Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку для бакалавров и специалистов факультета прикладной информатики 3 этап обучения

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Название Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку для бакалавров и специалистов факультета прикладной информатики 3 этап обучения
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Тип Учебно-методическое пособие
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1. Match the following English expressions with their Russian equivalents:

  1. to make strategic decisions; a) низкоуровневая работа;

  2. to streamline business; b) вызывать изменения;

  3. humane qualities; c) ядерное оружие;

  4. on the one hand – on the other hand; d) заслуживать внимания;

  5. weapons system; e) культурные традиции;

  6. keep in mind; f) личное владение компьютером;

  7. abuse of power; g) перепутать данные с идеями;

  8. nuclear weapons; h) принимать стратегические решения;

  9. to come to the conclusion; i) человеческие качества;

  10. cultural traditions; j) с одной (другой) стороны;

  11. to cause changes; k) принижать достоинство;

  12. to confuse data with ideas; l) совершенствовать бизнес;

  13. low-level jobs; m) злоупотребление властью;

  14. personal possession of a computer; n) система вооружений;

  15. to avoid the free dissemination of information; o) прийти к выводу;

  16. to detract from one's dignity; p) иметь в виду;

  17. to deserve attention. q) избегать свободного распространения информации.

2. Arrange the following words according to meaning similarity:

  1. to connect; a) to modernize;

  2. to cause; b) community;

  3. to streamline; c) humdrum

  4. society; d) to attach;

  5. conclusion; e) ownership;

  6. routine; f) to induce;

  7. possession. g) inference.

3. Read the text and answer the questions below:

Social Implications of Computerization

Everything is connected to everything else. A change in one area will cause changes in other areas, even if they aren't readily apparent to us. This means that with opportunities also come problems. We are learning this lesson, for example, in the area of ecology. Are we also learning it in relation to the computer's growing role in business and society?

This question is becoming more important as information technology replaces energy as society's main resource. Many people are concerned that too much emphasis has been put on what the computer can do to streamline business and too little on how it may be affecting the quality of our lives. For example, is it distorting the meaning of thought? That is, is it absurd and dangerous to attribute the capabilities of thinking and creativity to a computer? People have experience, convictions, and cultural traditions. Are these qualities being devalued? If so, perhaps we are heading into an era in which machinelike qualities of speed and problem solving will be valued more highly than what used to be called humane qualities.

Many people believe that the computer's level of "thinking" can be compared simply to a muscle spasm and that too many computer enthusiasts are confusing data with ideas. After all, nothing is information until a person interprets it. And information is not the same as knowledge, which is gained by thinking. Further, knowledge can be gained without new information being received by the thinker. Can a machine do this? Do you want the equivalent of a muscle spasm in control of a weapons system? Society must guard against the creation of inhumane projects thought up only because a computer made them possible, and it must develop standard checking systems to ensure the integrity of data used to make strategic decisions in government as well as business.

In addition to the problems of computer-controlled nuclear weapons, the potential for abuse of power concerns many people. On the one hand, the computer could lead to equalization – that is, a democratic situation in which all people have access to the same information. On the other hand, this possibility could lead to the opposite situation; the existence of huge banks of data and information, electronic communications, and inexpensive portable computers has led some totalitarian countries to outlaw personal possession of computers to avoid the free dissemination of information. Also, the existence of huge central data banks that contain essentially all data related to everyone's public and private life can be frightening to consider.

Many people focus on the freedom from routine and boring work that computers give. This is certainly welcome in many situations, but we must remember that what is boring and routine work to one person may be life-saving employment to another. Traditionally, in the United States, many low-level jobs are held by young people and immigrants with language problems. Therefore, what at first seems like an advantage of computerization may really be a disadvantage. McDonald's restaurants came to this conclusion not too long ago when they decided not to eliminate the order-cashier positions at the front counters staffed by people and replace them with machines that customers would use to key in their own orders. And maintaining human contact is still better for business.

