Урок 4 Тема. Чёрные и цветные сплавы

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Тема. Сварка.

Грамматика. Инфинитив в функции определения (повторение).

Герундий в функции обстоятельств (повторение).
Упр. 1. Переведите следующие словосочетания на русский язык:

the leading research institution

welding technologies

fundamental research

the study and practical development of welding

the latest achievements

solid state physics

by putting into contact

frameworks of industrial buildings

mixtures of different gases

the state of a metal

a concentrated source of heat

a carbon electrode

an inert gas medium

external pressure

Упр. 2. Переведите следующие словосочетания, обращая внимание на инфинитив в функции определения:
The process to be used was developed …

Процесс, который следует (нужно) использовать, был разработан … (Процесс, который будет использован …)

  1. The most important properties to be taken into account are …

  2. The methods to be used to avoid galvanic action will be discussed …

  3. The metals to be chosen should possess …

  4. The metals to be welded were cleaned …

  5. The welding methods to be discussed here were developed …

  6. The metal to be heated has the melting point …

  7. The parts to be joined were heated …

  8. Cathodic protection to be applied was introduced …

  9. Offshore structures to be protected against corrosion are …

  10. Scavengers to be added into the mud were examined …

Упр. 3. Переведите следующие предложения:

  1. The material to be used for pipes manufacture is carbon steel.

  2. The losses to be expected from corrosion are too great.

  3. The pipeline to be constructed in several years will transport Russian oil to Bulgaria and Greece.

  4. The problem of corrosion to be considered in designing metallic structures requires special attention.

  5. Proper materials to be selected for the given equipment will reduce corrosion destruction.

  6. Inhibitors to be added into aggressive media slow down corrosion processes.

  7. Electroplating to be used will protect carbon steels against corrosion.

  8. The buried pipeline to be protected with the cathodic method will have a much longer service life.

Упр. 4. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на герундий в функции обстоятельства с предлогами:

before – до, перед

by (by means of) – путём, при помощи

in – при, во время

on (upon) – по, после, при

instead of – вместо

in spite of – несмотря на

  1. Before welding two pieces of metals together, they must be properly cleaned.

  2. Corrosion of metals is reduced by applying metallic protective coatings or coatings of paints or lacquers.

  3. In drilling deep gas wells special attention must be paid to sulphur content which causes severe corrosion of the drill-string.

  4. On solving the problems of corrosion scientists will find a way of saving metals and alloys.

  5. In launching spaceships and rockets scientists have learned much about the origin of the Earth.

  6. In considering the chemical properties of metals the first thing that must be noted is that they vary widely in degree of chemical activity.

  7. Instead of manufacturing stainless steel medical instruments in some cases engineers turned their attention to manufacturing titanium instruments as titanium resistance to corrosion is much greater than that of stainless steels.

  8. In spite of setting up a comprehensive anti-corrosion programme in many industrialized countries thousands of tonnes of metals and alloys are lost because of corrosion.

  9. By means of applying coatings metals and alloys are provided with not only protective measures but decorative ones as well.

  10. Titanium and its alloys are relatively free of failures due to possessing high resistance to stress corrosion cracking.

Упр. 5. Слова к тексту “Welding” (Part I).

1. turn [tWn] (into) n

превратиться (в)

Frost turns water into ice.

2. widespread ['waIdspred] adv

(широко) распространённый

The storm caused widespread damage.

3. detach [dI'txtS] v

разъединять, отделять

The bit is detached from the drill string when it is necessary to replace it.

4. non-detachable ["nOndI'txtSqbl] a


Besides welding there are other techniques of non-detachable joining – brazing and soldering.

5. conduct [kOn'dAkt] v


Copper conducts electricity better than some other metals.

6. account [q'kaunt] v (for)

отвечать, нести ответственность

Since 1991 Western European oil pipeline spills on land caused by corrosion have accounted for 13% of all spill volumes.

7. art [Rt] n

1. искусство; 2. мастерство

1. The art of the Renaissance attracts everybody with its beauty.

2. Public speaking is an art.

8. skill [skIl] n


Many jobs today require computer skills.

