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Учащиеся овладевают специальными учебными умениями и универсальными учебными действиями:
– самостоятельно работать с печатными текстами разных типов и жанров;
– пользоваться справочными материалами (словарями, справочниками и т. д.);
– догадываться о значении слова с опорой на контекст или на сходство с родным
- использовать различные стратегии чтения (чтение с общим пониманием, чтение с детальным пониманием, чтение с целью нахождения необходимой информации).
Учащиеся овладевают специальными учебными умениями и универсальными учебными действиями:
– используют словарь для уточнения написания слов;
– заполняют таблицы, делая выписки из текста;
– оформляют конверт (адрес отправителя и получателя);
– выполняют письменные проекты (индивидуально и в группе) по тематике общения, кратко излагают результаты проектной деятельности;
– составляют план, тезисы устного или письменного сообщения;
Учащиеся овладевают специальными учебными умениями и универсальными учебными действиями:
– учатся работать с аудиотекстом;
– догадываются о значении звучащего слова с опорой на контекст или на сходство в звучании в родном языке
Учащиеся овладевают специальными учебными умениями и универсальными учебными действиями:
– используют словарь для уточнения написания слов;
– заполняют таблицы, делая выписки из текста;
– оформляют конверт (адрес отправителя и получателя);
– выполняют письменные проекты (индивидуально и в группе) по тематике общения, кратко излагают результаты проектной деятельности;
– составляют план, тезисы устного или письменного сообщения;
– находят и исправляют ошибки при окончательной редакции текста.
Учащиеся овладевают специальными учебными умениями и универсальными учебными действиями:
– учатся работать с
догадываются о значении звучащего слова с опорой на контекст или на сходство в звучании в родном языке.
Учащиеся овладевают специальными учебными умениями и универсальными учебными действиями:
– используют словарь для уточнения написания слов;
– заполняют таблицы, делая выписки из текста;
– оформляют конверт (адрес отправителя и получателя);
– выполняют письменные проекты (индивидуально и в группе) по тематике общения, кратко излагают результаты проектной деятельности;
– составляют план, тезисы устного или письменного сообщения,
– используют словарь для уточнения орфографии слов;
– используют в письме полученные орфографические сведения из словаря;
– оформляют письменные и творческие проекты в соответствии с правилами орфографии и пунктуации.
Учащиеся овладевают специальными учебными умениями и универсальными учебными действиями:
– пользуются справочным материалом (англо-русским словарём) для определения значения незнакомых слов;
– используют различные виды опор (речевой образец, ключевые слова, план и др.) для построения собственных высказываний с использованием изученного лексического материала;
– выполняют задания в различных тестовых форматах, используемых для проверки уровня сформированности лексических навыков.
6 класс (102 часа)
Раздел 1 What do you look like?
(12 часов)
Раздел 2 What are you like?
(12 часов)
Раздел 3
(12 часов)
Раздел 4
Do you like to go shopping?
(12 часов)
Раздел 5
Do you care about your health?
( 15 часов)
Раздел 6
Whatever the weather…
(15 часов)
Раздел 7
What are you going to be?
(24 часа)
Раздел 1
«Are you happy at school ?»
(7 часов)
Раздел 2
«What are you good at?»
(7 часов)
Раздел 3
«Can people do without you?»
(10 часов)
«Are you a friend of the planet?»
(12 часов)
Раздел 5
«Are you happy with your friends?»
(12 часов)
Раздел 6
«What is best about your country»
(9 часов)
Раздел 7
«Do you have an example to follow?»
(9 часов)
Раздел 8 «How do you spend your free time?»
(12 часов)
Раздел 9 «What are the most famous sights of your country?»
(10 часов)
Раздел 10
«Are we different or alike?»
(14 часов)
Раздел 1
«My country at a glance»
(12 часов)
Раздел 2
«Is your country a land of traditions?» (15
Раздел 3 «Do you like travelling?» (21 час)
Раздел 4
«Are you a good sport?»
(13 часов)
Раздел 5
«A healthy living guide»
(17 часов)
Раздел 6
«Changing times, changing styles»
(24 часа)
Раздел 1
«Reading, why not?»
