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Задание 2. Перепечатайте предложения, поставьте частицу to, где необходимо. Объясните причину отсутствия частицы to. Переведите предложение на русский язык.
Задание 3. Перепечатайте предложения. Измените их, используя Infinitive вместо подчёркнутых слов. Переведите полученное предложение на русский язык.
Задание 4. Перепечатайте предложения. Замените сложные предложения или группы предложений простыми предложениями с инфинитивным оборотом Complex Object. Переведите полученное предложение на русский язык. 1. He is a good customer. We knew it. 2. You will open a credit at the Alpha Bank. They expect it. 3. We can send the consignment now. Would you like it? Задание 5. Перепечатайте предложения. Закончите их, используя "for-to-Infinitive Construction". Переведите предложение на русский язык.
Задание 6. Перепечатайте предложения с Complex Subject. Вставьте сказуемое в нужной форме и переведите предложение на русский язык.
Задание 7. Перепечатайте предложения, подчеркните инфинитивные обороты. Определите, какой инфинитивный оборот употреблён в предложении. Переведите предложение на русский язык, обращая внимание на форму инфинитива 1. I would like him to agree on a matter of mutual interest upon the terms and conditions of the contract. 2. They seem to arrive to the conference and then go straight out again to eat. 3. It is not enough for the manager to simply announce a time of the meeting and distribute a memorandum to attendees. Задание 8. Выберите правильный вариант перевода выделенной части предложения. Переведите предложение на русский язык.
A. производя C. производившиеся B. производства D. производящие 2. Economics as a comprehensive theory studying how society works is relatively new. A. изучившая C. изученная B. изучающаяся D. изучающая 3. The firm produces more goods increasing labor resources. A. увеличив C. увеличившись B. увеличивая D. увеличиваясь Задание 9. Выберите нужную форму Participle I. Переведите предложение на русский язык. 1. … goods and services, firm can direct the financial resources on the development of production. A. Being produced B. Producing C. Having produced 2. Partners … the business, try to increase its profitability. A. being managed B. managing C. having managed D. having been managed
A. fighting B. having been fought C. having fought D. being fought Задание 10. Перепечатайте предложения. Замените выделенную часть предложения соответствующей формой Participle I. Переведите полученное предложение на русский язык.
A. having learned B. learning C. being learned
A. studying B. being studied C. having studed
A. developing B. being developed C. having developed D. having been developed Задание 11. Перепечатайте предложения. Определите, какой формой глагола является выделенное слово: Participle II или Past Simple. Переведите полученное предложения на русский язык. 1. The term “mixed economy“ stands for an economic order in which some economic decisions are taken by the market mechanism and some collectively. 2. Collectivism is the system whereby economic decisions are taken collectively by planning committees and implemented through direction of resources either centrally or at local level. 3. Under collectivism planning committees are appointed. Задание 12. Перепечатайте предложения. Вставьте Participle I или Participle II. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
Задание 13. Перепечатайте предложения, подчеркните причастные обороты. Переведите предложение на русский язык, обращая внимание на форму причастия.
Задание 14. Перепечатайте предложения. Определите, чем является выделенное слово: Participle I, Gerund, Verbal Noun. Переведите предложение на русский язык. A) The most important thing for a manager is knowing one’s job perfectly. B) Being able to motivate, inspire and lead people is one of important qualities for a manager. C) The ultimate goal of management is making use of labor resources. Задание 15. Перепечатайте предложения, подчеркните герундиальные обороты. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на форму герундия.
Задание 16. Прочитайте текст и выполните задания I. Layout is the arrangement of workspace, equipment, products, rooms, doors, passageways, and so on in a place of business. An efficient layout helps to increase worker productivity and keep costs down. It is much better to plan a good layout before the plant is constructed than to design a layout to suit buildings already built. Two general types of factory layout are associated with two basic methods of production. The continuous production method uses what is called a product layout. Intermittent production employs a process or functional layout. There are both advantages and disadvantages to these types of layout. II. One advantage of product layout is that the use of assembly lines usually has lower unit costs than other methods have. This lower unit cost can be attributed to a combination of factors. Machines and assembly lines can move the product through the production process quickly and efficiently. Raw materials are consumed at fixed rates that are easily controlled. This makes large inventories and storage unnecessary. Another advantage is that by controlling and coordinating the use of machines, scheduling and routing are simplified so that bottlenecks are eliminated. Furthermore, finished products roll off the assembly line at one point where they can be easily and quickly stacked, palletized,loaded, and shipped. Finally, control and supervision are simplified by using product layout since each worker has a specific assignment on the line. III. A disadvantage of this type of layout is that a breakdown at any point on the assembly line usually results in a total shutdown of the line. Also, specialized machinery which is not easily adapted to other uses and uniform interchangeable parts are usually required for product layout. The result is that there are not many design changes or improvements which can be made to a product once production has started. A high volume is necessary to insure low unit costs, but the rate of production can be increased only by purchasing additional production equipment or by adding a second shift of workers. Finally, employee morale and workmanship can suffer because assembly line work is generally routine and boring. IV. In a process or functional layout, machines, materials, and workers are grouped according to the particular process each performs. An advantage of process layout is that there is flexibility in the types of products manufactured, the assignments of workers, and the uses of machines. General purpose machines can be used for process layout, and these machines are usually less expensive and do not become obsolete as quickly as specialized assembly line machinery does. Machines operate independently of each other, and a breakdown of one machine would not result in a total line shutdown and, therefore, a complete halt in production. Different jobs are done in different areas; in this way interference is reduced. An advantage for workers is that they each have a specific job which they can identify with and take pride in. V. A disadvantage of process layout is that there is no definite line in which materials move; therefore, they tend to move less efficiently. Special routing and cost analysis are necessary for each job order. Flexibility of product demands that there be a larger inventory of raw materials, since the amount of specific materials for each product or job order may vary. Generally, there is slower productivity with process layout, and production volume is restricted. If demand for a product increases substantially, it is often more efficient to change to product layout for a special product.
1. Production expenses divided by the number of items produced. 2. Plan for placemen of machines and workers. 3. Raw materials and unsold products in storage.
1. What is the advantage of product layout? 2. What measures can help to increase the rate of production? 3. Is there any advantage for workers in case of process layout?
1. об основных двух типах схем организации работы фабрик? 2. о последствиях остановки конвейерной линии? 3. о том, что при указанных условиях рабочие могут гордиться своей работой?
1. A line organization has the advantage of being too inflexible. 2. A disadvantage is that if something goes wrong on the assembly line, the entire line cannot be closed down. 3. With product layout, the factory is designed especially for a certain product.
1. Production volume. 2. Lowering unit costs. 3. The two basic types of factory layout. |
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