«Еда, способы приготовления пищи, традиции питания»

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Английские глаголы для описания приготовления пищи с примерами употребления

to add - добавлять

To put ingredients together; to put one ingredient with the others.

Add fresh tomatoes and cook covered until water is cooked out, about 15 minutes. Add the onion and carrots and cook until the onion is softened, about 5 minutes.

to bake - печь

To cook in an oven by using heat.

Bake about 1 hour or until a toothpick inserted near the center comes out clean. Bake in a preheated 350-degree oven 35 to 40 minutes, until top is golden brown.

to beat - взбивать

To mix quickly and continually, commonly used with eggs.

Beat butter, sugar, and vanilla on medium low speed until creamy but not fluffy. Beat on medium speed for several minutes, until the mixture is light and fluffy.

to blanch – бланшировать [blɑːnʧ]

To plunge tomatoes, nuts, etc., into boiling water to loosen the skin. To plunge (meat, green vegetables, etc.) in boiling water or bring to the boil in water in order to whiten, preserve the natural colour, or reduce or remove a bitter or salty taste.

Blanch vegetables before freezing them to set color and stop the aging process. Blanch the cauliflower by quickly dipping for about 10 seconds in the boiling water.

to blend - смешивать, сочетать

Blend this all together with an electric mixer until completely mixed together. Blend in the wine and continue cooking until the wine has completely evaporated.

to boil - кипятить, варить, отварить

To heat water until little bubbles form.

Boil for 3 to 4 minutes, then plunge into cold water before cutting into strips. Boil gently, stirring frequently, for 15 minutes, until the mixture is thickened.

to bone - освобождать мясо от костей

Ask your butcher to skin and bone chicken thighs for this, and to chop them up into bite-sized pieces. De-bone the chicken into large bite size pieces and return meat to the soup.

to break - ломать

To separate into smaller parts by force.

Break up the eggs with a fork and gradually pull the flour into the egg mixture. Break it into tiny pieces and scatter over green leaf salads at the last minute.

to broil - жарить на огне

To cook meat or vegetables on a rack with an extremely high temperature. [rack - решётка]

Broil eggplant 3 to 4 inches from heat until skins are softened, 3 to 4 minutes. Broil on the oven's bottom rack until the cheese is melted and lightly browned.

to carve – нарезать, отрезать

To cut meat into slices.

Carve the duck and serve with the sauce and your choice of roasted vegetables. Carve the lamb, first slicing it from the bone in large pieces, as few as possible.

to chill - охлаждать, замораживать

Chill them in the freezer to make them more viscous and provide cleaner tastes. Chill for at least 30 minutes then cut the shortbread into squares and serve. [viscous - вязкий; липкий, клейкий; тягучий] [shortbread - песочное печенье]

to chop - резать на кусочки

To cut into small pieces, generally used with vegetables.

Chop, slice or dice them and store in plastic sealable bags in the refrigerator. Chop bacon into three-centimetre bits and fry until lightly crisped, then drain.

to coat - покрывать слоем

Coat the steaks with the flour, pressing the flour into the steak on both sides. Coat chicken first in yogurt-mustard mixture, then in the seasoned bread crumbs. [yog(h)urt ['jɔgət] – йогурт] [seasoned ['siːzənd] – приправленный (пряностями, специями)]

to combine - соединять

To put two or more things together.

Combine cake ingredients in large bowl and beat at a medium speed for 2 minutes. Combine the five eggs with the spinach, cheeses, salt, pepper and garlic powder. [bowl [bəul] – чаша, миска, тарелка]

to cook - готовить

To prepare food by heating it, so the food is not raw.

Cook, stirring occasionally, for 10 to 12 minutes, until onions are caramelized. Cook until the sauce starts to thicken, approximately 5 minutes, stirring often.

to cool - охлаждать

Cool before drinking. – Охладить перед употреблением.

Cool completely on a rack before releasing cake and inverting it onto a platter. Cool completely, then chill in the refrigerator at least 1 hour before serving. [platter - большое плоское блюдо]

to cover - накрывать, покрывать

Cover and cook on low for four to seven hours, or on high for two to four hours. Cover with plastic wrap and let marinate in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours.

to crush - давить, дробить, толочь

To cause to separate or flatten by extreme force, often used with garlic. Peel and crush the garlic. – Очистите и раздавите чеснок.

Crush with a fork or your hands and add to skillet, along with salt and pepper. Crush the garlic cloves and add to the liquid. Cover the pan and cook for 4 hours. [skillet ['skɪlɪt] - сковорода с длинной ручкой] [pan [pæn] - сковорода, кастрюля, противень]

to cut – резать, нарезать

To separate or divide by using a knife.