(13 часов)
Раздел 2
«Let’s music begin »
(14 часов)
Раздел 3
«What's the News»
(21 час)
Раздел 4
«Healthy Living Guide»
(13 часов)
Раздел 5
«What Will You Be» (17 часов)
Раздел 6
«Britain In the World»
(24 часа)
лексический: (an) appearance, attractive, fair, good-looking, handsome, to look like, a man (men), medium height, plump, straight, slim, turned up, ugly, wavy, high heels; alike, as…as, a bit, less, much, to compare; awful, a cap, comfortable, cool, to have sth on, a jacket, a jumper, a pullover, a shirt, smart, a suit, super, a top, a track suit, trainers, a cardigan, woolen silk, cotton, gloves, to care, careful, careless
грамматический: сравнительная степень прилагательных as…as, abit…, much…; суффикс прилагательных –ish
лексический: to be interested in, boastful, bossy, to chat, clever, to get on well with, honest, polite, shy, sociable,
talkative, to tell the tr uth, to trust, to respect, respectful; to bully, to call smb. names, each other, to gossip, to fight, to quarrel, to tease, considerate, trustworthy, loyal a fault, so, to apologise, to explain
грамматический: словообразование: суффиксы и приставки un-, im-, -ful, -less, dis-
the Present Simple tense, the Present Progressive tense
лексический: an armchair, between, central heating, cosy, in front of, in the corner of, a lamp, a mirror, modern conveniences, next to, opposite, own, a piece of furniture, a refrigerator, running water, a TV set, a wall unit; it takes smb. time to do smth.; a caravan, a lighthouse, on the one hand, on the other hand;
грамматический(дляповторения): there is/are, prepositions of place; суффиксприлагательных -ful
лексический: a baker’s (shop), a bar, a bottle, a box, bread, a butcher’s (shop), butter, a can, a carton, cheese, a customer, dairy, flour, a greengrocer’s (shop), a grocer’s (shop), a jar, juice, a loaf, a nut, a packet, a salesperson, to sell, tea, a tin, a liter, oil, an onion, an ounce, a pea, salt, a tomato, a pint, a penny (pence), a pound of sterlings, a pound; (a) cabbage, roast beef, soup, a stew, a department, a pair, to try smth. on, a size; enough, a recipe (for);
грамматический: substitutions (one / ones) quantifiers a lot of / lots of / few / a few / little / a little); (дляповторения)
лексический: an arm, a back, backache, a cold, to consult, to cut, a dentist, to drink, earache, the flu, to get better, a headache, health, to hurt, illness, medical, medicine, a sore throat,a stomachache, terrible, toothache, appendicitis, a pediatrician, a surgeon, a tail;
грамматический: the Present Perfect tense (today, this month, this week, etc.), the Past Simple tense модальныйглагол should
лексический: above zero, below, to dislike, dry, a forecast, to freeze, frost, heavy, high, humid, light, to melt, mild, severe, stuffy, sunshine, a thunderstorm, wet to clear up
грамматический: First Conditional to be going to, the Present Progressive tense in the future meaning
лексический: an account, agricultural, an architect, a businessman, a businesswoman, a clinic, a computer operator, a cook, a designer, an engineer, an enterprise, a factory, hard, a housewife, a kindergarten, a lawyer, a librarian, a manager, a mechanic, a musician, a nanny, an office, a painter, a police station, a post office, a postal worker, a secretary, a workshop, crazy, an engine, to repair, to try; a building, to deliver, to design, a law, an order, to organize, to produce, an ad, to bathe, to be pleased; a fortune (to make a ~), to grow up, to move, soap, a soldier;
грамматический: (для повторения) словообразование: суффиксы существительных –er, -or, -ist, -ian
7 класс (102 часа)
лексический:to go
sightseeing, to go
sunbathing, again, to look
forward to, to miss; to be / come
/ get back, to be nervous
about; chess, drama, a field trip, an outing, an event, a
highlight, to float, a raftssembly,
Biology, by heart, to do
without, Chemistry, Physics, registration, a waste (of time), to