9. evidence ['evIdqns] n

доказательство, свидетельство

The scientists must produce evidence in support of their theories.

10. craftsman ['krRftsmqn] n


A craftsman is a workman possessing a great skill in treating wood, metal or stone with his hands.

11. jewellery ['GHqlrI] n

ювелирные изделия, драгоценности

Pieces of jewellery – rings, necklaces – have been made by craftsmen since ancient times.

12. entirely [In'taIqlI] adv

совершенно, полностью

Tsiolkovsky’s life was entirely given up to his researches.

13. advance [qd'vRns] a

прогресс, успех, улучшение

Science has made great advances during the last fifty years.

14. acknowledge [qk'nOlIG] v

1. признавать 2. выражать признательность

1. The Olympic Games are acknowledged as events of international importance.

2. The authors of the article have acknowledged the famous scientist for his assistance.

15. former ['fLmq] a


My former students occupy high positions.

16. breakthrough ['breIkTrH] n

достижение, прорыв, скачок, победа

Plastic materials have found special uses in different branches of industry as they possess chemical inertness and high strength. One of them – urethanes – provided a complete breakthrough in the insulation area.

17. thorough ['TArq] a

тщательный, внимательный

Thorough instructions were given to the workers before starting the job.

18. cybernetics ["saIbq'netiks] n


The scientific study of the way in which information is moved and controlled in machines, the brain and the nervous system is called cybernetics.

19. weld n

сварной шов

Common problems in welding zirconium are weld contamination with air and the inability to weld zirconium to other metals.

20. fusion ['fjHZn] n

плавка, расплавление

The fusion of copper and tin gives bronze.

21. molten ['moult(q)n] a


When a volcano erupts it sends smoke, fire, rock into the sky and the molten lava flows downwards.

22. do v (without)

обходиться без …

People and animals cannot do without air.

23. civil ['sIvIl] a


Civil engineering is a branch of industry connected with designing and building roads, railways, canals, docks etc.

24. device [dI'vaIs] n


The company makes devices to detect emissions of sulphur, carbon dioxide, phosphorus into the air.

25. employ [Imp'lOI] v


Zinc coatings are employed to protect the underlying steel against corrosion.

26. fusion welding n

сварка плавлением

Fusion welding processes, among which electric arc welding is the most common, are widely used in the petrochemical industry.

27. filler ['fIlq] metal n

присадочный металл

If filler wire is used in welding zirconium it must be cleaned as thoroughly as the weld joints.

28. arc [Rk] n


An arc is a flash of light formed by the flow of electricity between two points.

29. workpiece ['wWkpJs] n

обрабатываемое изделие

Clean workpieces will help minimize contamination problems in welding.

30. sound [saund] a


Sound welds are obtained when all preparatory steps are carried out.

31. flux [flAks] n


Incomplete removal of fluxes after welding with the processes using them may also cause corrosion.

32. exclude [Iksk'lHd] v


Some of the data was specifically excluded from the report.

33. slightly ['slaItlI] adv


The strength of products made from urethane rubber is far above than that of conventional elastomers and only slightly below than that of structural plastics.

34. at least

по крайней мере

You can at least try to take exams.

35. as far back as

as early as

ещё в …

The plastics industry began as far back as (as early as) 1868, but only in the early 1950s it focused on the corrosion battle on a large scale.

36. from the standpoint

с точки зрения

From the standpoint of modern scientists oil is of organic origin.

37. it goes without saying

само собой разумеется

It goes without saying that country life is healthier than town life.

38. hardly can any branch of industry

(do) …

едва ли какая-нибудь отрасль промышленности…

Hardly can any branch of industry avoid failures.

39. since then

с тех пор

He left home in 1990 and has not been heard of since then.

forge welding

кузнечная сварка

resistance welding

сварка сопротивлением

spot welding

точечная сварка

seam welding

шовная сварка

butt welding

стыковая сварка

GNPGross National Product

валовой национальный продукт

Прочитайте текст “Welding”(Part I). Выполните следующие задания:

  1. Скажите, от чего зависит выбор метода сварки.

  2. Найдите в тексте случаи употребления инфинитива в функции определения.