Cut the asparagus into short lengths and steam for 6 to 8 minutes, until tender. Cut butter into pieces and place in large bowl of electric mixer with the sugar.

to cut into strips - нарезать соломкой

Cut peppers into strips, cut onions into rings and slice apples in strips. Cut the bacon into small strips and fry in a little olive oil until crispy and drain.

to decorate - украшать

Decorate with the strawberry slices and toasted almonds or crushed macaroons. Decorate the tops with blanched almond halves or bits of candied fruit, if desired. [macaroon [mækə'ruːn] - миндальное печенье] [almond ['ɑːmənd] - миндаль] [candied fruit - засахаренные фрукты, цукаты]

to defrost - размораживать

Defrost in the microwave according to the manufacturer's instructions. Defrost meat in the refrigerator overnight for easy sandwich preparation in the morning.

to dice - нарезать кубиками

Dice or shred the meat and reserve to garnish the broth or save for another use. Dice the mushrooms and cook them slow and low until they release their juices.

to dilute - разбавлять [daɪ'luːt]

Dilute the corn starch in the lemon juice and add to the egg mixture. Dilute it with a little water if the paste is too thick.

to dissolve – растворять [dɪ'zɔlv]

Dissolve the baking soda in the boiling water and stir it into the sugar mixture. Dissolve the bouillon cube in the butter and sprinkle over the macaroni and cheese. [bouillon ['buːjɔŋ] – бульон]

to dry - сушить

Dry with paper towels and toss with enough vegetable oil to lightly coat surface. [toss - подбрасывать, подкидывать]

to empty - опустошать, высыпать

Empty dough onto a lightly floured work surface and knead into a rectangular shape. Empty the puree into a large mixing bowl, add the cheese and mix to combine. [puree ['pjuəreɪ] - суп-пюре; пюре (овощное, фруктовое)]

to fill - наполнять

Fill a roasting or baking pan with boiling water and place it on the oven floor. Fill a large pot with 8 cups of water and bring to a boil over medium-high heat.

to flip - переворачивать

Flip the fish onto the unmarked side and move to a medium-heat area of the grill. Flip the chicken, add the mushrooms, then cover and cook for another 5 minutes.

to fold - сгибать, складывать

Place 1 tablespoon of the cooled rice mixture and 1 chestnut half on each piece of cabbage leaf. Fold the sides over to cover the filling, then roll the leaf from bottom to top. [chestnut ['ʧesnʌt] - каштан (плод)]

to fry - жарить

To cook by putting the food into extremely hot oil.

Fry the patties turning once for approximately 5 minutes, depending on the size. Fry the onions, carrots, mushrooms and 150g smoked bacon, diced, until browned. [patty ['pætɪ] - пирожок]

to glaze - глазировать, покрывать глазурью

Glaze if desired and garnish with a few dried cranberries and chopped walnuts. Glaze with melted butter and immediately sprinkle with granulated sugar. [granulated sugar - сахарный песок]

to grate - тереть, натирать

To divide into small parts by rubbing on a serrated surface, usually used with cheese.

Grate the chocolate and melt in a water bath or a bowl over a pan of warm water. Grate into a bowl and mix with the mayonnaise, lemon juice, horseradish and parsley. [mayonnaise [meɪə'neɪz] - майонез]

to grease - смазывать

To coat with oil or butter.

Grease the bottom and sides of a 9-inch round cake pan with butter and set aside. Grease an ovenproof baking dish and cover bottom with a layer of potatoes.

to grill - жарить на гриле

To cook by putting the food on a grill; similar to barbecue.

Grill shrimp on a medium-hot grill for about 2-3 minutes per side or until done. Grill potatoes, turning every 10 minutes or so, until golden, 20 to 30 minutes.

to grind - молоть

Grind the coriander and fennel seeds with a pestle and mortar and add to the pan. [coriander [kɔrɪ'ændə] – кориандр] [fennel ['fenəl] - фенхель] [pestle and mortar ['pesl] ['mɔːtə] - пестик и ступка]

to halve - делить пополам

Halve the passion fruits, scoop out the seeds and fruit and add to the blender. Halve, deseed and peel the avocados, cut them into chunks and drop into the bowl. [passion fruit - маракуйя] [to scoop out - выскребать] [avocado [ævə'kɑːdəu] - авокадо] [chunk - кусок]

to heat - нагревать, разогревать

Heat bacon fat, butter or oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Heat 2 tablespoons vegetable oil in a high-rimmed skillet over medium-high heat.

to knead - месить

To press and stretch dough, usually used with making bread.

