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WHAT TO EAT IN PARIS Complete the tour guide information with the words from the box.
The FRENCH NATIONAL passion for good cuisine makes eating out one of the greatest pleasures of a visit to Paris. Everywhere in the city you see people eating – in restaurants, bistros, tea salons, cafes and wine bars. Most restaurants serve French food but there is a range of Chinese, Vietnamese and North African eateries in many areas as well as Italian, Greek, Lebanese and Indian places. Croissants These flaky pastry crescents are eaten freshly – baked for breakfast.
Speaking Work in pairs. Find out which of the above dishes your partner would or wouldn’t like to try and why. Reading The traveler’s guide to Turkish food
TURKISH CUISINE Turkish food is delicious, rich, and varied. Turkey is self-sufficient in food and the range of vegetable and fruits available at all times of the year provides a constant source of fresh ingredients. Because of this, the taste and preparation of the wide range of dishes changes with the seasons. We never use tinned or frozen ingredients, unless it is to create a specific taste. Turkish food has some of its origins in the lifestyle of the people that lived in this region during the time of the Sultans. Even today the evening meal is often the evening’s entertainment. The equivalent of the western ‘starter’ is mezes. Which consist of a huge selection of tasty dishes served in the centre of the table, including vegetables, meat, chicken, and seafood all prepared differently. Everyone tastes all of the dishes, which often consist of the same vegetable prepared in a number of very different ways. There are? For example, over 100 ways to prepare aubergines alone. Eating at home in Turkey or in a traditional Turkish restaurant in never hurried, and the evening meal can last for many hours. The transition from starters to the main course is not always obvious, but typical main course dishes are skewers of succulent lab or chicken, accompanied by tasty rice dishes. Desserts are extremely sweet and the perfect complement to the strongly savoury aspect of Turkish food. The wide range of sweet dishes available is a good complement to the equally extensive range of mezes. Visitors to Turkey are often surprised by an unusual Turkish custom. When you eat out, it is not unusual to change restaurants at the dessert stage! Explaining the menu Before you read
A Are you ready to order? B Yes. Er… what’s butternut squash? A It’s a kind of vegetable. It’s a bit like courgette. It tastes quite sweet. C OK…and what is the tagliatelle alla cacciatora? Does it have any meat in? A Yes, it’s pasta with a sauce made with tomatoes, white wine, and pancetta. It’s delicious. C Pancetta? What’s that? A It’s kind of meat from Italy. It’s like ham. C OK. I’ll start with the Caesar salad, then the salmon steak. B And I’ll have the soup and the butternut squash risotto. A OK. Caesar salad and soup, then one salmon and one risotto. Would you like vegetables or salad? B I’d like a green salad. C Yes, me too. A So two green salads. And to drink? C Some wine…? A The house white is very good. C Fine. Can we have a bottle of the house white, please? And some sparkling water.
It’s a kind of… It’s made with… It’s a bit like… Writing Write a short dialogue between a customer and a waiter, asking and answering about the dishes you discussed in previous exercise. PROJECT WORK Work in pairs. Use magazines or the Internet to find reviews of restaurants, in English. Choose your favourite good review and your favourite bad review. Report back to the class on what you found, and what the reviews say. СПОСОБЫ ВЫРАЖЕНИЯ БУДУЩЕГО ВРЕМЕНИ Future Simple Действие произойдет в какой-то момент времени в будущем. Обстоятельства времени: tomorrow, tonight, the day after tomorrow, two days later, next week, soon, in a year, in summer, in 2010.
Future Simple также используется:
Future Continuous Действие будет проходить в точное время в будущем. Обстоятельства времени: at 5 o’clock, from 5 to 6 o’clock, at midnight, at that moment, this time next week, the whole day, while, when he returns.
Future Perfect Действие завершится до определенного момента времени в будущем. Обстоятельства времени: by 5 o’clock, when, before, after.
Future Perfect Continuous Действие начнется до определенного момента в будущем и будет длиться в течение определенного периода времени. Обстоятельства времени: for 2 hours, all day long, during.
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