One more problem to consider is the potential for computer-based systems in business to be used to monitor employees. What if terminals were programmed to check your speed, the pauses you make, the breaks you take, the rate of keying errors? Would it be fair for the company to do this to make sure it retains only the most efficient workers and thus increase the value of goods and services it has to sell? Or would this detract from your dignity as a human being – your right to do some things better than you do others? And would this type of company get high-quality decisions from its employees – or would the employees be too dissatisfied and afraid to work creatively?

These are only a few of the many computer-related social issues that are being discussed today; we'll discuss more later. Keep in mind, however, that although these problems certainly deserve everyone's attention, they should not obscure the opportuni­ties that will be opened up to you if you know how to use computers in your chosen occupation!

  1. What are many people concerned about?

  2. What era are we heading into, if such qualities as experience, convictions, and cultural traditions are being devalued?

  3. What can the computer's level of "thinking" be compared to?

  4. What must society develop standard checking systems for?

  5. Why does the potential for abuse of power concern many people?

  6. Why can the existence of huge central data banks be frightening to consider?

  7. Do you welcome the freedom of routine and boring work that computers give?

  8. Why did McDonald's restaurants decide not to eliminate the order-cashier positions at the front counters staffed by people and replace them with machines?

9. What are the disadvantages of computerization?

10. What is your opinion about the potential for computer-based systems in business to be used to monitor employees?
4. Which of the listed below statements are true/false? Correct the false statements.
1. A change in one area will not affect on other areas.

2. Many people are concerned that too little attention has been paid to what the computer can do to streamline business.

3. Experience, convictions, and cultural traditions are being devalued these days.

4. Society must create all kinds of projects thought up only because a computer made them possible.

5. In a democratic situation all people have access to the same information.

6. Computers give the freedom from routine and boring work.

7. McDonald's restaurants came to the conclusion that maintaining human contact is still better for business.

8. The potential for computer-based systems in business to be used to monitor employees is welcome in every situation.

9. Many opportuni­ties will be opened up to you if you know how to use computers in your chosen occupation.
5. Fill in the blanks:
1. A change in one area will … changes in other areas.

2. It is absurd and dangerous to attribute the capabilities of thinking and … to a computer.

3. Society must … standard checking systems to ensure the … of data used to make strategic decisions in government as well as business.

4. The … of huge central banks of data and information can be frightening to consider.

5. What is boring and … work to one person may be life-saving … to another.

6. Would it be … for the company to … its employees to make sure it retains only the most efficient workers.

7. These computer-related social issues certainly … everyone's attention.

  1. fair f) existence

  2. employment g) routine

  3. develop h) monitor

  4. cause i) integrity

  5. deserve j) creativity

6. Find English equivalents in the text:
1. Компьютер может привести к уравниванию, т.е. к демократической ситуации, когда все люди имеют доступ к одной и той же информации.

2. Что сначала кажется преимуществом компьютеризации, может в действительности оказаться ее недостатком.

3. Имейте в виду, что все эти проблемы определенно заслуживают внимания каждого.

4. Уровень компьютерного мышления можно сравнить с мышечным сокращением.

5. Изменение в одной области вызывает изменения в других областях, что означает, что с возможностями приходят и проблемы.

6. Вдобавок к проблемам компьютерного контроля над ядерным оружием многих людей заботит возможность злоупотребления властью.

7. Что, если терминалы были бы запрограммированы для контроля над скоростью, с которой вы работаете.

8. Люди имеют опыт, убеждения, культурные традиции. Обесцениваются ли эти качества?

9. Общество должно разработать стандартную систему контроля за целостностью данных, используемых при принятии стратегических решений как в правительстве, так и в бизнесе.

7. Make up your own sentences using the following expressions:
To make strategic decisions; to streamline business; humane qualities; keep in mind; abuse of power; to come to the conclusion; cultural traditions; to cause changes; to confuse data with ideas; low-level jobs; to avoid the free dissemination of information; to detract from one's dignity; to deserve attention.
8. Retell the text.