Knead dough on a lightly floured board until elastic and not sticky, 15 minutes. Knead thoroughly and cover the dough with a damp towel and let it rise overnight. Knead it well for a few minutes, shape into a ball and set aside for 15-20min. [damp [dæmp] - влажный]

to melt - расплавлять

To make something become liquid through heating.

Melt chocolate and butter in a bowl set over saucepan of barely simmering water. Melt the butter in a large skillet over medium heat just until the foam subsides. [subside [səb'saɪd] - опускаться, понижаться, убывать, оседать]

to microwave - готовить или разогреватьв микроволновой печи

To heat up food within a microwave oven. Microwave chocolate bits in a small bowl on high, stirring often, until melted. Microwave on high power about 30 seconds, until sugar is dissolved completely.

to mince - крошить, рубить на мясорубке

To grind food, normally meat, into small pieces. A machine is often used to do this.

Mince the halved garlic along with the remaining garlic, and toss with the tomatoes. Mince the meat with a sharp knife, cutting cubes no more than 2mm across.

to mix - смешивать

To combine two or more things using a spoon, spatula, or electric mixer.

Mix the sugar, pepper and salt in a bowl then sprinkle evenly over the tomatoes. Mix until the batter is smoothed, scraping down the sides of the bowl as needed.

to open - открывать

To remove the top from a can or jar.

Open the oysters carefully with an oyster knife and release them from the shell. Open bag of steak on to a paper towel and pat dry to prevent splatter in skillet. [splatter ['splætə] - брызги]

to peel - чистить кожуру

To take the skin off of fruits or vegetables.

Peel apples, remove from core, cut into small cubes and place in a mixing bowl. Peel, chop and cook potatoes in boiling water until tender, about 10-12 minutes.

to plunge – окунать, погружать

Plunge the shredded cabbage into the boiling water and cook for two minutes. Plunge the vegetables into the water and cook until just tender when pierced with a knife.

to pour - лить, наливать

To transfer liquid from one container to another. Pour the still-warm milk over the yolk-and-sugar mixture, stirring as you do so. Pour into a dish and leave to cool, then chill thoroughly for a couple of hours.

to press - жать, давить

Press down gently on the cookie dough to make the cookies as round as possible. Press the dough around the edges of the pot and press the lid lightly on the dough.

to put - класть, положить

To place something in a particular position or location.

Put all the ingredients for the dough into a large mixing bowl with 100ml water. Put the dough into a decorating tube or pastry bag fitted with a large star tip. [decorating tube / pastry bag - кондитерский мешок]

to remove - удалять, убирать

Remove from the grill and let the steak rest at least 10 minutes before slicing. Remove cake from the oven and immediately invert the pan onto a serving platter.

to rinse - промывать

Rinse the rice by covering it with some water, stirring it and then draining it. Rinse the tangerines and separate the peels from the fruit, reserving the peels. Rinse the turkey, inside and out, under cold water and pat dry with paper towels.

to roast - жарить, печь

To cook in the oven or over a fire.

Roast until vegetables are tender and the juice has evaporated, about 8 minutes. Roast for 45 minutes then remove from the oven and transfer to a large saucepan. Roast in preheated oven until outside skin starts to shrivel, about 10 minutes. [shrivel ['ʃrɪvəl] – сморщиваться, съёживаться]

to roll out - раскатывать

Roll out or stretch pizza dough to fit into a lightly greased 12-inch pizza pan. Roll out the remaining pastry to a size large enough to cover the top of the pan.

to saute ['səuteɪ] - жарить в масле

To quickly fry food by placing it in hot oil in a frying pan. Heat the olive oil over medium heat, add the onion and celery and saute for 5 minutes. – Разогрейте оливковое масло на среднем огне, добавьте лук и сельдерей и обжаривайте в течение пяти минут. Saute until the onions have softened and start to turn golden, about 12 minutes. Saute the chicken for a couple of minutes, stirring to coat it with the spices.

to scramble - взбалтывать (обычно яйца для омлета)

To mix the white and yellow parts of eggs together while cooking them in a pan. Scramble the mushrooms with the egg whites. Scramble eggs and cook with sausage and onion.