Welding (Part I)
Welding has long turned into one of the most widespread techniques of non-detachable joining of metallic and nonmetallic materials. Nowadays this technology include over one hundred different processes which can be conducted in ordinary conditions here on earth, under water and up in space. Directly or indirectly welding accounts for the production of over a half of the GNP in industrialized countries.

Welding can be considered either an ancient art or a modern skill. There is a good evidence that craftsmen welded gold and brass to make jewellery at least as far back as the year 2,000 BC, and that iron was welded as early as 1,000 BC. From the industrial standpoint, welding is almost entirely a 20-th century advance.

The pioneering work by Soviet scientists in the study and practical development of welding technologies has been acknowledged throughout the world. The Institute of Electric Welding founded by Academical Ye. Paton and named after him was the leading research institution in the former USSR.

It goes without saying that a major breakthrough in metal welding technologies would have been impossible without a thorough fundamental research, without the use of the latest achievements in solid state physics, physical chemistry, plasma physics, cybernetics, nuclear physics and other basic sciences.

Generally we think of welding as a process of joining together metallic parts by putting them into contact and heating the places of contact to the state of fusion or plasticity. However, a weld can be made without heat – applying high pressure.

Welding finds a widespread application in almost all branches of industry. Hardly can any branch of industry do without welding. Frameworks of industrial and civil buildings, bridges, piling of offshore platforms, pipelines, supports of transmission lines, radio and electronic devices, medical instruments are made with the help of welding.

Welding processes may be classified according to the source of energy employed for heating metals and the state of the metal at the place being welded. The sources of energy mainly applied for welding are electricity and mixtures of different gases.

According to the state of the metal at the place being welded welding processes are classified into fusion and pressure welding processes.

In fusion welding the welding area is heated by a concentrated source of heat to a molten state and a filler metal must be added to the weld. The most widely used fusion welding process is electric arc welding. The inventor of this method was a Russian scientist Nikolai Benardos, who in 1886 used electricity from batteries to provide current for an arc between a carbon electrode and a workpiece. Later carbon electrodes were replaced with metal ones. Different electric arc processes have been developed since then. To provide a sound weld the metals to be welded are sometimes placed in an inert gas medium (argon, for example) or are welded under a layer of flux which excludes oxygen in the welding zone and improves the quality of the weld.

In pressure welding processes the metal parts to be welded are heated to a plastic or slightly fused state, after that external pressure is applied. The oldest pressure welding process is forge welding. Now a very popular process is resistance welding which includes spot welding, seam welding and butt welding.
Упр. 6. При помощи суффикса - ly образуйте наречия от следующих прилагательных. Переведите на русский язык:
direct, indirect, main, general, rapid, severe, strong, slight, possible, complete, common, thorough.
Упр. 7. Переведите группы однокоренных слов, обратите внимание на способы словообразования:
industry – industrial – industrialized,

to detach – detachable – non-detachable,

evident – evidence,

to acknowledge – acknowledgement,

to lead – leader – leading,

to achieve – achievement,

apply – application,

transmit – transmission,

to mix – mixer – mixture,

to fuse – fusion,

to melt – molten,

to invent – invention – inventor,

plastic – plasticity.
Упр. 8. Найдите в тексте слова и словосочетания близкие по значению выделенным словам и словосочетаниям:
more than one hundred different processes;

in common conditions;


all over the world;

careful research;

the process of connecting together …;

by bringing them into contact;

electronic instruments;

to apply;

the welding zone;

from the point of view.
Упр. 9. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующих выражений:
один из самых распространённых методов;

неразъёмное соединение;

свыше ста различных процессов;

хорошее свидетельство, доказательство;

с точки зрения развития промышленности;

успех 20-го века;

работа первооткрывателей, первопроходцев;

главная победа, достижение;

тщательные фундаментальные исследования;

опоры линий электропередач;

расплавленный металл;

чтобы обеспечить доброкачественный сварной шов;

под слоем флюса.
Упр. 10. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя слова и выражения из текста:

  1. Сегодня Норильск превратился в крупный промышленный город.

