached. The ureter is spread out into an expanded, funnel-like end, known as the pelvis, to which the capsule of the kidney is firmly attached and which further divides into little funnels known as the calices.

On splitting open a kidney, one finds it to consist of two distinct parts: a layer on the surface, about 1/6 inch thick, known as the cortex, and a part towards the hilum, known as the medulla. The latter consists of pyramids, arranged side by side, with their base on the cortex and their apex projecting into the calices of the pelvis. The apex of each pyramid, of which there are about 15—20 in all, is studded with minute holes, which are the openings of the microscopic uriniferous tubes.

Each pyramid is in effect taken together with the portion of the cortex lying along its base, an independent little kidney. About a score of small tubes open on the surface of each pyramid and these, if traced up into its substance, divide again and again so as to form bundles of tubes, known as medullary rays, passing up towards the cortex. If one of these be traced still farther back, it is found, after a very tortuous course, to end in a small rounded body, the Malpighian corpuscle or glomerulus.

If the blood vessels now be traced through the kidney, their course is found to be as follows. The renal artery splits up into branches, which form arches at the line of junction of cortex and medulla, and from these again spring vessels that run up through the cortex, giving off small branches in every direction.

Each of these at last ends in a little tuft of capillaries enclosed in a capsule (Bowman's), that forms the end of the uriniferous tube above described, and capillaries with capsule are known as a glomerulus. The blood, after circulating in the glomerulus, emerges by a small vessel, which again splits up into capillaries on the walls of the uriniferous tubes. From these it is collected finally into the renal veins and by them leaves the kidney.

By means of the double circulation, first through the glomerulus and then around the tube a large amount of fluid is removed from the blood in the glomerulus, and then the concentrated blood passes on to the uriniferous tube for removal of parts of its solid contents. Other straight arteries come off from the arches above mentioned and supply the medulla direct, the blood from these passing through another set of capillaries and also finally into the renal veins.
Зав. кафедрой иностранных языков, доцент Знаменская С.В.

Государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования

«Ставропольский государственный медицинский университет»

Министерства здравоохранения Российской Федерации
Кафедра иностранных языков
Тексты к билету № 6


The lungs form a pair of organs situated in the chest, and discharge, perhaps, the most important function of vital activity, viz., respiration.

The air, which enters through the nose and passes down the throat, larynx, and windpipe in succession, reaches the lungs by the right and left bronchial tubes, into which the windpipe divides within the chest, at the level of the second rib. The texture of the lungs is highly elastic, so that when the chest is opened each lung collapses to about one-third of its natural bulk.

Each lung is roughly conical in shape, with an apex projecting into the neck, and a base resting upon the diaphragm. The rounded outer surface of each is in contact with the ribs of its own side, while the heart, lying between the lungs, hollows out the inner surface of each to some extent. There is an anterior border, along which the outer and inner surfaces meet, and the borders of the two lungs touch one another for a short distance behind the middle of the breastbone.


The tubes leading from the heart are arteries. Those have rather thick elastic walls made up of layers of smooth muscle and of connective tissue. They branch into smaller arteries or arterioles, which have much thinner walls. The inner coat of all blood vessels is a smooth layer, called the endothelium. It is continuous with the endocardium of the heart and is the only layer of cells on the walls of the capillaries.

When the wave of blood forced out of the heart by the contraction of the ventricle passes through the artery, it produces a distinct beat called the pulse, due to the impact of the blood against the elastic walls of the artery.

The pressure exerted by the blood on the walls of the arteries is termed blood pressure. It depends not only upon the force of the heartbeat but also upon the elasticity of the walls of the arteries, and the resistance offered by capillaries to the escape of blood into the veins. Blood pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury. It varies with age. From 100 to 130 millimeters is considered normal in the young adult. Physical exertion and emotional stress increase blood pressure while inactivity, fatigue, and undernutrition tend to lower it. Persistently high or low pressure may be abnormal; hence blood pressure is usually taken during the physical examination.