to seal - запечатывать, заклеивать

Seal the edges using either your thumb or a fork and trim off any excess pastry. Seal edges together with tines of a fork, dipping the fork into flour as necessary. [tine [taɪn] - остриё, зубец]

to season - приправлять

Season generously with salt and pepper and drizzle over with a little olive oil. Season to taste with the salt and additional vinegar or lemon juice, if desired. Season to taste and beat until creamy and smooth, adding more milk if necessary. [drizzle ['drɪzl] - брызгать, опрыскивать = sprinkle]

to serve - подавать, накрывать на стол, сервировать

You can serve this menu as a buffet and let everyone build his or her own plate. Serve right away, and store any leftovers in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks. Serve in a bowl topped with crushed tortilla chips and shredded cheddar cheese. [buffet ['bufeɪ] - блюда для шведского стола] [tortilla [tɔːˈtiːjə] – тортилья / тортийя (лепёшка из кукурузной или пшеничной муки со специями / tortilla chips - тонкие ломтики такой лепешки]

to shake - трясти

Shake the pan a couple of times throughout the process to keep it from burning. Shake to remove the excess flour, and continue until all of the pieces are coated.

to sieve - просеивать

Sieve the flour and sugar into a large mixing bowl, then add the ground almonds. Sieve the flour, sugar and salt together into a bowl and make a well in the centre. Sieve the cocoa powder and gradually add to the mixture in 3 or 4 additions.

to simmer - кипятить на медленном огне

Simmer the vegetables, covered, about 20 minutes to let them get perfectly soft. Simmer and let reduce by about half, until thick and a tomato sauce consistency.

to slice - нарезать ломтиками

To cut into thin, wide portions. Slice the potatoes just before they go in the pan to keep them from discoloring. Slice the cherry tomatoes in half and combine with 1 tablespoon oil and garlic.

to smear - намазывать (толстым слоем)

Smear with olive oil, salt and pepper, and a little bit of thyme and rosemary. Smear the base of a large, nonstick frying pan with sunflower oil.

to soak - замачивать

Soak dried mushrooms in hot water in a small bowl until softened, about 20 minutes. Soak the apple slice in lemon water to keep it from browning before serving.

to sprinkle - брызгать, посыпать

Sprinkle with the Parmesan cheese, if using, and continue baking for 10 minutes. Sprinkle shrimp with the remaining pinch of seafood seasoning, and place in pan. Sprinkle the top with confectioners' sugar and serve warm or at room temperature.

to squeeze - выжимать

Squeeze the fresh lemon juice into a small bowl to measure the indicated amount. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon over the diced apples, and toss gently to coat.

to steam - варить на пару

To cook by placing the food above boiling water. Steam is the vapor that comes from hot water

Steam the broccoli for 3 to 4 minutes, until it is bright green and just tender. Steam or boil potatoes until tender, about 15 to 20 minutes, depending on size.

to stew - тушить

Stew gently until fruits soften and the liquid forms a thick syrup.

to stir - размешивать

To mix liquid ingredients by moving a spoon around in a circular motion

Stir vigorously for about 3 minutes until the batter is well blended and creamy. Stir in the cheese, cream, half the butter and the herbs, and season generously. [batter ['bætə] - взбитое жидкое тесто]

to stir-fry - жарить в раскалённом масле, помешивая

To cook small pieces of food by moving it quickly in hot oil Stir-fry until they are nearly, but not completely cooked and then set aside. Stir-fry until vegetables soften slightly and start browning on the sides. Stir-fry for no more than 10 seconds and add the greens and salt to taste.

to strain - процеживать

Strain through a fine sieve and place in a bowl of ice water to cool completely. Strain out the solids, pressing against a fine sieve to release all the juices.

to stuff - начинять, фаршировать

Stuff the turkey with the onion, orange, celery, carrot, bay leaves, and thyme. Stuff mixture into mushroom caps and bake at 350 degrees for about 20 minutes. Stuff the chicken breasts with the cheese mixture and gently press to flatten them. [bay leaf - лавровый лист] [thyme [taɪm] - тимьян, чабрец]

to thicken - сгущать

Thicken the juices in the pot with the flour and sour cream mixture. Thicken with corn starch mixed with small amount of water. [corn starch - кукурузный крахмал]

to trim - подрезать

Trim the asparagus, removing any tough ends, then steam or cook in boiling water. Trim excess fat from chicken thighs and season with 1 teaspoon salt and pepper. Trim, wash and lightly steam the greens, then refresh under cold running water.

to wash – мыть, промывать

To immerse food in water and make sure it becomes clean Wash the mushrooms by submerging them in a bowl of water briefly and drain well. Wash the chicken, remove any excess fat and dry inside and out with paper towels. Wash sides of pan with a wet pastry brush to prevent sugar crystals from forming.

to whisk – взбивать (яичные белки и т. п.)

Whisk the egg yolks and sugar in a medium-size bowl, then whisk in the hot milk. Whisk the flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt and cinnamon in a medium bowl. Whisk eggs, sugar, vanilla and cinnamon together in a large bowl until combined. [baking powder - разрыхлитель/сода для выпечки]
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