discover, a timetable, Religious Education
повторения) Simple Past,
Past Progressive, Past
(сложныеслова) reported speech: thaclauses
лексический:an ability,
to achieve, an achievement, an ambition, an award, bronze, a
championship, to go in
for, gold, hard, necessary, professional, properly,
to set (a record), a team,
top (sportsman), to try,argument;
повторения) PresentPerfect, PastSimple,словообразование:
прилагательных и
(organization), charity,
fundraising, to be
involved in, to contribute,
a contribution, to make a
contribution, a donation,
to donate, to make
donations, to make a
difference, to need, need
(needs), needy, to provide
with, a sale, to support, to
volunteer, a volunteer
to mind, nursing home;right, crime, deaf, fur, to kill, to make
a speech, to stare
грамматический: форма
глагола с окончанием–
ing, (для повторения)
предлоги, числительные
и даты, неопределенная
форма глагола в
функции обстоятельства
цели, сложное дополнение
ve), (для повторения)
личные местоимения в
объектном падеже
лексический:air, abin, to
cause, to damage, to
destroy, to disappear, to
disturb, (the) Earth, ecofriendly, environment,
glass, instead of , nature,
to pollute, pollution, a
pond, to protect, to
recycle, to reduce, to
reuse, to save, to spoil,
wildlife, close, far,
greenhouse effect,
исчисляемые и
неисчисляемые имена
сложное дополнение,
приставки глаголов(re-), суффиксы
лексический:to be ther
(for), to betray, forever, to
get together, humour, to
keep a secret, to last, to
make friends (with smbd.), a neighbour, quickly, a sense, true; a feeling, a personality, almost, to belong;
фразовыеглаголыto fall
out with smbd. (over
smth.), to make up, to turn
to smbd. (for smth.), to
rely on (smbd.)elative clauses with who / that / which вкачествеподлежащих
relative clauses with who
/ that / which вкачестве
дополнения c предлогами и без предлогов, (для
повторения) местоимения something, anything, nothing
лексический:as, to be
around, a character, a
collection, a copy, afan, a
detective, a distance, an
icon, to include, an item, a
manuscript, to pack
(with), a publication, to
recognize, to represent,
significant, a tube, a type,
an underground railway,
to vote (for); ndeed, like
(conj.), to comment, to
make a comment, to
imagine, a bar (of chocolate), intelligent, a sheet, splendid;
повторения) articles,
numerals, the degree of
comparison of adjectives,
Present Perfect with since
/ for
лексический:an action,
an astronaut, a century, to
commemorate, a
cosmonaut, courage, to
develop, a disease, a hero,
to invent, an inventor, a
leader, a machine, a
scientist, space, to treat, a
trouble, peace;
существительные в
качестве определения,
артикли со словами,
профессии, инфинитив в качестве определения после слов the only, the first, the second, the last, (для
повторения) артикль с
названиями и
лексический:a change
from, to be fond of, to be
keen on, to be mad about,
enjoyable, to get smth. out
of smth., to hang out,
relaxing, a stamp, to give
up, a sticker, thrilling, to
take up, challenging, a
прилагательные с
окончаниями-ed и–ing
(boring – bored (with),
exciting – excited (about),
surprising – surprised,
relaxing – relaxed,
thrilling – thrilled, tiring -
tired), словообразова-ние: сложные слова(V +
N), суффикс существи-тельных(-er), конверсия
лексический:ancient, as,
a building, a master, a
cathedral, a century, a
church, to design, a
fortress, to found, a
gallery, to house, later,
magnificent, a
masterpiece, a monument,
a mosque, a painting, rare,
to restore, unique; ich, a prison, a chapel, a crown, a stone, military
повторения) артикль
с существительными,
профессию, с именами
собственными: названия
соборов, церквей,
музеев, галерей, театров, Past
Simple Passive; (для
повторения) даты
повторения) adverbs of
manner, relative clauses
eith who / which / that /
whose, the V-ing form, (для
повторения) the complex
object, adjective +
infinitive, adjective
endings –ing, -ed, the
Present Simple Passive,
