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PARLIAMENTARY ELECTORAL SYSTEMElections to the House of Commons, known as parliamentary elections, form the basis of Britain’s democratic system. Unlike heads of government in some countries, the Prime Minister is not directly elected by voters, although he or she is an elected Member of Parliament - an MP. Instead, the Prime Minister depends on the support of a majority of his or her fellow elected representatives in the House of Commons. These MPs back the Government because they are members of the party which the Prime Minister leads, although on some occasions governments have been made up of coalitions of more than one party. General elections, for all seats in the House of Commons, take place at least every five years. In practice, elections are usually held before the end of the five-year term. In exceptional circumstances, such as during the two world wars (1914-18 and 1939-45), the life of a Parliament has been extended beyond the five-year term. The decision on when to hold a general election is made by the Prime Minister. The procedure involves the Queen, acting on the Prime Minister’s advice, dissolving Parliament and calling a new Parliament. Formal Writs of Election are normally issued on the same day. The Prime Minister usually announces the dissolution of Parliament and explains the reasons for holding the election. Voting takes place within 17 days of the dissolution, not including Saturdays and Sundays and public holidays; therefore election campaigns last for three to four weeks. For electoral purposes Britain is divided into 659 constituencies, each of which returns one member to the House of Commons. To ensure that the number of electors in each constituency is kept roughly equivalent, the permanent Parliamentary Boundary Commissions review the constituencies periodically. Elections are by secret ballot. Safe and Marginal ConstituenciesMost of Britain’s 659 constituencies are what are called ‘safe seats’. This means that one or other of the main parties has traditionally enjoyed overwhelming support in elections for the seat concerned. As a result, an MP seeking re-election for a safe seat or a candidate from the same party seeking election there could expect to be returned for that constituency in future elections. Such safe seats are lost only if there is a major decline in the popularity of the party concerned, as sometimes occurs at by-elections. At present many rural constituencies are ‘safe’ Conservative seats and, while both the major parties are well represented in towns and cities, most ‘safe’ Labour seats are in urban areas. The outcome of a general election tends to be decided by the results in marginal constituencies. These are seats where, at the previous election, none of the parties had a large majority. Thus, if there were a small fall in the relative popularity of the party holding the seat, a candidate from a rival party would be elected. All the main parties target particular marginal constituencies and focus their campaigns on winning such seats. Such constituencies are more likely to receive visits by senior politicians and well-known personalities. Parliamentary by-electionsBy-elections take place when parliamentary seats fall vacant between general elections, following the death or resignation of an MP, or his or her elevation to the House of Lords. The timing of the by-election is normally decided by the party to which the former MP belonged. By-elections generally take place within three to four months of the vacancy arising. Voters British citizens together with citizens of other Commonwealth countries and citizens of the Irish Republic resident in Britain, may vote provided they are aged 18 or over, included in the annual register of electors for the constituency and not subject to any disqualification. People not entitled to vote include Members of the House of Lords, patients detained under mental health legislation, sentenced prisoners and people convicted within the previous five years of corrupt and illegal election practices. Candidates British citizens and citizens of other Commonwealth countries, together with citizens of the Irish Republic, may stand for election as MPs provided they are aged 21 or over and are not disqualified. Those disqualified include undischarged bankrupts; people sentenced to more than one year’s imprisonment; clergy of the Church of England, Church of Scotland, Church of Ireland and Roman Catholic Church; and peers. A candidate’s nomination for election must be proposed and seconded by two electors registered as voters in the constituency and signed by eight other electors. Candidates do not have to have party backing. Candidates do not have to live in the constituencies for which they stand. A candidate must also deposit £500, which is returned if he or she receives 5 per cent or more of the votes cast. The maximum sum a candidate may spend on a general election campaign is £4,330 plus 3.7 pence for each elector in a borough constituency or 4.9 pence for each elector in a county constituency. All election expenses, apart from the candidate’s personal expenses, are subject to the statutory limit. Canvassing Canvassing involves local party workers visiting the homes of voters and asking them whether they intend to vote for their party’s candidate. During the campaign canvassing can provide candidates and their helpers with an indication of people’s voting intentions and their attitude to particular issues. This enables them to adapt their campaign tactics. Manifestos All Britain’s main political parties publish manifestos during general election campaigns. Such publications are the result of a considerable amount of work by senior party members in the period before elections are announced, and are intended to tell the electorate what the party would do if it formed the next government; they therefore cover party policy on a range of matters. Manifestos are usually launched by each of the parties at press conferences in the first week or so of the campaign. They have titles which are in the form of slogans, designed to sum up the parties’ message. Manifestos normally open with forewords by the respective party leaders. They cover party policies in varying degrees of detail, but may also set out the parties’ past achievements and attack the policies of their opponents. Exercise 1. Answer the following questions:
Exercise 2. Give an outline of the text in Russian. Exercise 3. Study the translation prompts and the grammar and lexical comments to Units I - II and translate the following sentences into Russian:
Exercise 4. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following words and phrases: коллеги-парламентарии; поддерживать правительство; проводить всеобщие выборы; публиковать официальный Королевский указ; предвыборная кампания; “надежный” (“ненадежный”) избирательный округ; пользоваться поддержкой большинства (избирателей, населения); иметь право голоса; духовенство. Exercise 5. Suggest Russian equivalents for the following words and phrases: to hold the seat; a rival party; senior politicians; to fall vacant; resident in Britain; the timing of the by-election; detained patients; sentenced prisoners; to propose and second a candidate’s nomination; particular issues; to adapt campaign tactics; foreword. Exercise 6. Translate into English: В целях проведения выборов Великобритания разделена на избирательные округа, от каждого из которых избирается один кандидат в Палату общин. Постоянная парламентская комиссия периодически пересматривает границы округов, чтобы сохранить их примерно одинаковыми. Выборы проводятся на основе тайного голосования. Кандидаты: Предложение о выдвижении кандидата на выборы должно получить поддержку двух избирателей, зарегистрированных в списке избирателей данного округа, кроме того, его должны подписать еще восемь избирателей. Кандидат вносит 500 фунтов стерлингов, которые получает обратно в случае, если за него (нее) будет подано 5% и более голосов. |
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