Рабочая программа учебной дисциплины «Деловой иностранный язык»

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You want to participate in the work of international conference or congress or to organize its work, but you don't know how to do it. What's the procedure? How to obtain information about it? Look through the set of documents necessary for it. Make up your own conclusions.

1997 European Respiratory Society Annual Congress, Stockholm, Sweden September, 7-11 Preliminary Program

Welcome address

On behalf of the European Respiratory Society it is an honour for us to welcome you and to be your host in Stockholm during the annual ERS congress for 1998.

The ERS annual congress will for the first time be held in Scandinavia and it is a pleasure for us not only to invite you to a conference of the highest scientific standard but also to present Stockholm, and, if you wish, other exciting places in Sweden.

The scientific planning of the congress had resulted in a most exciting program with more than 40 major and assembly symposia not counting the numerous free communication sessions. The official program will cover all aspects of modern lung medicine from basic science including advanced treatment such as lung transplantation.

You are further invited to attend an opening ceremony where the City of Stockholm is our generous host treating all delegates to food and drinks. We are also happy to have arranged a concert to which the delegates are invited to enjoy a party with perfect music.


Jacob Вое Kjell Larsson

Chairman Vice-chairman
You have got a confirmation about your abstract acceptance. Now you should fill in the Reservation form for your hotel accommodation. Do it in the form provided below.

Reservation Form

(Hotel Accommodation, Sightseeing Tours, Social Events, and Post Congress Tour)

Please write your name in block letters

Family name First name


Mailing address:

Country tel: fax

Name of accompanying person

Accommodation: arrival departure

Hotel price category Number of rooms

Single room Double room
incl. breakfast incl. breakfast
A 200-250 250-300

В 150-200 200-250

Hotel deposit

Price category А В

per room 100 75

Administration fee 150

Taxi Voucher 30

Social events 100

Sightseeing tour 200


Payment should be made in USD , payable to Stockholm

Convention Bureau

Banker's Draft Eurocard/Mastercard

Diners Club American Express


Bank account

Charge my card No with expiry


Total USD:

Date Signature
You have to prepare a speech about your scientific research. Do it using the following phrases and word combinations.

I would like to begin with

The key thing I'd like to start with is

The subject of my speech is

I'm going to deal with

I'd like to fix(draw) your attention on (to) the following questions

Assume that

These assumptions call attention to

On the other hand

It is safe to say that

In order to go more thoroughly into this problem

It is essential for

In addition to

As mentioned above

It is necessary to determine here

It should be stressed here

Here is an illustrative explanation of.

Previous investigations show

From the viewpoint of.....

Perhaps it will be polemic to

In this sense I would like to emphasize

I would like to raise some questions related to

Thus,we come to the following conclusion

Thank you for attention

Приложение 5

Раздаточный материал

по курсу «Деловой иностранный язык»

Тексты общекультурного характера (образцы)
Read the text and do exercises on it.
The Guru and His Two Disciples

Near the banks of river Ganges, close to the holy city of Varanasi, there lived a Guru with his two disciples, Ravi and Shyam.

“You have been my disciples for a long time”, said the Guru. “It is time for you to leave this place and put into practice what you have learnt”.

“Where do you want us to go, O, Reverend Master?” asked Ravi.

“I have chosen two different villages for you”, explained the Guru. “You’ll spend two years in these villages and will continue your efforts at acquiring noble and spiritual qualities”.

“We will wholeheartedly obey all your orders, O, Master”, exclaimed Shyam.

“After two years”, continued the Guru, “I will come to see you and to assess how far you have progressed in your desire to become noble individuals”.

“We will not disappoint you, O, Master!” said Ravi excitedly.

The disciples went to the villages chosen for them.

“What a dirty village. I think I’ll spend my time meditating in a nearby hill away from this mess”, said Ravi.

Ravi found himself a quiet place and began his meditation. The people in the village began to gradually notice him.

