Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку для бакалавров и специалистов факультета прикладной информатики 3 этап обучения

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Название Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку для бакалавров и специалистов факультета прикладной информатики 3 этап обучения
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Тип Учебно-методическое пособие
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13. Which of the listed below statements are true/false? Correct the false statements.
1. Software is made up of a group of separate programs.

2. Software packages, which are usually created by ordinary users, are accompanied by documentation – users' manuals – that explains how to use the software.

3. Software can generally be divided into two categories: systems software and applications software.

4. Systems software solves specific problems relating to a business or a profession.

5. Applications software can be purchased "off the shelf" – that is, already pro­grammed, or written.
14. Find English equivalents in the text:
1. Программное обеспечение может быть разделено на две категории: системное ПО и прикладное ПО.

2. Программы, с помощью которых компьютер управляет своими собственными ресурсами, называются системное ПО.

3. Системное ПО не решает особых проблем, относящихся к бизнесу или профессии.

4. Программное обеспечение сопровождается инструкцией, которая объясняет, как им пользоваться.

5. Прикладное ПО может быть приобретено уже готовым к использованию.
15. Make up your own sentences using the following expressions:
To perform very specific processing tasks; to perform sophisticated tasks in a short time; to solve specific problems; a group of related programs; to calculate a budget; to modify off-the-shelf programs; to enter special computer-related codes.
16. Retell the text.


Types of Computer Systems: What’s the Difference?
Active vocabulary
1. access - доступ

2. circumference - окружность

3. insurance - страхование

4. term - термин

5. amount - количество

6. chip - микросхема

7. voltage - напряжение

8. sophisticated - сложный

9. simultaneously - одновременно

10. to add - добавлять

11. printout - распечатка

12. nevertheless – тем не менее, однако

13. to compare - сравнивать

14. semiconductor - полупроводник

15. characters per second – число символов в секунду

16. silicon - кремний

17. instruction – команда, распоряжение

18. relationship - отношение

19. portable – переносной (компьютер)

20. to affect - влиять
1. Match the following English expressions with their Russian equivalents:

  1. to conduct electricity; a) настольные рабочие станции;

  2. sophisticated components; b) ёмкость устройств хранения;

  3. the capacity of storage deviсes; c) описать основную задачу;

  4. chemical impurities; d) в зависимости от напряжения;

  5. millions of instructions per second; e) окружность земли;

  6. to describe a basic task; f) бухгалтерская компания;

  7. depending on applied voltages; g) сложные компоненты;

  8. accounting company; h) химические примеси;

  9. technological improvements; i) четверть квадратного дюйма;

  10. the earth’s circumference; j) миллион операций в секунду;

  11. desktop workstations; k) проводить электричество;

12. quarter of an inch square. l) технологические усовершенствования.
2. Arrange the following words according to meaning similarity

  1. to affect a) number

  2. instruction b) admixture

  3. impurity c) to influence

  4. to add d) direction

  5. simultaneously e) betterment

  6. amount f) together

  7. improvement g) to attach

3. Read the text and answer the questions below:
Types of Computer Systems: What's the Difference?
Computers come in a variety of sizes and shapes and with a variety of processing capabilities. To provide a basis for comparing their capabilities, computers are generally grouped into four basic categories: supercomputers, mainframe computers, minicomputers and microcomputers. It's hard to assign a worthwhile definition to each type of computer because definitions can get bogged down in potentially confusing technical jargon. Nevertheless, the following definitions can suffice:

A supercomputer can handle gigantic amounts of scientific com­putation. It's maintained in a special room or environment, maybe about 50,000 times faster than a microcomputer. As a user in business, you probably would not have contact with a supercomputer. However, you might if you worked in the areas of defense and weaponry, weather forecasting, scientific research, at one of several large universities, or for the National Space and Aeronautics Administration. For example, two Ameri­can computer scientists, Gregory and David Chudnovsky, recently broke the world record for pi (Pi is a commonly used mathematical constant that is based on the relationship of the earth's circumference to its diameter.) calculations by using two supercomputers to calculate pi to 480 million decimal places (the printout would run 600 miles). And, of course, in the next few years, more and more large industries will start using supercom­puters.

