Урок 4 Тема. Чёрные и цветные сплавы

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Упр. 6. Найдите в тексте понятия, выраженные следующими словосочетаниями:
to take place before something;

arc welding with flux application;

gases protecting metals against oxidation;

electrodes which are fused while welding;

a metal added in arс welding;

a stream of an ionized gas;

a process of coating worn out parts with very hard ma­terials;

in future;

the ability of metals to form sound welds;

the process which is used to improve the mechanical properties and the structure of steels;

to improve the structure of the metal.
Упр. 7. Переведите следующие словосочетания:

  1. preparatory steps

preparatory works

preparatory measures

  1. to precede welding

to precede heat treatment

to precede hardfacing

  1. a joint design

a welding torch design

a welding unit design

  1. sulphur content

alloying elements content

impurities content

  1. manual welding

manual labour

manual machine-tool

  1. to determine the flux composition

to determine the weld quality

to determine the presence of impurities
Упр. 8. Сверяясь с текстом, подберите нужное значение для выделенных слов в данных словосочетаниях и переведите их:

  1. by means of different techniques – техника, способ, методика, метод, технический приём;

  2. to avoid failures – неуспех, неудача, авария, повреждение, провал, недостаток;

  3. a film of oxides – оболочка, фотоплёнка, плёнка, лёгкий слой чего-либо;

  4. oil does not dissolve in water – таять, испаряться, растворяться, разжижать;

  5. a sound weld – здоровый, правильный, глубокий, тщательный, крепкий, доброкачественный, неповреждённый.

Упр. 9. Прочитайте группы однокоренных слов; обратите внимание на способы словообразования; переведите их на русский язык:
prepare – preparation – preparatory;

precede – precedent – preceding;

actual – actually;

success – successful;

choose – choice;

inspect – inspector – inspection;

oxide – oxidize – oxidation;

consume – consumption – consumable – nonconsumable;

shield – shielding;

separate – separation – separately;

significant – signification;

ion – ionic – ionize – ionization – ionized;

dense – density;

tough – toughness;

penetrate – penetration – penetrating;

brittle – brittleness,

melt – molten.
Упр. 10. Переведите на русский язык.

  1. The results of the study of plasma-arc processes are of practical interest as they increase the ability to produce metallurgically sound, deep penetrating welds with minimum energy.

  2. The ductility of the weld fusion zone as shown by the mechanical property tests changes greatly therefore heat treatment is required after welding.

  3. This paper deals with the process known as consumable electrode spot welding. Gas shielding is provided by either a mixture of argon and oxygen, argon and carbon dioxide, or bу carbon dioxide alone. The consumable electrode spot welding, of course, is a completely different spot-welding process and is not to be confused (путать) with resistance-type spot welding as commonly known. The consumable electrode spot welding process is now being utilized in the automobile industry with considerable success.

The studies showed that the material savings when using this welding process are relatively small and that the big savings are in time and labour. In one plant, twelve consumable spot welding operators are reported to bе producing the same number of operations formely produced by twenty one operators using oxy-acetylene and covered electrode welding (сварка покрытым электродом). Consumable electrode spot welding is being used to weld medium-carbon steels, as well as stainless steels and aluminium alloys.

  1. As oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen of the air deteriorate the quality of titanium welding, it must be welded in inert gas shielding.

  2. Electron beam (EB) welding requires highly sophisticated (сложный, современный) expensive equipment. Most welding is done in vacuum. EB welding produces good-quality welds which are characterized by narrow weld zones and good penetration. It is useful for complex hard-to-reach welds.

  3. For welding zirconium standard welding equipment is generally used. Tungsten electrode inert gas (TIG) shielded arc welding technique is the most widely used. If filler metal is used, it must be zirconium or one of its alloys. One must know that zirconium should not be welded to other metals, except possibly titanium.

Упр. 11. Переведите следующие предложения:

  1. Качество шва, получаемого при помощи сварки давлением, зависит в значительной степени от приложенного давления и температуры, до которой металлы нагревают в момент сварки.

  2. Повышенное содержание углерода, фосфора и серы в сталях ухудшает качество сварного шва, который становится очень хрупким.

