Учебно-методическое пособие для студентов направления «Сервис»

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Assignment 2.



Assistant chef-помощник шеф-повара


Busboy-помощник официанта, убирающий грязную посуду со стола и т.п.




Concession basis-на основании концессии



Electrical appliances-электроустройства

Establishment-зд. штат

Fixed rent-фиксированная оплата

Food-продукты питания, продовольствие, съестные припасы

Hostess-зд. сотрудница ресторана или кафе, встречающая и усаживающая гостей


Kitchen helper-помощник на кухне

Kitchen suppliers-поставщики

Maitre d’hotel-метрдотель

Percentage-процентное соотношение

Premises-недвижимость, здание

Sommelier-старший официант, заведующий винами

Spirits-спиртные напитки


To be leased-сданный в аренду (внаем)




Bar-бар, барная стойка


Cocktail lounge-коктейльный зал


Fast food-блюда, несложные в приготовлении

Pantry-буфетная, кладовая


Snack-bar (BrE), Snack-bar (AmE)-закусочная

Soft drinks-безалкогольные напитки

Space for storage-место для хранения

To cut down on-сокращать, снижать

To fill out a slip-заполнить бланк (карточку)

To simplify-упрощать

To speed up-ускорять


Bottled (or draught) beer-бутылочное (или бочковое) пиво

Brand-марка, клеймо, сорт

Brew-варить пиво

Dressing (French)-приправа, заправка (с растительным маслом)

Main course-основное блюдо


To recommend-рекомендовать

Special terms:

Maitre d’-a person in charge of a restaurant who tells guests where to sit and waiters what to do, etc

Chef-a skilled, usually male cook, especially the chef cook in a hotel or restaurant.

Steward-a restaurant employee who serves wines and sometimes other drinks. The person is a called the sommelier in French, an expression also is used in English.

Waiter-an employee in a restaurant who goes to the customers’ tables, takes their orders and then brings the prepared food to the tables.

Room service-the supplying, on demand, of food and beverage service to the guest rooms of a hotel

Concession-a form of license, granted for a fee by the hotel owner to an outside company, to conduct business on the hotel premises. For example, a company that contracts to operate the hotel’s restaurant is said to have the food concession. The person or firm that performs the service is the concessionaire.

Captain-the employee who seats a guest in a restaurant


Every modern hotel offers some form of food and beverage service. In some, facilities are available only for a continental breakfast - that is, a light meal of bread or rolls and coffee – while others have a small coffee shop or restaurant on the premises. In many small hotels or motels, these food services are often operated on a concession basis: the facility is leased to an outside operator, called the concessionaire, who pays the owners of the hotel either a fixed rent or a percentage of the income. Many other hotels have complete restaurant service and also offer room service for guests who desire food and beverage served to the in their rooms. Large hotels, including the more luxurious resort hotels, usually offer a great variety of restaurants and bars for their guests to choose from. The restaurants may have different price ranges and/or different menus.

Food and beverage service is a major factor in hotel operation. In some large hotels, the income derived from this source actually exceeds income from room rentals. The food and beverage income in many hotels is increased by providing service for banquets and conventions.

Because of the large proportion of income contributed by a hotel’s bars and restaurants, the food and beverage manager is a key member of the management staff. He has the overall responsibility for planning the food and drink operation and purchasing the hundreds of items that are necessary for the restaurants and bars. Because food can spoil quickly, ordering supplies is a daily activity. In a very large establishment, two people may be assigned to this task – one to order food and the other to order wines and spirits. The food and beverage manager’s staff may also include a storekeeper, who stores and issues food, beverages and restaurant and kitchen supplies.

The kitchen itself is almost a separate kingdom within the hotel. The head cook, almost always designated by the French word Chef, is the boss. The chef is responsible for planning the menus – that is, the food that is being served on a particular day – and for supervising the work of the other chefs and cooks.

Depending on the size of the establishment, several assistant chefs report to the chef. These include a sauce chef, a salad chef, a vegetable chef and so on. Under the supervising of the chefs are the cooks who actually cook the food and them place it on the plate for the waiters to pick up. Under the cook’s supervision are the kitchen helpers who, for example, peel potatoes, cut up vegetables, and bring food from the storeroom to the kitchen. The kitchen staff also includes dish washer, even in a kitchen equipped with electrical appliances, since pots and pans usually need special attention, and someone must load and unload the machines.

