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Business Organizations in the UKThe business organizations in England and Wales are the sole trader, the partnership and the registered company. There are advantages and disadvantages associated with these different forms. The most important distinction is that, where persons choose to register a company, the company is a juridic or artificial legal person which, with certain obvious exceptions, has the same rights and liability under the law as a natural person. There is no creation of a separate legal person in the case of the sole trader or the partnership. The main consequence is that the registered company provides the protection of limited liability for its members. The Sole TraderThe proprietor may, of course, employ other people, but the responsibility for the success or failure of the enterprise is in the hands of the sole trader, who will usually raise the capital of the business by loans from banks against the security of charges on his/her private property, such as a house, a life insurance policy or shares. The proprietor retains all the profits but is liable for all the losses up to the full extent of his/her private fortune and any legal action in respect of the business will be against the proprietor. The business may trade under a business name, in which case the Business Names Act 1985 must be complied with. The proprietor has great freedom but suffers disadvantages including: (i) limited capital; (ii) limited borrowing; (iii) problems with holidays and sickness; and (iv) limited scope for expansion, but these would not necessarily be removed by incorporation. The PartnershipThe partnership allows for an increased capital base, improved borrowing and reduces the problems relating to holidays and sickness. Partnerships are formed and regulated under the Partnership Act 1890 (PA 1890) which defines a partnership as the “relation which subsists between persons carrying on a business in common with a view of profit”. There must be at least two persons and the term “business” includes any “trade, profession or occupation”. The stipulation relating to profit means that the form cannot be used for charitable or non-commercial purposes. The partnership is not a separate legal person under the law, and partners are jointly liable for the debts and obligations of the partnership without limit; and jointly and independently for torts committed by partners and employees of the firm - even for partners who do not play an active part in the management of the business (so-called “sleeping partners”). Partnership is not suitable for a person who merely wishes to invest money in a business without incurring any further exposure to risk. The Registered CompanyThe Companies Act 1985 (CA 1985) provides that “any two or more persons, associated for any lawful purpose may, by subscribing their names to a memorandum of association and otherwise complying with the registration requirements of this Act ... form an incorporated company, with or without limited liability”. However, notwithstanding, one person may form a private company limited by shares or by guarantee. Unlimited Liability CompaniesBecause their members are fully liable for the debts of the company as in a partnership, they are not subject to the public disclosure required of limited liability companies where there is an obligation to disclose corporate information to the public through the Annual Return to the Registrar of Companies, and the requirement for an annual audit of its accounts. This is the price paid for the benefit of limited liability unless the limited company remains within statutory size criteria when it can benefit from disclosure and audit exemption. The fact that privacy is now available to small limited liability companies has removed the main reason for forming an unlimited liability company and there are very few in existence. Limited Liability CompaniesAlthough the company is always fully liable for its debts, the members of such companies have limited liability for the company's debts and liabilities. There are two forms of limited liability company: the company limited by guarantee, and the company limited by shares, of which only the latter is suitable for trading. |
Г. А. Багаутдинова И. И. Лукина английский язык для аспирантов и соискателей Авторы: Г. А. Багаутдинова, доктор филологических наук, профессор, зав кафедрой английского языка, директор Института языка |
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