The thin endothelial walls of the capillary network perm it a constant interchange of materials. The cells of the tissues are thus bathed constantly by an intercellular fluid, called "tissue fluid," which is supplied with materials from the blood stream. Waste from the cells passes into this fluid and part of it enters the blood stream through the capillary walls.

The rate of flow of the blood in the capillary network is very slow. Each capillary is approximately 0.75 of a millimeter long, but it requires almost two seconds for the blood to pass through. The complete circuit of the blood through both pulmonary and systemic circulation requires approximately thirty seconds. The retardation of blood in the capillaries facilitates the interchange of materials.

Capillary tubes open and close in response to nerve stimulation and to chemical substances brought to them through the blood. Not all of them are open simultaneously. It has been estimated that more than half of the blood of the body would be contained in the capillaries if they were all open at once. This is in fact what occurs during traumatic shock. The amount of blood emptying into the heart in this case may be so reduced as to cause the failure of circulation.

As the blood passes on from the capillaries, it enters the small veins. These also have the power of contracting and relaxing but their alls are impermeable, due to an added layer of connective tissue. The prompt return of the blood is important because the proper filling the heart with blood is an important factor in determining the force its beat.

Зав. кафедрой иностранных языков, доцент Знаменская С.В.

Государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования

«Ставропольский государственный медицинский университет»

Министерства здравоохранения Российской Федерации

Кафедра иностранных языков
Тексты к билету № 7


Function. The chief function of the kidneys is to separate fluid and certain solids from the blood. The glomeruli filter from the blood the non-protein portion of the plasma. As this filtrate passes through the convoluted tubules varying parts of it are reabsorbed. It is estimated that in 24 hours the total human glomeruli will filter between 150 and 200 litres, 99 per cent of which is reabsorbed by the tubules. The constituents of the filtrate may be grouped according to the extent to which they are reabsorbed by the tubules: 1) substances actively reabsorbed, such as amino acids, glucose, potassium, calcium, magnesium and chlorine; 2) substances passing through the tubular epithelium by a simple process of diffusion when their concentration in the filtrate exceeds that in the plasma, such as urea, uric acid, phosphate; 3) substances not returned to the blood from the tubular fluid — e. g, creatine.

When the kidneys are diseased and the number of glomeruli and tubules decreased in consequence, this alternating action is not so readily carried out, and therefore the work of the diseased kidney becomes much embarrassed. When the blood vessels of the kidney are partially closed by disease (arteriosclerosis), the general blood pressure rises with the object of forcing more blood through the kidneys; and, in consequence, marked changes are produced upon the heart in this type of renal disease.


The stomach is a dilated portion of the alimentary canal, which in man has a shape somewhat resembling that of a pear. The larger end, known as the "fundus", lies in the hollow of the left side of the diaphragm. The upper part of the stomach, into which the gullet opens, is known as the cardiac part, while the lower and narrower portion is known as the pyloric part. The two openings into and out of the stomach are known as the cardia and the pylorus.

The stomach is slightly flattened from before backwards, and the two edges are known as the lesser curvature, which runs from one opening to the other direct, and the greater curvature, which sweeps round the fundus from the cardia to the pylorus.

The stomach hangs very freely suspended in the upper and left part of the abdomen, so that changes in its position and shape take place readily according to the amount of food it contains.

The stomach possesses four coats similar to those of the intestine, which are, from within outwards, a mucous membrane, submucous layer, muscular coat, and peritoneal coat. Mucous membrane lines the interior of the stomach and is of smooth, soft texture, though raised up into ridges when the stomach is empty. The surface can be seen with the naked eye to be thickly covered by minute pits into each of which several tube-shaped glands are found, on microscopic section, to open.

The surface of the mucous membrane is composed of a single layer of columnar cells, and these also line the pits referred to above. Each gland is composed of large cubical cells so arranged as to form a tube, open at the upper end where it meets the pit, and closed beneath. These cells secrete the gastric juice, which exudes from all the minute tubes as digestion is proceeding. Between the tubular glands lies some supporting connective tissue in which run numerous blood capillaries and lymph vessels.