In the restaurant, as well as in the kitchen, there are also different kinds of jobs. The person who seats the guests is called captain or maitre d’ (short for maitre d’hotel, another French expression that keeps appearing in the hotel and restaurant business), or a hostess, if a woman. In restaurants with a very formal style of service, the captain also takes the guests’ orders. The meals are served by waiters or waitresses. In less formal restaurants, the waiters and waitresses take orders and serve the meals. Most restaurants also employ busboys, who pour water, clear and set tables, and perform other similar chores. In some restaurants, however, the waiters and waitresses carry out these tasks. In an elaborate restaurant, there is often an employee called the wine steward or sommelier, who takes orders for wine and sometimes for other alcoholic drinks. Finally, there are cashiers who receive payment or signed bills from the guests. When the guest puts his restaurant bill on his hotel account, this information must be passed along to the accounting office as quickly as possible.

(by E.J. Hall)

Comprehension questions:

  1. What kinds of food and beverage service are offered by hotels?

  2. Why is food and beverage service a major factor in hotel operations?

  3. Why is the food and beverage manager a key member of the management staff? What is his overall responsibility?

  4. What employees may work on the food and beverage manager’s staff?

  5. Who is the head of the kitchen staff? What is he responsible for?

  6. What does the job of an assistant chef consist of?

  7. Who are some of the other employees in the kitchen?

  8. What are the duties of the captain in a restaurant?

  9. What are the duties of the waiters and waitresses? What may they do in restaurant that do not have a formal style of service?

  10. Who performs chores such as clearing and setting tables?

  11. Who takes orders for wine and other drinks in some restaurants?

  12. What do the cashiers in the restaurant do?


  1. Find English equivalents in the text:

  1. постоянная оплата (2) процент с дохода (3) обслуживание в номере (4) различные цены (5) основной фактор в управлении отелями (6) получаемый доход (7) превышать доход (8) доход увеличивается за счет обслуживания банкетов и конференции (9) основной член управляющего состава (10) ответственность за планирование (11) заказ поставок (12) вина и спиртные напитки (13) шеф-повар ответственен за составление меню (14) контролировать работу (15) под руководством (16) оборудованная электрическими приборами (17) загружать и разгружать (18) принимать заказы (19) принимать оплату (20) включать счет ресторана в счет оплаты за отель

  1. Reproduce the sentences in which the following words and expressions are used:

  1. is leased to an outside operator

  2. a great variety of restaurants and bars

  3. income is increased

  4. under of supervision of the chefs

  5. someone must load and unload the machines

  1. Fill in the blanks with prepositions and adverbs:

  1. Large hotels, including the more luxurious resort hotels, usually offer a great variety … restaurants and bars … their guests to choose … . (2) Because … the large proportion … income contributed … a hotel’s bars and restaurants, the food and beverage manager is a key member … the management staff. (3) The chef is responsible … planning the menus – that is, the food that is being served … a particular day – and … supervising the work … the other chefs and cooks.

Assignment 3.



A broad range of experience-большой опыт

Apprentice-ученик, новичок

Complexity-сложно; запутанность

Executive staff-управленческий персонал; руководящие кадры

Management positions-руководящая должность

Overall knowledge-полные знания (в определенной сфере)

Principal function-основная функция

Professional training-профессионально обучение

Public-relations techniques (PR)-технология (PR), связь (лица, организации) с общественностью, представительские функции; информация о (чьей-л) деятельности; реклама; пропаганда

Purchasing agent-закупщик, сотрудник по закупкам; агент по материально-техническому снабжению

The route of advancement-путь продвижение

To contribute-делать вклад (в науку и т.п.); способствовать, содействовать

To coordinate-согласовывать, устанавливать правильное соотношение

To move up the ladder of promotion-подниматься по служебной лестнице

Trainee-стажер, практикант

Applicant-заявитель, проситель; тот, кто подает заявление, податель просьбы (о приеме в учебное заведение, зачисление на работу и т.п.); кандидат, претендент

Application letter-заявление о зачислении на должность (о приеме на работу)

Curriculum vitae-краткое жизнеописание, биография

Economic benefits-экономические преимущества

Interviewer-проводящий собеседование, опрос

Qualifications-pl. квалификация, подготовленность, годность (к чему-л); опыт работы

Resume-краткая автобиография (представляемая кандидатом на должность)

Salary-жалование, оклад; заработная плата служащего

Semi-skilled personal-персонал со средней квалификацией

Skilled job-квалифицированная работа

Substantial-существенный, важный, значительный; большой

The chain headquarters-головной офис сети отелей

To apply-обращаться с просьбой

Unskilled worker-неопытный работник

Work experience-опыт работы
Special terms:

Professional training-training usually considered to be at the university level, given to doctors, lawyers, accountants, and, today, many, hotelman and business administrators.