  3. Чтобы избежать окисления сварного шва, в сварочной технологии применяют флюсы – порошки, которые впервые были введены русским учёным Н.Г. Славяновым ещё в 90-х годах 19-го столетия.

  4. Сварка является одним из основных технологических процессов в машиностроении и строительстве. Её применение позволило создать совершенно новые конструкции машин и значительно изменить технологию производства.

  5. По уровню сварочного производства Россия занимает веду­щее место среди промышленных стран мира.

  6. В настоящее время быстро внедряются новые виды сварки – лазерная, электронно-лучевая, ионная, световая, диффузионная, ультразвуковая, электромагнитная и другие; существенно расширились возможности дуговой и контактной сварки.

  7. В области сварочного производства проблема повышения производительности труда решается путём автоматизации сварочных процессов, то есть путём замены ручного труда сварщика (operator, welder) авто­матизированными установками, а также путём механизации подгото­вительных, сварочных и контролирующих операций.

Упр. 12. Определите, какой частью речи являются подчёркнутые слова. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

  1. What is the cause of weld joints failures?

  1. As is known oxygen and hydrogen can cause corrosion destruction of metals.

  2. Present time is characterized by a high rate of mechanization and automation of all engineering processes.

  3. Our Earth though studied thoroughly presents a great amount of unsolved problems.

  4. Carbon which is present in steels in different amounts has a great influence on their both mechanical and metallurgical properties.

  5. A face shield protects a welder against sparks (искры) and splashes (брызги).

  1. Inert gases shield metals which are easily oxydized.

  1. A new automatic welder (unit) for resistance welding was at the focus of all experts at the international exhibition.

  1. One must focus his attention while welding.

  1. Light plays a great role in the life of mankind.

  2. Repair jobs of offshore platforms and pipelines are often done underwater, the place to be welded being well lighted.

  3. In electron beam and laser beam welding the beam of electrons or light are of high penetration ability so a small area can be subjected to heating while using these welding processes.

  4. The subject of the diploma papers of most our students is connected with different types of welding.

Упр. 13. Ответьте на следующие вопросы, опираясь на текст “Welding”

(Part II)

  1. What preparatory steps precede actual welding?

  2. What is one of the main conditions for obtaining high-quality welds?

  3. What measures are used to avoid oxidation of the weld?

  4. Who is the inventor of submerged arc welding with consumable electrodes?

  5. In what processes are shielding gases used?

  6. What is plasma welding? (its advantages)

  7. What are electron beam and laser beam processes?

  8. What does good weldability of metals depend on?

  9. What elements can deteriorate the quality of the weld?

  10. What is the purpose of heat treatment?

  11. What techniques are used in heat treatment?

  12. What are the types of heat treatment?

  13. What ways of welds inspection can you call?

  14. What new welding processes do you know?

Упр. 14. Сделайте грамматический анализ следующих предложений и переведите их.

  1. Resistance welding processes form a group which embraces many types of
    welding, the selection of which depends upon the kind and size of materials to be
    welded and upon the equipment which will be used.

  2. The P-scan systems use computer-controlled ultrasonic equipment that records
    echosignals from the interior of the welded joint on the magnetic tape.

  3. Titanium aerospace requirements in about 1950 speeded the development of the metal as a structural metal, besides, the lowering of cost, the availability of product forms and new corrosion resistant alloys, coupled with the development of fabrication techniques has resulted in a rapidly expanding industrial market for titanium.

  4. The titanium industrial utilization results mainly from the excellent corrosion resistance this metal offers.

  5. What the engineers are intrested to know is at what pressure the given section of
    the pipeline can operate.

  6. The first problem the drillers considered was how high a temperature could be
    reached in drilling with a turbodrill.

  7. A direct energy converter powers a radio transmitter that automatically sends out
    temperature readings every six hours.

  8. Two metals, if they melt together form a homogeneous liquid.

  9. That water boils when it is sufficiently heated is well known to everybody.

  10. The discovery of the radiation radioactive substances emit was of the greatest
    importance for research work in the field of the structure of the atom.

  11. Alloy properties are always quite different from those of the elements it consists

  12. A new method of hot water pipes protection that ensures the life of hot water
    pipes was developed at the Tver Region Heat Supply Association.