  2. В промышленных странах из-за коррозии теряется 1/3 производимых металлов (коррозия отвечает за …)

  3. Инженеры-конструкторы несут ответственность за аварии проектируемых сооружений.

  4. Существует доказательство, что люди умели плавить металлы ещё во 2 веке до н.э.

  5. Существует доказательство, что древние римляне использовали свинец для изготовления водопроводных труб.

  6. Существует доказательство, что в Индии применяли железо раньше, чем бронзу – ещё в 5 веке до н.э.

  7. По крайней мере, три металла были известны первобытному человеку – золото, серебро и медь.

  8. Морская вода содержит по крайней мере 3,5% различных солей.

  9. Промышленность и транспорт не могут обойтись без нефти и газа.

  10. Современный человек не может обойтись без электричества.

  11. Достижения СССР и России в области сварки признаны во всём мире.

  12. Николай Бернардос признан изобретателем дуговой электрической сварки.

  13. Само собой разумеется, что сварка играет важную роль во всех отраслях промышленности.

  14. Само собой разумеется, что проблема коррозии является одной из самых важных проблем промышленности.

  15. Электрошлаковая (electroslag) сварка, изобретённая в СССР, явилась выдающимся достижением при сварке крупных деталей.

  16. Лазер явился значительным достижением науки 20 века.

Упр. 11. Сверяясь с текстом, закончите следующие предложения:

  1. Directly or indirectly welding accounts for …

  2. From the industrial standpoint, welding …

  3. A major breakthrough in metal welding technologies would have been impossible without …

  4. We think of welding as …

  5. Welding processes may be classified …

  6. A filler metal must be added in …

  7. The most widely used fusion welding is …

  8. A very popular pressure welding process is …

Упр. 12. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

  1. It goes without saying that welding will be the most widespread technique of joining together metallic and non-metallic materials.

  2. Nuclear energy is entirely a 20-th century advance.

  3. According to the source of heat required for melting the metals to be joined welding processes can be classified as electrical methods and chemical ones.

  4. At present a great amount of new welding processes are being experimented on and introduced in industry.

  5. Hardly can any modern machine be fabricated without using one of the welding processes.

  6. The pioneering works of scientists from the Paton Institute of Electric Welding has made a breakthrough in welding large diameter pipes especially in severe weather conditions of the North.

  7. In welding aluminium one should remember that as its thermal conductivity is high the workpieces to be welded are heated rapidly through the mass of the metal.

  8. Arc welding processes in which a metal wire serves both as a filler metal and an electrode have found a widespread application.

  9. Molten titanium absorbs oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen from the air, therefore it is welded in a medium of inert gases which protect it against oxidation and permit to obtain sound welds.

Упр. 13. Переведите предложения на английский язык:

  1. При помощи сварки можно соединять не только металлы с металлами, но и металлы со стеклом, пластмассами и другими материалами.

  2. Современные виды сварки применяются как на земле, так и под водой и в космосе.

  3. Сварка – самый распространённый метод соединения металлических конструкций.

  4. Слой флюса защищает металлы от окисления, в результате получается доброкачественный шов.

  5. При сварке сопротивлением детали, которые нужно сварить, подвергают значительному нагреву за короткий промежуток времени, затем применяют давление.

  6. С точки зрения экономики, сварка сопротивлением чрезвычайно экономична и эффективна.

  7. При сооружении трубопроводов произошёл значительный прогресс после того, как был изобретён аппарат «Север» для сварки труб большего диаметра посредством сварки сопротивлением.

  8. Само собой разумеется, что учёные Института электросварки имени академика Е. Патона достигли значительных результатов в области технологии сварки, т.к. они использовали и используют последние достижения в области кибернетики, физики плазмы, физической и ядерной химии и других фундаментальных наук.

  9. Первооткрывателями электрошлаковой сварки были учёные Института электросварки имени академика Е. Патона ещё в 1949 г.

Упр. 14. Ответьте на следующие вопросы, опираясь на текст “Welding”(Part I).

  1. Where can welding be conducted?

  2. What part of the GNP in industrialized countries does welding account for?

  3. For what purpose did ancient craftsmen use welding as far back as 1,000 BC?

  4. What was the leading research institution in the USSR in the field of welding technologies acknowledged throughout the world?