Submucous coat is a loose connective tissue layer which joins the mucous coat to the muscular coat, and in which the large blood vessels of the stomach run. The loose arrangement of its fibres allows the mucous membrane to glide freely over the muscular coat in the movements and variations in size of the stomach,

Muscular coat is of considerable thickness in the stomach, and is of great importance in varying the size of the organ according to the amount of food it contains, in making the peristaltic movements which mix the food with the digestive juice, and finally in expelling the softened food from the stomach into the small intestine. This coat consists of three layers, an outer one in which the fibres run lengthwise, a middle one where they are circular, and an inner layer in which they run obliquely across the stomach.

Peritoneal coat is similar to the peritoneum covering the other organs of the abdomen.

The stomach is abundantly supplied with blood from the coeliac axis, a short, wide artery, which comes directly from the aorta and likewise gives branches to the liver, pancreas and spleen. There is a large arterial arch round either curvature, and from these two arches smaller branches run into the wall of the stomach and reach the submucous coat, from which minute branches are distributed to the other coats. The blood is collected by veins, which ultimately return it to the portal vein.

Зав. кафедрой иностранных языков, доцент Знаменская С.В.


Вид речевой деятельности

Объем и содержание практических навыков и умений

Критерии оценок на экзамене


Материал, подлежащий контролю

Объем и характеристика ответа


Ознакомительное и изучающее чтение со словарем адаптированных медицинских текстов из научной медицинской литературы на английском языке.

1. Лексический материал за курс обучения, предусмотренный программой.

2. Активный и пассивный грамматический минимум за весь курс обучения

3. Владение всеми видами чтения.

1. Чтение оригинального медицинского текста (объемом 400-450 печ. знаков и точный письменный перевод указанного фрагмента текста с использованием словаря.

2. Просмотровое чтение и передача содержания оригинального медицинского текста (объем 3000 печ. знаков). Свободная беседа и ответы на вопросы по содержанию текста.


1. Чтение оригинального медицинского текста (объемом 400-450 печ. знаков и письменный перевод указанного фрагмента текста с использованием словаря. В переводе фрагмента допускаются незначительные неточности.

2. Просмотровое чтение и передача содержания оригинального медицинского текста (объем 3000 печ. знаков). Достаточно свободная беседа и ответы на вопросы по содержанию текста.


1. Чтение оригинального медицинского текста (объемом 400-450 печ. знаков и письменный перевод указанного фрагмента текста с использованием словаря. Перевод со значительными неточностями (не более 50%).

2. Просмотровое чтение и передача содержания оригинального медицинского текста (объем 3000 печ. знаков). Трудности в передаче содержания текста и ведения беседы по тексту.


1. Чтение оригинального медицинского текста (объемом 400-450 печ. знаков и письменный перевод указанного фрагмента текста с использованием словаря. Перевод со значительными неточностями (более 50%).

2. Просмотровое чтение и передача содержания оригинального медицинского текста (объем 3000 печ. знаков). Неумение вести беседу по содержанию текстов.


Устная речь

Владеть навыками иноязычного общения, а также умение сделать сообщение, участвовать в диалоге на английском языке в рамках страноведческой бытовой, общемедицинской и профессиональной тематики.

Устные темы в рамках страноведческой, бытовой, общемедицинской и профессиональной тематики, предусмотренные программой: Студент-медик о себе. Ставропольский государственный медицинский университет. Медицинское образование в России.

Полное и точное раскрытие основного содержания темы и свободная беседа по ней с опорой на правильное использование активного грамматического и лексического минимума. Ошибки – до 15%.


Полное раскрытие основного содержания темы и достаточно свободная беседа по ней с правильным использованием активного грамматического и лексического минимума. Ошибки – до 30%.


Недостаточно полное раскрытие основного содержания темы при слабом владении грамматическим и лексическим минимумом. Ошибки – не более 50%.