  • A mainframe computer is a large computer, usually housed in a
    controlled environment, that can support the processing requirements of
    hundreds and often thousands of users and computer professionals. If you go to work for an airline, a bank, a large insurance company, a large accounting company, a large university, or the Social Security Administration, you will likely have contact –
    through your individual workstation – with a mainframe computer.

  • A minicomputer, also known as a midsize or low-end mainframe computer, is similar to but less powerful than a mainframe computer. It can support 2 to about 50 users and computer professionals. Minicomputers and mainframe computers can work much faster than microcomputers and have many more storage locations in main memory. Many small and medium-sized companies today use minicomputers, so if you go into the business world, chances are good that you will have contact with a minicomputer.

  • The microcomputer is the type of computer that you undoubtedly will be dealing with as a user. Many readers are probably already familiar with the microcomputer, also known as a personal computer. They vary in size from small portables, such as laptop computers that you can carry around like a briefcase, to powerful desktop workstations, such as those used by engineers and scientists. A microcomputer – generally used by only one person at a time – uses a microprocessor chip as its CPU. As small as a quarter of an inch square, a chip is made of silicon, a material made from sand. Silicon is referred to as a semiconductor because it sometimes conducts electricity and sometimes does not (semi means "partly"), depending on applied voltages and added chemical impurities ("dop-ants").

In general, a computer’s type is determined by the following seven factors:

1. The type of CPU. As noted, microcomputers use microprocessors. The larger computers tend to use CPUs made up of separate, high-speed, sophisticated components.

  1. The amount of main memory the CPU can use. A computer equipped with a
    large amount of main memory can support more sophisticated programs and
    can even hold several different programs in memory at the same time.

  2. The capacity of the storage devices. The larger computer systems tend to be
    equipped with higher capacity storage devices.

  3. The speed of the output devices. The speed of microcomputer output devices tends to be rated in terms of the number of characters per second (cps) that can be printed — usually in tens and hundreds of cps. Larger computers' output
    devices are faster and are usually rated at speeds of hundreds or thousands of
    lines that can be printed per minute.

  4. The processing speed in millions of instructions per second (mips). The
    term instruction is used here to describe a basic task the software asks the
    computer to perform while also identifying the data to be affected. The process­
    ing speed of the smaller computers ranges from 3-4 mips. The speed of large
    computers can be 70 - 100 mips or more, and supercomputers can process more
    than 200 mips. In other words, a mainframe computer can process your data a
    great deal faster than a microcomputer.

  5. The number of users that can access the computer at one time. Most small
    computers can support only a single user; some can support as many as two or
    three at a time. Large computers can support hundreds of users simultaneously.

  6. The cost of the computer system. Business systems can cost as little as $1,500 (for a microcomputer) to $10 million (for a mainframe) and much more for a supercomputer.


  1. What basic categories are computers generally grouped into?

  2. In what areas might you have contact with a supercomputer?

  3. Where can a mainframe computer be used?

  4. What is the difference between a minicomputer and a mainframe computer?

  5. What are the main characteristics of a microcomputer?

  6. What is a semiconductor?

  7. What factors is a computer’s type determined by?

4. Which of the listed above statements are true/false? Correct the false statements.
1. As technological improvements were made in computer components, the overall size of computers began to increase.

2. A minicomputer, is similar to but less powerful than a mainframe computer.

3. A microcomputer – generally used by two or more persons at a time – uses a microprocessor chip as its CPU.

4. The speed of microcomputer output devices tends to be rated in terms of the number of characters per second (cps).

5. A microcomputer can process your data a
great deal faster than a mainframe computer.
5. Fill in the blanks:

  1. … sometimes conducts electricity and sometimes does not, depending on applied voltages and added chemical impurities.

2. … is known as a midsize or low-end mainframe computer.

  1. As small as a quarter of an inch square, … is made of silicon, a material made from sand.

  2. … is a commonly used mathematical constant that is based on the relationship of the earth's circumference to its diameter.