  5. The knowledge of what basic sciences helped the scientists of the Paton Institute achieve outstanding results in their research?

  6. What is welding?

  7. In what branches of industry does welding find a widespread application?

  8. How are welding processes classified?

  9. What is fusion welding?

  10. Who is the inventor of electric arc welding?

  11. What is pressure welding?

Упр. 15. Прочитайте текст “Electroslag Welding”. Выполните упражнения 16,17,18.
Electroslag Welding
heavy duty ['hevI 'djHtI] a – громоздкий

shaft [SRft] n – вал
Electroslag welding was invented and introduced into practice in the USSR in 1949 and found its first industrial application in 1950. In electroslag welding heat is generated by the electrical resistance of a molten slag (flux) to the passage of the welding current. No arc exists after the welding process has begun.

It is electroslag welding that offers a number of important advantages in comparison with other existing methods of electric arc welding of heavy duty and very thick metal pieces.

This method offers a high quality weld due to the protective properties of the slag. The slag prevents the workpieces to be welded to come into contact with the air oxygen. This method doesn’t require preliminary cleaning of the parts to be welded. Besides, the rate of welding has considerably increased – from 3 to 15 times (depending on the metal thickness).

An example of the electroslag application is welding of rotor shafts for electric generators. These shafts weigh 350 tonnes. In Japan in order to manufacture a part like that another shaft, a moulded one, weighing up to 500 tonnes is fabricated. It is a very complicated job. The scientists from the Paton Institute suggested assembling the shaft piece by piece out of several sections. These sections are joined together by means of electroslag welding. This method saves metal and energy, makes the workpieces even stronger and is known to be a labour saving method.

Besides electroslag method is successfully used in metallurgy and in repair jobs.

Упр. 16. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих выражений:
электрошлаковая сварка впервые была введена …; промышленное применение; получать тепло; прохождение сварного тока; важные преимущества; по сравнению с; не требовать предварительной очистки; сложная работа; собирать по частям; ремонтные работы.

Упр. 17. Выразите несогласие со следующими высказываниями. Подтвердите свою точку зрения фактами из текста (упр. 15), используя предлагаемые разговорные формулы:
I can’t agree with you; you are not right; on the contrary; in my opinion; on the one hand; on the other hand; according to the text.

  1. Electroslag welding was invented and pioneered in the 19 th century.

  2. In electroslag welding heat is generated by burning a mixture of gases.

  3. Electroslag welding can’t be used for welding very thick workpieces.

  4. Slag can’t protect the workpieces against oxidation.

  5. Workpieces are cleaned before welding.

  6. The rate of welding is very slow.

  7. In Japan electroslag welding is used for welding rotor shafts for electric generators.

  8. In Japan the shafts like that are welded piece by piece.

  9. Electroslag method has a limited field of application.

Упр. 18. Выполните следующее задание.

  1. Определите основную идею текста.

  2. Разделите текст на смысловые части.

  3. Определите основную мысль каждой части.

  4. Составьте аннотацию текста.

Упр. 19. Переведите текст “Resistance Welding” на русский язык, пользуясь словарём. Выполните следующие за текстом задания.
Resistance Welding
Resistance welding incorporates a group of processes in which the heat for welding is generated by the resistance to the flow of electric current through the parts being joined. It is a common practice to weld two overlapping sheets or plates which may have different thicknesses. A pair of electrodes conducts electrical current through the sheets forming a weld. The two outer surfaces of the sheets are clamped to provide a good electrical contact and pressure for containing the molten metal at the center of the joint. The surfaces must be clean. The current needed for resistance welding may be ten to one hundred times more than that used in arc welding, and the time to make a single weld is usually less than one second.

There are three major resistance welding processes: resistance spot welding, projection welding and resistance seam welding. In spot welding the current is concentrated at the point of joining using cylindrical electrodes which have spherical tips. Spot welds are usually made one at a time. In projection welding a projection or dimple is stamped in one of the sheets prior to welding which concentrates the current conducted by flat electrodes on both sides of the joint. In seam welding leaktight welds can be made by a series of overlapping spot welds. These are produced by introducing pulses of current from rotating wheel electrodes.