Неумение раскрыть основное содержание темы и вести беседу по ней. Незнание активного грамматического и лексического минимума. Ошибки – более 50%.



Кафедра иностранных языков
Заведующая кафедрой иностранных языков

доцент Знаменская С.В. ________________

практических занятий для студентов лечебного, педиатрического, стоматологического факультетов и факультета гуманитарного и медико-биологического образования с использованием

интерактивных форм обучения

дисциплины «Иностранный язык» (английский)

Направление подготовки

44.03.03 - Специальное (дефектологическое) образование

Профиль подготовки


Квалификация (степень) выпускника


Форма обучения


Ставрополь 2015

Пояснительная записка
Практические занятия с использованием интерактивных форм обучения являются обязательным компонентом программ обучения иностранному языку в медицинском вузе. Такие занятия способствуют развитию общекультурных и профессиональных компетенций учащихся и направлены на активизацию их речемыслительной деятельности и формирование и развитие языковых и социокультурных навыков и умений.

Формы проведения интерактивных занятий по иностранному языку могут быть следующие: практические занятия с элементами аудирования, просмотром видеосюжетов, мини конференции, круглые столы, ролевые игры, презентации и проекты. Интерактивные занятия способствуют мотивации учащихся на изучение иностранного языка и повышают их языковой уровень.


Кафедра иностранных языков
Заведующая кафедрой иностранных языков

доцент Знаменская С.В. ________________

практического занятия для студентов лечебного, педиатрического, стоматологического факультетов и факультета гуманитарного и медико-биологического образования с использованием

интерактивных форм обучения

дисциплины «Иностранный язык» (английский)

Направление подготовки

44.03.03 - Специальное (дефектологическое) образование

Профиль подготовки


Квалификация (степень) выпускника


Форма обучения


Обсуждена на заседании кафедры

иностранных языков

Протокол №

от 20
Методическая разработка составлена

ст.преп. Е. С. Агафоновой

Ставрополь 20

Тема урока: «Travelling»
I курс стоматологического факультета 132 группа.

Тип урока: показательный. Виртуальное путешествие.

Средства обучения и оборудование:

Учебные и наглядные пособия, ситуационные карточки, доска, сувениры разных стран, фото.

Аппаратное обеспечение: компьютер, видео проектор, магнитофон, наушники.

  • Активизация лексики по теме «Travelling»

  • Обобщение и систематизация полученных знаний.

  • Тренировка учащихся в аудировании текста.

  • Ознакомление учащихся с новыми речевыми конструкциями и их отработка.

  • Совершенствование навыков чтения с извлечением полезной информации.


  • Развивающая:

Развитие у учащихся внимания, восприятия, слуховой и зрительной памяти. Развитие способностей к аналитической деятельности и лингвистической догадке.

Развитие умений учащихся в монологической речи, а так же устной неподготовленной речи.

  • Образовательная:

Расширение кругозора.

Формирование лингвострановедческой компетентности.

  • Воспитательная:

Воспитание у учащихся культуры межличностного общения и поведения.

Умение вести диалог.

Воспитание чувства взаимопомощи, доброго отношения к друг другу, уважения традиций, обычаев другой страны.

  • Практическая:

Научить учащихся понимать английскую речь с опорой на видео и аудио источники.

Использовать информацию в соответствии с речевой задачей.

Умение вести краткую монологическую и диалогическую речь.
Формы работы: фронтальная, парная, групповая.
Ход занятия:

  1. Организационный этап. ( Введение в тему)

  2. Речевая разминка. (Why? Where? How?)

Think and answer the following questions:

a) WHY do people like to travel? Give the reasons.

b) WHERE have you been already?

c) Where would you like to go?
Key expressions: I would like to go to… I prefer to go to…

  1. Работа с наглядным материалом.

( сувениры разных стран)

Do you want to ask me where I’ve been. I’ve brought different things to remind me about my journeys and journeys of my friends. To know where I have been you have to guess from which country these souvenirs.