  3. The term … is used to describe a basic task the software asks the computer to perform while also identifying the data to be affected.

  4. If you go to work for an airline, a bank, a large insurance company, a large accounting company or a large university you will likely have contact with … .

    1. instruction d) microprocessor chip

    2. pi e) mainframe computer

    3. minicomputer f) semiconductor

6. Find English equivalents in the text:
1. Компьютеры делятся на 4 основные категории: суперкомпьютеры, мэйнфреймы, миникомпьютеры, микрокомпьютеры.

2. Тип компьютера определяется количеством оперативной памяти.

3. В бизнесе, как пользователь, вы вряд ли столкнетесь с суперкомпьютером.

4. Математическая постоянная определяет отношение окружности земли к ее диаметру.

5. Кремний относится к полупроводникам.

6. В больших компьютерах используются процессоры, состоящие из отдельных высокоскоростных и сложных компонентов.

7. Суперкомпьютер может выполнять огромное количество научных вычислений.
7. Make up your own sentences using the following expressions:
Desktop workstations; to process data; accounting company; technological improvements; the earth’s circumference; millions of instructions per second; insurance company; to be used by engineers and scientists; to describe a basic task; to depend on applied voltages; to conduct electricity; sophisticated components; the capacity of storage devices; chemical impurities.

  1. Retell the text


The Anatomy of a Microcomputer
Active vocabulary:
1. background – задний план, фон

2. to display - отображать

3. initial – первоначальный, исходный

4. permanently - постоянно

5. compatibility - совместимость

6. to select - выбирать

7. circuit board – схемная плата

8. cord - провод

9. to plug in - подключать

10. interchangeable - взаимозаменяемый

11. to install - устанавливать

12. key - клавиша

13. screen - экран

14. hardware – оборудование, аппаратные средства

15. compatible - совместимый

16. sophistication – усложнение, совершенствование

17. disk drive - дисковод

18. device - устройство

19. to generate – вырабатывать, производить, генерировать
1. Match the following English expressions with their Russian equivalents:

  1. power supply; a) материнская плата;

  2. video display board; b) устройство ввода;

  3. system unit; c) дополнительный порт принтера;

  4. expansion slots; d) основная монтажная плата;

  5. hard disk; e) блок питания;

  6. additional printer port; f) черно-белый монитор;

  7. to generate an electronic code; g) вводить данные или инструкции;

  8. input device; h) слоты расширения;

  9. monochrome monitor; i) цветной монитор;

  10. motherboard; j) системный блок;

  11. the main circuit board; k) жесткий диск;

  12. RGB monitor; l) быть совместимым со стандартом;

  13. to be compatible with the standard; m) видеокарта;

  14. to enter instructions or data; n) вырабатывать электронный код.

2. Arrange the following words according to meaning similarity
1. system board a) stretching

2. standard b) to produce

3. tremendous c) diskette

4. expansion d) to choose

5. unique e) variant

6. to select f) colossal

7. to generate g) criterion

8. version h) motherboard

9. to display i) single

10. floppy disk j) to show
3. Read the text and answer the questions below:
The Anatomy of a Microcomputer
Chances are that when you enter the business environment you will be required to know how to use a microcomputer to perform many of your job-related functions. It is therefore critical that you understand the typical components of a microcomputer system in order to use it effectively and talk about it intelligently. The more you know about it, the more valuable you will be to a current or potential employer.

The interest in microcomputers grew rather slowly at first for several reasons: (1) The initial cost for some microcomputer systems was quite high, ranging up to $6,000; (2) the average person did not have sufficient background in computer-related subjects to use the computer without difficulty; and (3) there were no industrywide standards to ensure the compatibility – that is, the usability – of data and software on different types of microcomputer systems.

The large number of different types of microcomputer systems in the marketplace makes it difficult to select one "best system." As a result, our discussion of the micro­computer will center on the three basic hardware devices found in most desktop microcomputer systems used in business today: the keyboard, the monitor, and the system unit (the main computer system cabinet) (Figure 1).

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