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THE POWERS OF PARLIAMENTThe three elements which make up Parliament - the Queen, the House of Lords and the elected House of Commons - are constituted on different principles. They meet together only on occasions of symbolic significance such as the state opening of Parliament, when the Commons are summoned by the Queen to the House of Lords. The agreement of all three is required for legislation, but that of the Queen, is given as a matter of course to Bills sent to her. As there are no legal restraints imposed by a written constitution, Parliament may, in theory, legislate as it pleases. It can make or change any law; and can overturn established conventions or turn them into law. It can even prolong its own life beyond the normal period without consulting the electorate. In practice, however, Parliament does not assert its supremacy in this way. Its members bear in mind the common law and normally act in accordance with precedent . The validity of an Act of Parliament, once passed, cannot be disputed in the law courts. The House of Commons is directly responsible to the electorate, and in this century the House of Lords has recognised the supremacy of the elected chamber. THE FUNCTIONS OF PARLIAMENTThe main functions of Parliament are:
In carrying out these functions Parliament helps to bring the relevant facts and issues before the electorate. By custom, Parliament is also informed before all important international treaties and agreements are ratified. The making of treaties is, however, a royal prerogative exercised on the advice of the Government and is not subject to parliamentary approval. THE MEETINGS OF PARLIAMENT A Parliament has a maximum duration of five years, but in practice general elections are usually held before the end of this term. The maximum life has been prolonged by legislation in rare circumstances such as the two world wars. Parliament is dissolved and writs for a general elections are ordered by the Queen on the advice of the Prime Minister. The life of a Parliament is divided into sessions. Each usually lasts for one year - normally beginning and ending in October or November. The periods when Parliament is not sitting are popularly known as ‘recesses’, although the correct term is ‘adjournment’. There are adjournments at night, at weekends, at Christmas, Easter and the late Spring Bank Holiday, and a long summer break starting in late July or early August, although Parliament can be recalled at any time to discuss urgent and important matters. The average number of “sitting” days in a session is about 168 in the House of Commons and about 150 in the House of Lords. At the start of each session the Queen’s speech to Parliament outlines the Government’s policies and proposed legislative programme. Each session is ended by prorogation. Parliament then “stands prorogued” for about a week until the new session opens. Prorogation brings to an end nearly all parliamentary business: in particular, public Bills which have not been passed by the end of the session are lost. Exercise I. Answer the following questions: 1. What were the functions of the Great Council? 2. What is the origin of the word Parliament? 3. What is the origin of the phrase "the House of Commons"? 4. Where does the Queen make her speech at the beginning of a parliamentary session? 5. Does Parliament ratify international treaties? 6. How many elements does Parliament consist of? 7. Can a court repeal an Act of Parliament? 8. What is the duration of a Parliament? How often are general elections held? When was the last election? Exercise 2. Summarise the text in Russian. Exercise 3. Study the translation prompts and the grammar and lexical comments to Units I - III and translate the following sentences into Russian: 1. To assist the King in running the Government and in formulating policies, two main agencies were developed – the Magnum Concilium, or Great Council, and the Curia Regis, or King’s Court. 2. If extra resources were needed for some emergency, such as an expensive war, the Sovereign would seek to persuade his barons, in the Great Council, to grant an aid. 3. In this way the Great Council came to include those who were summoned by name and those who were representatives of communities. 4. The validity of an Act of Parliament, once passed, cannot be disputed in the law courts. 5. The making of treaties is, however, a royal prerogative exercised on the advice of the Government and is not subject to parliamentary approval. 6. Public Bills which have not been passed by the end of the session are lost. Exercise 4. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following words and phrases: руководить деятельностью правительства; вырабатывать курс действий; по требованию (предписанию) короля/королевы; оплачивать расходы; оказывать помощь; отменить существующие традиции; признавать верховенство (Палаты общин); принимать законы; выполнять функции; не подлежать одобрению Парламентом; перерыв (в работе Парламента); предлагаемая программа законодательных мер. Exercise 5. Suggest Russian equivalents for the following words and phrases: to review the work of administration; to make/amend laws; to meet royal expenses out of their revenue; emergency; extraordinary taxation; occasions of symbolic significance; to impose legal restraints; to assert its supremacy; to vote taxation; meeting of Parliament; sitting days. Exercise 6. Translate into English: В состав британского парламента входят королева, Палата лордов и выборная Палата общин. В основе деятельности этих трех составляющих лежат совершенно разные принципы. Они собираются вместе только при определенных обстоятельствах, имеющих символическое значение, таких как открытие сессии парламента, когда королева приглашает членов Палаты общин в Палату лордов. Законодательная деятельность требует, как правило, достижения договоренности между всеми тремя составляющими, однако королева дает свое согласие автоматически по мере поступления законов на ее рассмотрение. Ввиду отсутствия каких-либо законных ограничений, налагаемых писанной конституцией, парламент может законодательствовать по своему усмотрению, соблюдая обязательства Великобритании как члена Европейского Союза. Он может издать или изменить любой закон, отменить любые конституционные обычаи или возвести их в закон. Он даже имеет право продлить свое существование сверх установленного срока, не советуясь с электоратом. Правда, для этого потребуется согласие обеих палат. |
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