He is such an honest and good man!

Oh, yes! He does not disturb anybody. He spends his time singing the praises of his Lord.

O, you Holy One! We have so many problems in our village: illiteracy, unhygienic living conditions, social problems…

Don’t worry! I’m not bothered by these things. I meditate fifteen hours a day and have learnt to transcend the things of this world.

The village chosen for Shyam was no better.

This place looks terrible. There are no schools, no hospitals and everything is so dirty. Something has to be done for this place.

Shyam started a school for children and at the same time began to help people to clean up the village.

This place has to be cleaned up and all of you must help me!

Who are you to order us around?

What is the point of cleaning this mess? Within a week, it will look like the same anyway!

What’s the point of eating your lunch now? You’ll be hungry again in the evening!

If you want to clean this place, do it by yourself. We are not going to help you.

Come, my students! Let’s clean up this mess!

Who sent this crazy fellow here? He claims to be a religious man, but all he does is nag at us.

And he forces us to send our children to his school.

Yesterday, I didn’t send my daughter to school and he came and scolded me, calling me an irresponsible father.

The two years passed quickly and the Guru decided to pay a visit to his disciples. He first went to Ravi’s village.

People here seem to like you a lot. Tell me what you have done?

I have been practicing meditation for many hours. I can now go without food and water for three days. I can also hold my breath for five minutes.

Come with me! Let’s go and see what Shyam is up to.

Yes, Master.

At Shyam’s village…

Where does Shyam stay?

He runs a school around the corner. Just keep going straight you will soon reach his school.

Shyam, tell us what you have been doing during the last two years?

When I first came to this village, I found it in a very bad condition. So, I tried to play a small role in bringing about changes around.

You mean you didn’t spend your time on prayer and meditation?

Well, I’d spend about half an hour in the mornings and evenings on prayer and meditation...

… but the rest of my time was spent in teaching children and setting things right here.

I’m sorry to hear that. Instead of worrying about this village, you should have concentrated on your own spiritual development.

My dear Ravi, spiritual development is not attained in isolation …

The Guru explained to his disciples that when one lives in isolation, it is easy for him to be truthful, honest, sincere, etc., because his integrity is not tested. For true spiritual development, one must pray and meditate, but one should also spend one’s life in the service of others. He further emphasized that a truly spiritual person brings beauty and perfection to his or her surroundings.

You mean to say that you consider Shyam’s achievements greater than mine?

Well, Shyam not only spent time on prayer and meditation, but he also brought about so many visible changes in his village.

I’m sorry to say this Ravi, but your village is as dirty and backward today as it was two years ago.

Does this mean that you are happy with my performance O, Reverend Master?

Yes, Shyam, and I’m sure that Ravi will now go back to his village and follow your example.

Language activity
I. Paraphrase the following expressions from the text:

  1. the holy city

  2. to put into practice

  3. to acquire noble and spiritual qualities

  4. wholeheartedly

  5. to order smb. around

  6. to claim to be a religious man

  7. to bring about changes around

II. Give the synonymous expressions for the following ones using the text:

  1. to live alone

  2. to change for the better

  3. to supervise at a school

  4. an indifferent father

  5. to make smb. do smth.

  6. to come to visit

  7. the reason of doing smth.

III. Answer the following questions on the text.

  1. What is the name of the holy city?

  2. Why did the Guru want his two disciples to leave the place?

  3. How many years did the Guru determine for his disciples as necessary time for acquiring noble and spiritual qualities?

  4. In which way was the Guru going to assess his disciples’ progress?

How did Ravi spend this time in the village chosen for him?

  1. Did Shyam decide to bring about change around in this village?

  2. What was the Guru’s reaction to his disciples’ actions?

IV. Thinking Activity.

Comment on the following quotations from the text:

  1. “When one lives in isolation it is easy for him to be truthful, honest, sincere, etc., because his integrity is not tested”.