Apprentice-a beginner who works under a trained and experienced person for a period of time. Many chefs work as apprentices for several years before they qualify as full-fledged chefs.

Skilled work-work that requires special aptitude and training.

Semi-skilled work-work that requires special aptitude and training.

Unskilled work-work that requires a small neither training nor special aptitude.

Tips-money payment in addition to wages or salaries for a personal service.

Wages (salaries)-payment for work. Wages are figured on an hourly or daily basis. Salaries are figured an a weekly, monthly or yearly basis.

Occupancy rate-the percentage of rooms or beds occupied in a hotel during a given period.


A hotel as a complex operation. It includes places for people to sleep and eat and shop; there are often recreational facilities and areas for public gatherings. In fact, a hotel often can be considered as a small city within its own walls and grounds. Because of its complexity, it is not possible to speak of a single career in the hotel industry; there is instead a wide variety of different careers.

The top people in the hotel industry are managers. The majority of then hold management positions in individual hotels, but some work in the executive offices of the hotel chains. The principal function of management is to coordinate all the different activities that take place in a hotel. The managerial personnel must therefore have a broad range of experience in the various departments of a hotel. Today, several universities offer courses in hotel management. The trend in recent years has been to select management trainees from the graduates of these courses. As their practical knowledge increases, they move up the ladder of promotion to front-desk positions, and then on to assistant manager, night manager and finally general manager. On the way, however, they may have worked as food and beverage purchasing agents, cashiers, inspectors in the housekeeping department, and many other positions that contribute to their overall knowledge. If they are employed by a chain, they may be shifted not only from department to department but also from hotel to hotel during the course their careers.

The executive staff of a hotel includes many people with special skills, experience, or professional training. The promotion staff, for example, must know not only the hotel field, but also advertising and public-relations techniques. The head housekeeper runs a complex organization with many employees, not just a single household. She needs to know the intricacies of purchasing on a large scale, as well as how to make beds and clean carpets properly. The members of the engineering and maintenance staffs need education and experience in their specialties. The chefs and cooks, even though they are out of sight of the public, are important to the success of a hotel. We have noted that food and beverage department in some hotels brings in more income than room rentals. Good cooking is a skill that requires natural aptitude; indeed, many people consider cooking an art. Many of the best cooks in the world come from Europe, particularly from France and Switzerland. In those countries, people who wish to become chefs often begin to works as apprentices at an early age. They are trained by an experienced chef in all aspects of kitchen work, cooking and restaurant management. A head chef must be an expert not only in cooking itself, but also in planning, purchasing and supervising other kitchen personal. The normal route of advancement in the kitchen is from cook to specialty chef to executive chef.

Most of the remaining workers in the hotel world can be classified as skilled, semi-skilled or unskilled. The carpenters and upholsterers in maintenance, the plumbers and electricians in engineering and the gardeners in the grounds department are among the workers usually classified as skilled. They all require special aptitudes combined with special training. Semi-skilled workers include waiters and chambermaids, who must have training for their particular duties. Examples of unskilled workers are the helpers and dishwashers in the kitchen or the laborers who perform such chores as loading or unloading shipments of suppliers and equipment.

The largest number of hotel employees fails into the semi-skilled and unskilled categories. Even semi-skilled and unskilled employees, however, need training in the procedures of the particular hotel for which they work. The customs of the guests, and therefore the kind of service they expect, may be completely different from those of the area where the hotel is located.

Another phenomenon of the hotel industry is that is creates employment for a number of people who cannot be considered typical hotel personnel. This is especially true for resort hotels with recreational facilities. Cocktail lounges and nightclubs, for example, employ entertainers and musicians. Outdoor recreational facilities make use of the skills of people with a background in sport, such as golf, tennis, skiing and swimming.

In this age of international travel, language ability is also a definite aid in hotel work. Most hotels in resort areas and large cities and talks to the customers in such a hotel has a advantage if he or she can communicate in the guests’ language or one of the international language like English or French.

The economic benefits in hotel work can be very substantial. The top people in management, people like mangers in large hotels, the staff in the chain headquarters, executive housekeepers, and food and beverage managers, receive good salaries. Many hotel employees receive additional income from tips, or gratuities.

The financial conditional of a hotel is often discussed in terms of its occupancy rate; that is, the percentage of rooms or beds occupied during a given period. The higher the percentage over a longer period, the more successful the hotel is. The staff of a hotel can do a great deal to assure a high occupancy rate, not only through their efficiency in their jobs but also through their manner of serving the guests. The hotel business is a service industry, and one of the services that it sells is a pleasant atmosphere. The employees of a hotel create that atmosphere.

(by E.J. Hall)
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