the Past Simple Passive,
the Future Simple Passive
8 класс (102 часа)
лексический: to be
situated, north, west, east,
south, to call, to divide, a
state, to make up, a
population, a language,
such as, as, a nationality; a traffic jam, to associate, to come
into one’s mind, to picture, a custom, a tradition, for example,
like, violence, truth, hospitable,
reserved, emotional, to consider, to suppose, to believe;
повторения) tobe +
an, -ese, -ish, -ic), subject + passive verb + Infinitive
anniversary, an
atmosphere, to connect,
Easter, fireworks, to
follow, a guard, to ignore,
to include, to introduce, to
mark, an occasion, to
preserve, religious, royal,
a speech, to unite, widely, n appetite, behavior, a check, close, to enter, even, exact, to
greet, in favour of, to
jump the queue, to keep a
distance, a length, a line,
to make way for, to
queue, to shake hands, to
stare at, uninvent, to entertain, it depends, to respond, a tip, to treat, to afford, to benefit from,
accommodation, a coach
tour, a destination, an
excursion, a guided tour, a
habit, a holidaymaker, on
one’s own, package
holidays / tour, a resort, a
travel agency, a travel
agent, a custom declaration, a custom officer, to declare, a hotel reservation, a passport, a
модальные глаголы ought to, need; (для повторения) модальные глаголы should, must модальный глагол be able to; (для повторения) модальный глагол could
balance, boxing, to cause,
a character, competitive,
coordination, cricket,
cycling, to develop, to
include, figure skating,
golf, gymnastics, an
injury, judo, to keep fit, to
lose, to master, patient,
rugby, self-confident, a
sense, a skill, synchronized swimming, track and field athletics, weight lifting, to win; o break a record, cheerleading, to compete, a marathon,
netball, a sack, a sprint, to
suffixes –ment, -ing, -ence, -cy, -tion; adjective suffixes: -ing, -ed, -ive; adverb suffix: -ly)
лексический: a calorie, a
diet, a disease, fast food,
garlic, a habit, homemade,
inactivity, to lead to, a
lifestyle, obesity, overweight, to promote, regular, regularity, to
skip, to snack (on), used
to, a variety, a way to
live;to ban, fitness, to give up, junk food, to limit; a
conditioner, a gel, a mask,
a shampoo, a soap;
to в сопоставлении с
(суффикс прилагательных-y), (для повторения) Infinitive,
Ving, Present Perfect
Progressive, (для
повторения) Present Perfect Simple
лексический:a baby doll
dress, bags, to be in / out
of fashion, to be up to
date with the fashion,
club wear, to come into
fashion, to customize
smth. with smth., denim,
embroidery, flares,
footwear, to go out of
fashion, leggings, maxi,
narrow, oversize, a petticoat, a piece of clothing, a pinafore, platform shoes, a polo neck sweater, shoulder padded, sportswear, street wear, a style, tight, tights, trendy, a trouser
suit, accessories, barefoot, cheesecloth, craze, dyed, a headband, jewelry, a kaftan,
leather, an overcoat, pale,
piercing, a raincoat, ripped, a safety pin, sandals, spiky, a tattoo, underwear;funky,
gorgeous, tartan;
Second Conditional
9 класс (102 часа)
лексический: hiking, hitchhiking, jigsaw puzzle, opportunity, ride skateboarding, statistics, stick, to be impressed by, to be keen on, to get a ride, to practice, to roll down, to signal, to trade baseball cards, toothpick, tray; amongst, audience, autobiography, beloved, birthplace, celebrated, diarist, fictitious, former, galaxy, gem, kilt, memorial, notable, piper, playwright, production, to be set in, to concentrate, to inspire, to proclaim, tomb, trail, treasure, essayist, novelist, screenwriter, to honor, to value; fiction, frontier, imaginary, invented, non-fiction, novel, poetry, reference book, romance, science fiction, thriller, to borrow, to lend, western
грамматический(дляповторения): (1 урок) Past Perfect, (2 урок) Ved+Ving (enjoyed doing) Passive Voice