The Effect of Computers on Employment Opportunities
Active vocabulary:

  1. editing - редактирование;

  2. to exist - существовать;

  3. know-how - новшество, открытие;

  4. to disseminate - распространять;

  5. to list - перечислять;

  6. order – заказ;

  7. wholesale - оптовый;

  8. profit - прибыль;

  9. advertising - реклама;

  10. salary - зарплата;

  11. to keep track of - следить за;

  12. environment - окружающая среда;

  13. to update - обновлять;

  14. satellite - спутник;

  15. entertainment - развлечение.

1. Match the following English expressions with their Russian equivalents:

  1. the criminal justice system; a) принимать решения;

  2. insurance company; b) огромное количество данных;

  3. computer-literate user; c) водоснабжение;

  4. animal husbandry; d) страховая компания;

  5. to be in demand; e) верстка страницы;

  6. concise information; f) уголовно-процессуальная система;

  7. water supplies; g) образовательное ПО

  8. scientific application; h) языковые знания;

  9. patient insurance claims; i) грамотный компьютерный пользователь;

  10. the colossal amount of data; j) финансовые отчеты;

  11. language expertise; k) правоохранительные органы;

  12. law enforcement agencies; l) пользоваться спросом;

  13. financial records; m) системы вооружений;

  14. to make decisions; n) краткая информация;

  15. page makeup; o) страховые претензии пациентов;

  16. to disseminate strategic information; p) отделение интенсивной терапии;

  17. weapons systems; q) разрабатывать компьютерные игры;

  18. intensive care unit; r) научное применение;

  19. to develop computerized games; s) животноводство;

  20. educational software. t) распространять стратегическую информацию.

2. Arrange the following words according to meaning similarity:

1. to assist; a) to authorize;

2. literate; b) wage;

3. to disseminate; c) to renew;

4. to enable; d) to pursue;

5. to keep track of; e) competent;

6. salary; f) to aid;

7. to update. g) to scatter.
3. Read the text and answer the questions below:
The Effect of Computers on Employment Opportunities

The design and manufacture of computer hardware has become an enormous industry, and the need for software by all sorts of businesses – from apple growers to zoo managers – has led to the development of the applications software industry. In fact, the growth of the computer information industry has created a vast and varied number of jobs—both for computer professionals and computer-literate users.

But what are some of the specific jobs and activities that involve computer use?

Computers in Business Different types of businesses commonly use computers to assist with such day-to-day operating activities as: Sales Order Entry, Inventory Management and Control, Personnel Management, Payroll, Accounting, Security, Investment and General Financial Management.

To keep up-to-date with detailed information about how computers are being used in the various sections of the business and banking world, consult well-known business publications such as Business Week, Fortune, and The Wall Street Journal, as well as computer publications such as Personal Computing, PC World, and Macworld.

Computers in Government Government is by far one of the biggest computer users in the world today. It would almost be impossible to collect, tabulate, and categorize the colossal amount of data the U.S. government must deal with daily without the aid of computers. To a large extent, the U.S. defense system, among others, is based on computer technology. Vast networks of computers work together to coordinate and disseminate strategic information relating to the management and deployment of armed forces. Satellites are used to collect and communicate data and information, and the weapons systems have computerized components.

Computers in the Legal Profession Law enforcement agencies use computers to collect and analyze evidence. Many agencies are now equipped with data processing facilities that enable them to connect with large, countrywide law enforcement com­puter systems from which they can obtain and with which they can share information on criminal activities, as well as missing persons.

Computers in Medicine The use of computers in the health-care industry has grown tremendously in the past 10 years. Computers are used to process mountains of medical administrative paperwork, including millions of patient insurance claims; patient billing forms; inventory control accounts to track the availability and use of beds; and extensive patient records and histories of test results, treatments, and medicines. Recent computer-related developments in the medical profession involve the use of computer systems to assist in patient diagnosis. Many of the devices found in intensive care units are also computerized.
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