  13. When any building is to be constructed the cheapest material which will give
    good results should be chosen.

  14. For many years stainless steel was the only material available to provide any degree of corrosion resistance attack.

  15. Inconel alloy 600 is a nickel-base alloy, with about 16% chromium and 7% iron used primarily to resist corrosive atmospheres at elevated temperatures.

  16. The main factor that causes and accelerates pitting corrosion is electrical contact between dissimilar materials.

  17. The lager the anodic area is in relation to the cathode, the faster is the rate of corrosion.

  18. Titanium is a light metal, with density slightly being over half that of iron or copper-base alloys.

  19. Corrosion costs the chemical and refining industries billions of dollars annually.

  20. For many years stainless steel proved to be the only material available to provide any degree of resistance to corrosive attack.

  21. Being practically inert to attack by most acids, tantalum is used in the laboratory and in the chemical and medical industries.

  22. Underwater welding has been employed for over forty years as a significant technique for installation, modification and repair of offshore pipelines and structures, shielded metal arc welding being the most widely used of all underwater welding processes.

  23. The major problem common to all ceramic to metal joining is the much greater thermal expansion coefficient of metals.

  24. Welding robots are likely to find increasing applications in those cases where they can replace costly or non-qualified labour.

Упр. 15. Прочитайте текст “The Modern Technology of Resistance Welding”. Выполните упр. 15,16, 17.

The Modern Technology of Resistance Welding
mode [moud] n – режим

in the field – в полевых условиях

to align [q'laIn] v – центрировать

edge [eG] n – кромка
The Paton Institute of Electric Welding is well known all over the world for its advanced welding technologies. One of its inno­vations of the late 50's was continuous butt resistance welding.

The first welding unit was designed for welding rails on rail­roads. Unlike the conventional butt-welding processes in which the rails to be joined are pressed together and heated by a strong current of low voltage, in the new method the parts are brought into contact very slowly, a great number of electric arcs being generated between their surfaces. These arcs ensure an intensive and continuous fusing of these surfaces. Only after that external pressure is applied which ensures a sound weld.

This technique guarantees a stable heating along the entire cross section and can be easily automated. Later programmed control introduced in the unit makes it possible to maintain an almost ideal welding mode of heating and fusion. That helped reduce twice the energy consumption, increase the rate of welding considerably and increase the quality of the weld.

In addition, the welding unit weighs about one-tenth of the old one. It is a great advantage as the old machine could be employed only at industrial plants. The new machine can conduct welding in the field, right on the railroad.

The new method was acknowledged worldwide. Licenses of rail-welding machines have been bought by the USA, Australia, Austria, Brazil and other countries.

The method of continuous butt welding has been improved and was applied in welding large diameter pipelines. A machine developed for this purpose is called "Sever". The machine is fully automated. It moves inside the pipe, aligns the sections, heats the edges of the pipe and as soon as the required temperature is reached and the pipe edges are fused, it presses them together to complete the joint. It takes 3-4 minutes to complete a weld 4.5 meters long. Before this work was done manually by arc welding for an hour.

The advantages of continuous butt welding in welding pipes are obvious. It saves energy, saves tonnes of high-quality electrodes, makes the weld quality independent of the operator's skill and the weather. Many countries including the USA have bought licenses of the "Sever".
Упр. 16. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:
в отличие от обычной стыковой сварки; эти дуги обеспечивают непре­рывное расплавление поверхностей; стабильное нагревание; поддержи­вать идеальный режим сварки; сократить потребление энергии в 2 раза; огромное преимущество; новый метод был признан; преимущества оче­видны; мастерство сварщика; независимый от погоды.
Упр. 17. Выразите несогласие со следующими высказываниями. Подтвердите свою точку зрения фактами из текста (упр. 14), используя предлагаемые разговорные формулы:
I can't agree with you; you are not right; on the contrary; in my opinion; on the one hand; on the other hand; according to the text.

  1. Continuous butt resistance welding has been known since the beginning of the 20th century.

  2. Conventional butt welding is as effective as continuous butt resistance welding.

  3. Conventional butt welding machines were used both at the plants and in the fields.

  4. The “Sever” is a fully automated machine which moves outside the pipe.

  5. The workers align the pipe, after that the “Sever” begins to weld it.

  6. When the “Sever” is used the operator's skill plays a great role in the quality of the weld.

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