лексический: audience, band, choir, conductor, enormously, hugely, musician, orchestra, soloist, to perform, amazing, annoying, anthem, appalling, appealing, breathtaking, catchy, cluttered, complex*, complicated, day off*, dreadful, eloquent, fascinating, hymn, indifferent*, martial, melancholy, organ, overwhelming, passionate, powerful*, romantic, sacred, sacrilegious, sensational, sentimental, soundtrack*, spiritual, to appeal to, to conquer, to destroy, to enrich, to entertain, to evoke, to inspire, to irritate, to picture, to portray, to provoke, to transform, torchy, tune, tuneless, unforgettable, compose, concerto, contribution, musical (n), opera, pianist, prelude, rhapsody, symphony, connect, to feel like, to forward to, to give up, to impress, to mesmerise, to overwhelm, compose, concerto, contribution, musical (n), opera, pianist, prelude, rhapsody, symphony, to connect, to feel like, to forward to, to give up, to impress, to mesmerise, to overwhelm, vocal;
грамматический (дляповторения): Ving form
лексический (current) affair, (the/no) suspense, (TV) viewer, (weather) forecast, acting, addict, cable (TV), channel, closedown, commercial, currently, date, escapism, exception, feature film, garbage, gossip, harmful, live, matter, romance, scandal, serial, single, specialized, technique, to argue, to broadcast, to deal with, to devote to, to escape, to fancy, to feature, to host, to keep smbd. Informed, to list, to provide, to realize, to rush, to satellite (TV), to specialize in, to transmit, to wise up, trash, unrealistically, vice, viewing (habits), violent, wacky, advantage, buzz, PA, to have (guests) in/on, to tune in; грамматический: Reply Questions, Reported Statements
лексический: alcohol, anger, crisps, envy, fibre, inactivity, indicative, obesity, pride, sin, smoking, to mention, to skip, to snack, wholemeal; to avoid, calory, to count, to cut down on, to cut out, to gain, to keep fit, weight; anaemia, to affect, balanced, to ban, blood, bone, brain, cancer, carbohydrate, communicable, constantly, cough, disease, fever, hardly, to improve, ingredient, to injure, length, loss, mineral, muscle, overweight, pale, protective, peanut, pneumonia, poultry, to prevent, to print, protein, quantity, raw, regulative, to be rich in, root, slim, to affect, speech, value, vitamin slimmer, speech, value to apply, hairspray, to hold, logo, mousse, perfume, shampoo, smooth, sticky, toothpaste, widespread, worldwide;
грамматический: (для повторения) Frequency adverbs and adverbials, (дляповторения) Comparative adjectives and adverbs, Present Perfect Continuous;
лексический (1-2 уроки): academy, architect, bill, calm, canteen, comprehensive, conductor, elementary, flight attendant, freshman, grade, higher education, infant, It doesn’t matter, location, noisy, optional, pre-school, psychologist, reception, social, sophomore, technician, to be a success, to graduate, to stay on; adventurous, ambitious, aptitude, artistic, barber, beforehand, computational, conservative, creative, glamorous, hairdresser, hedge, highly/low-paid, income, licence, nuclear, overpaid, profession, reasonably, salary, satisfaction, to be out and about, to evaluate, to run, underpaid, worst paid, assistant, barrister, birth, checklist, cotton-picker, disability, inspector, interviewee, interviewer, keen, nerve-racking, tax, to apply, to employ, whether;
грамматический: (дляповторения) ReportedStatements, Reported Questions, Reported Requests and Orders
лексический: beyond a doubt, by correspondence, chief, effectively, experience, fluently, grammatically, lingua franca, mail, must (n), politician, rise, to comment, to concentrate, to die out, to expand, to miss, to practice, to revise, tongue; achievement, cheap, citizen, expensive, export, field, financial, freedom, import, nuclear weapon, power, price, producer, reasonable, reputation, resource, standard of living, to encourage, to maintain, trade, vehicles;
грамматический: (дляповторения) Nationality, Language, Numerals, Comparative Adverbs