  1. Просмотр и анализ видео слайдов по аспекту страноведения.

  • Look at the screen and try to guess about the counties.

  1. Чтение текста c извлечением главной информации и с последующим его обсуждением.

    • Look through the text and find the information about these countries.

    • Read and translate.


  1. It was the most powerful country thousand of years ago. This country is famous for its ancient civilization and some of the world’s famous monuments, including the Pyramid complex and it’s Great Sphinx.

  1. This country lies in south-west of Europe and it is one of its cultural centers. It is famous for its football team, olives, massive tomato fights, well-known dance – Flamenco and Bull-fights.

  1. It is one of the oldest countries with reach history. Here you can swim in three seas. It has reach traditions, associated with tea and coffee. The symbol of this country is one of the most beautiful mosques in the world.

  1. This country is a birthplace of western civilization 2500 years ago. Officially it is called the Hellenic Republic. It is a land of great history, strong people and myth. The famous dance is Sirtaki.

  1. This country is the world’s fashion center. It was closely connected with Russia during many centuries.. It is also famous for cheese, wine and perfume. The symbol of this country is the biggest tower in the world.

  1. A lot of greatest painters, poets and musicians were born here. It has a reach history, architecture and landscape. The symbol of this country is the most hospitable people and the best pizza in the world.

  1. This country is one of the largest and powerful countries in the world. It is famous for its wonderful cities, their sky-scrapers and huge banks. The one of the main signs of this country is the big Statue - the symbol of democracy.

  1. Повторение лексики по теме Means of transport

  • Think and answer the following questions:

a) HOW people can travel, by means of what?

b) Which kind of transport is the most expensive?

c) Which is the fastest/ slowest?

d) Have you ever traveled by this kind of transport?

f) Which kind of transport do you prefer?

  1. Совершенствование навыков аудирования диалогической речи.

  • Listen to the dialogues.

  • Identify the place, where are the people talking?

  • Fill in the gaps.

Dialogue №1
Harris:             Porter, porter!

                          Will you see to our luggage, please!

Porter:             Where are you leaving for, sir?                          


Harris:             We are going to London.                    

                          Will you have this trunk labelled and put in the  luggage van?


Porter:            It’s ok, sir. I'll do it in a moment. Show me, your tickets,



Harris:             Here they are. Soft seated carriage ,number 5, compartment 6,

berths 2 and 3


Porter:             That's all right. I'll come in a few minutes



Dialogue №2.
Nancy:        Do you like our travelling dear?                           


Georg:         Oh! I'm fond of sea voyages.         


Nancy:       You don't easily get sea-sick, do you?
Georg:         Certainly not.                                  


Nancy:         Neither do I. Do you happen to know when our ship is due in San


Georg:        According to the time-table we are due at 2 o'clock p.m.         

                    Tomorrow, but I think we are an hour late.                

Nancy: Oh, it doesn’t matter.
Dialogue №3


Nancy: Hello
Agent: Hello May I have your ticket and passport?
Nancy: Yes here they are
Agent: How many pieces of luggage will you be checking in?
Nancy: Just one, I also have one carry bag.
Agent: Your luggage is two kilos over the limit. You will have to pay an extra

charge of $100
Nancy: No problem. Is cash OK?
Agent: Certainly.
Nancy: Thank you.
Agent: Have a nice flight.

7. Просмотр видео презентации с извлечением полезной информации.

  • Look through the presentation and give any possible information on the subject.

Key words:

call center – информационный центр

incoming - входящий

daily- ежедневно

aircraft- воздушное судно


flight simulators- летный тренажер

navigator- штурман

cabin attendant- проводник

safety- безопасность

to launch-запуск

Call center.