  2. “For true spiritual development one should also spend one’s life in the service of others”.

  3. “A truly spiritual person brings beauty and perfection to his or her surroundings”.

Develop your writing skills.

Choose any of the following topics and write a composition on it.

Write down a project of changing a bad condition of the place you live in for the better.

Make a psychological portrait of a noble and spiritual person.

Make a list of qualities you’d like to develop in yourself and the reasons for your choice.
Read the text and do exercises on it.
Of Studies by Francis Bacon
Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. Their chief use for delight is in privacy and retiring; for ornament, is in discourse; and for ability is in judgment and disposition of business. For expert man can execute and perhaps judge of particulars, one by one; but the general counsels, and the plots and marshaling of affairs, come best from those that are learned. To spend too much times in studies is sloth; to use them too much for ornament is affectation; to make judgment wholly by their rules, is the humor of scholar. They perfect nature and perfect by experience: for natural abilities are like natural plants, that need pruning, by study; and studies themselves to give forth direction too much at large, except they be bounded in by experience. Crafty men contemn studies, simple men admire them, and wise men use them. Read not to contradict and confute; nor to believe or take for granted; nor to fin talk and discourse; but to weight and consider. Some books are to be tasted others to be swallowed, and some to be chewed and digested; that are; some books are to be read only in parts; others to be read not curiously; and some few to be read wholly, and with diligence attention. Deputy may read some books, and extracts made of them by others; but that would be only in the less important arguments, and the meaner sort of books; else distilled books are like common distilled waters, flashy things. Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an extract man. And therefore, if a man write little, he had need have a great memory; if he confer a little, he had need have a present wet; and if he read a little he had need much cunning, to seem to know that he does not. Histories make man wise; poets witty; math subtle; natural philosophy deep; moral grave; logic and rhetoric able to contented. Zeal develops into habit there is no difficult or impediment in the wit but may be wrought out by fit studies; like as diseases of the body may have appropriate exercises. Bowling is a good for stone and kidneys; shooting for the lungs and breast; gentle walking for the stomach; riding for a head and the like. So if man's wit be wondering, let him study the math; for in demonstrations, if his wit be called away never so little, he must begin again. If he wit be not apt to distinguish or find difference, let him study, the Schoolmen for they are hair splitters. If he not to beat over matters, and to call up one thing to prove and illustrate another, let him study the lawyer's cases. So every defect of the mind may have a special receipt.

Language activity
I. Comment on the title of the story “Of Studies”. What is the main idea of the text?

II. Answer the following questions:

a. Why do studies have perfect nature?

b. What is “to read” according to Bacon’s opinion?

c. How do books influence people’s mind?

d. What is the role of books in education?

e. How do the different subjects influence the person?

f. So every defect of the mind may have a special receipt. Is it so or not?

III. Expand on the following meaning:

a) So every defect of the mind may have a special receipt.

b) Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability.

c) Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some to be chewed and digested.

d) Bowling is a good for stone and kidneys.

e) Studies chief use for delight is in privacy and retiring.

IV. Find Russian equivalents to the following words and explain them in English. Make a sentence of your own using these words:

sloth; affectation; ornament; despise; wisdom; confute; swallow; diligence; depute; conference; impediment; flashy things; distilled waters; extract man; perfect by nature.

V. Find synonyms and antonyms to the following words:

ability; affectation; crafty man; curiously; canny; deep; disposition; take for granted; a wise man; wholly.

VI. How do you understand the phrases from the text? Comment on them:

a. humor of scholar d. to beat over matters

b. zeal develops into habit e. to call up

c. hair splitters

VII. Complete the sentences:

a. Studies serve for delight, for _________, for ___________________.

b. To spent too much time in studies is _________________________ .

c. To make judgments wholly by their rules is ___________________ .

d. Histories make man_____________________________________ .

e. Some books also may be read by ___________________________.
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