Resistance welds are made with either semiautomatic or mechanized machines.

Задание 1.

  1. Определите основную идею текста.

  2. Разделите текст на смысловые части.

  3. Определите основную мысль каждой части.

  4. Составьте аннотацию текста.

Задание 2. Прокомментируйте следующие тезисы, используя выражения из задания 2 стр. 22 (урок 2).

  1. Electric current is the source for generating heat in resistance welding.

  2. The two surfaces to be welded must be in contact.

  3. The current strength for resistance welding must be as high as for arc welding.

  4. In all types of resistance welding cylindrical electrodes are used.

Урок 9
1   2   3   4   5   6   7


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Урок 4 Тема. Чёрные и цветные сплавы icon Урок на тему: «Наша Земля- магнит»
Этот урок урок над темой, урок мировоззренческий, урок философский. Я убеждена в том, что знания о среде своего обитания каждый образованный...
Урок 4 Тема. Чёрные и цветные сплавы icon Урок: 35,36. Класс: 8б дата: Тема: Кислоты. Состав и свойства. Урок-путешествие
Цель: сформировать у учащихся представление о кислотах (составе, классификации, представителях), продолжить работу по развитию умения...
Урок 4 Тема. Чёрные и цветные сплавы icon Урок технологии 4 класс. Тема : Обувная фабрика. Модель детской летней обуви (урок 2)
Ребята, с каким промышленным предприятием мы познакомились на прошлом уроке? -обувная фабрика
Урок 4 Тема. Чёрные и цветные сплавы icon Урока в изучаемой теме : урок 4 по теме «Лилейные»
Оборудование: доска, экран, компьютер, проектор, схемы, карточки-задания, презентация «Дикорастущие лилейные. Ландыш», рабочая тетрадь,...
Урок 4 Тема. Чёрные и цветные сплавы icon Программа курса «цветик-семицветик. Приключения будущих первоклассников»
Цветные полоски бумаги, фломастеры для психолога, степлер, ширма для сказки, цветные карандаши, музыкальное сопровождение, бланки...
Урок 4 Тема. Чёрные и цветные сплавы icon Урок Типы ясновидения Урок Тренинг по развитию ясновидения
Урок Простейшие способы задать вопрос и получить ответ из Информационного поля
Урок 4 Тема. Чёрные и цветные сплавы icon Урок №1. Тема: Урок повторения и обобщения изученного материала по...
А может это просто прихоть математиков?! Наверно нет! Ведь всякое явление можно описать с помощью функции, а умения решать неравенства...
Урок 4 Тема. Чёрные и цветные сплавы icon Урок по фгос: отличия и особенности Современный урок урок по фгос...
Педагог не только признает право учащегося на собственное суждение, но и заинтересован в нем
Урок 4 Тема. Чёрные и цветные сплавы icon Урок; limb
Корум получает урок и теряет руку; to learn — учиться, узнавать; to learn a lesson /from/ — извлекать урок; limb — конечность
Урок 4 Тема. Чёрные и цветные сплавы icon Урок; limb
Корум получает урок и теряет руку; to learn — учиться, узнавать; to learn a lesson /from/ — извлекать урок; limb — конечность
Урок 4 Тема. Чёрные и цветные сплавы icon Урок по теме «Белки»
Это урок изучения нового материала, форма его проведения семинар. Урок проводят учителя химии и биологии. В качестве девиза взяты...
Урок 4 Тема. Чёрные и цветные сплавы icon Тема урока. Знакомый незнакомец
Урок провела Боричевская Розалия Рафиковна учитель химии мбоу «Красноясыльская сош»
Урок 4 Тема. Чёрные и цветные сплавы icon Тема: «Сфера духовной жизни»
Внимательно посмотрите видео урок и выполните следующие задания, опираясь на его содержание
Урок 4 Тема. Чёрные и цветные сплавы icon Урок 1 Тема: Слово. Предложение. Признаки предложения
Цели: формирование представлений о предложении как единице речи, выражающей законченную мысль

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