More than 3500 incoming calls daily

Ticket offices

9 offices in Moscow

27 offices in Russia

76 offices outside Russia

2000 visitors daily

18 airbus A-319 aircraft

11 Tupolev- 134 aircraft

27 Tupolev 154 aircraft

9 Boeing 767 aircraft

6 Ilyshin 96 aircraft

8 Ilyshin 86 aircraft

Aviation engineering center

1760 fully qualified specialists

10000 maintenance operation monthly

Ground handing

240 tons of luggages daily

Flight simulators

468 captains

507 second pilots

205 navigators

230 flight engineers

17000 hours of total simulators flying time

Aviation staff training center

2400 cabin attendants

Wide range of on-board meals with the regard for particular national qualities

23000 meals daily

Passenger flights to 47 countries, 87 cities

Safety through all stages of flight

302 flight per day

18375 passengers per day.

  1. Виртуальное путешествие на самолете.

  • Приветствие стюардессы.

Greeting of the hostess.
Ladies and gentlemen!

We welcome you onboard of the plane the Boeing 737 which goes into the wonderland.

The commander of the ship is the pilot of the international class Ivanov Petr Sergeevich.

The Flight will pass at height 2000 meters. Time in a way of 45 minutes. Our plane lands at the airport in Stavropol. The temperature in, is 25 degree

During the flight, you will be offered refreshment drinks. Smoking is forbidden on the board. The request is, during the flight to switch off your mobile phones. Now please, fasten your seat belts.
Questions: a) Who are these ladies?

b) What do you know about the air hostess?

  • Введение и отработка грамматической конструкции

Could you…?

Could you give me some medicine, please?

Could you tell me what the temperature outside is?

  • Cитуационные задачи.

Построение высказываний по модели.

Model: Could you give me……., please?

I would like you to give me….., please.

Could you tell me…..?

  • Apply to the hostess with your wishes questions and requests according to the situation on the card, with the explanation of your problem.


- you have a stomachache, ask for medicine.

- you have a headache , ask for a painkiller.

- you want to know when the plane lands.

- your daughter is thirsty.

- you don’t know where is the toilet.

- you want to change your seat. Explain why.

- you want to know, where we are flying now.

- you need a napkin.

-you want to read something

- you are cold.

- you need a guide book of Barcelona.
9. Игра « Ассоциации»


  • Take the card with word definition. Explain the meaning of this word without name it. Who guess, gets the card. Winner is the person who has more cards.


Guide Ship Insurance

Tent Receptionist Stewardess

Souvenir Luggage Open ticket

Map Train One way ticket

Camera Hotel Bus

Pilot Passport

Bicycle Customs

  1. Аудирование песни с извлечением необходимой информации.

Listen to the song.

  • Name the places which are mentioned.

  • Fill the gaps.

  • Translate

The Sound Of San Francisco.

Global Deejays

New York
Hear the Global Deejays
Cape Town

If you're going to San Francisco
Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair
If you're goin' to San Francisco
You're gonna meet some gentle people there
In the street
If you come
In the street
If you come
In the street
If you come
In the street
If you come to San Francisco……

  1. Заключение. Подведение итогов.

Государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования

«Ставропольская Государственная медицинская академия»

Министерства здравоохранения и социального развития Российской Федерации

Кафедра иностранных языков


Зав. кафедрой иностранных языков

доцент С.В. Знаменская


«____»________20 г .


«Круглого стола»

по учебной дисциплине

«Английский язык»

для студентов лечебного, педиатрического, стоматологического факультетов

и факультета гуманитарного и медико-биологического образования

1   2   3   4   5   6


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Иностранный язык (английский) по профессии 15. 01. 20 Слесарь по контрольно-измерительным приборам и автоматике
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Комплект контрольно-оценочных средств (далее кос) по дисциплине Иностранный язык (немецкий) предназначен для контроля и оценки образовательных...
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Фонд оценочных средств по учебной дисциплине деловой иностранный язык (английский) icon Кгбпоу «татт» комплект
Контрольно-оценочных средств по учебной дисциплине одб. 03 Иностранный язык профессии 35. 01. 13 Тракторист – машинист сельскохозяйственного...
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Контрольно-оценочные средства (кос) предназначены для контроля и оценки образовательных достижений обучающихся, освоивших программу...
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