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Position: Mechatronics Engineer

Location: the United States

Job Description: Design and develop career opportunities in mechatronic design responsible for system modeling, control design, sensor and actuator selection and evaluation of high performance embedded control systems.

Minimum Qualifications: BSME or BSEE with 3-5 years experience utilizing SolidWorks, Cosmos, Floworks, Matlab/Simulink

* * *

Position: Electromechanical Designer

Location: Scotland

Job Description: Designing and developing a range of products and equipment, you will work alongside an established team in an office environment.

Minimum Qualifications: An experienced electromechanical designer, you should be fluent in at least one CAD package. Ideally you will own your own seat and be able to take that to client offices.

7. Prepare a topic for oral reproduction “My Speciality is Mechatronics”

Unit III


1. Read and memorize words and word combinations:

computer animator – разработчик мультимедиа;

real time data transmission – передача данных в реальном времени;

technical writers – производитель инструкций для информационно компьютерных систем;

hardware engineer – разработчик аппаратного обеспечения;

a database analyst – аналитик базы данных;

network analyst – аналитик компьютерных сетей;

web designers, webmasters – разработчики интернет страниц;

software engineer – инженер программного обеспечения;

security specialist – специалист по защите информации;

network or computer system administrators – администраторы сетей интернет и компьютерных систем;

database administrators – администраторы баз данных;

computer operators – операторы по компьютерам;

help desk technicians – специалисты по техническому обслуживанию;

computer training instructors – инструкторы по работе с компьютерами;

teleworker / telecommuter – работник удаленного офиса;

online teacher – преподаватель дистанционного обучения;

to practice telemedicine – проводить медицинское обследование;

virtual operations – виртуальные действия;

to be keen on smth. – увлекаться чем-либо;

profound knowledge – глубокие знания;

bachelor’s degree – степень бакалавра;

magestry and post-graduate courses – магистратура и аспирантура;

a programming expert – эксперт в программировании;

a logical mind – логический ум;

to work through a problem – решить проблему;

academic qualifications – профессиональное образование;

С, С+, Delphi, Java, Visual Basic developers – разработчик языков программирования С, С+, Delphi, Java, Visual Basiс;

to subscribe to – подписаться;

Microsoft Systems Journal – журнал «системы Микрософт»;

a decent book – подходящая книга;

a computer consultant – консультант по компьютерам;

a raft of exams – множество (куча) экзаменов;

contractors – специалисты, работающие по контракту;

consultancy – оказание консультаций;

Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer Exams – экзамены на сертификат инженера систем Микрософт;

Netware Certification – сертификат по работе с аппаратными сетями;

a junior consultancy position – пост заместителя консультационной фирмы;

to roll up major solutions – развертывать большие решения;

to make the leap – делать скачок;

IT manager – менеджер IT;

to manage projects – управлять проектами;

maintenance of servers – техническое обслуживание серверов;

installation of software – установка программного обеспечения;

to buy off the shelf – покупать с прилавка магазина;

hardware and software expertise – проверка аппаратного и программного обеспечения;

to divert career – продвигаться по карьерной лестнице;

to take responsibility – взять на себя ответственность;

to be responsible – отвечать за что-либо;

to be in charge off - быть ответственным;

technical qualifications – технические навыки;

requirements - требования;

a computing support job – работа по обслуживанию;

to be stuck in a job – быть «заваленным» работой;

to upgrade ones skillset - усовершенствовать набор навыков;

MCP – Microsoft Certified Professional – специалист с дипломом Микрософт

to do the course – пройти обучение.

2. Match English and Russian equivalents:

  1. A logical mind

  2. C, C+ developer

  3. Microsoft System

  4. A computer consultant

  5. To make the leap

  6. IT manager

  7. Maintenance servers

  8. Installation of software

  9. To buy off the shelf

  10. To be in charge of

  11. To upgrade one’s skillset

  12. Troubleshoot

  1. Разработчик языка С, С+

  2. Консультант по компьютерам

  3. Менеджер информационных технологий

  4. Техническое обслуживание серверов

  5. Установка программного обеспечения

  6. Быть ответственным

  7. Покупать с прилавка магазина

  8. Неисправность

  9. Логический ум

  10. Системы Микрософт

  11. Усовершенствовать набор

  12. Сделать скачок

3. Read and translate international words:

  1. a computer consultant

  2. a programming expert

  3. Microsoft system

  4. expertise

  1. technical qualification

  2. web designers

  3. computer system administrators

  4. computer operators

4. Make up sentences:

  1. Control, processing, computer data, computer operators.

  2. Graduating, academic qualifications, after, students, get, the university.

  3. Are C, C+, everywhere, developers, in demand.

  4. Subscribe, are, you, to, if, want, computer science, Microsoft systems journal, to know.

  5. Can, IT managers, work, as, contractors.

  6. To be in charge of consultancy firm, computer maintenance.

  7. A major, information technology, mankind, in the development made, has, the leap.

  8. Is in charge of, the research, data bases, database analyst, development, and, of.

  9. Manage, efficiency, of, and, data bases, the accuracy, database administrators.

  10. Have, apart from, an IT manager hardware and software expertise, will, over five years, typically, experience in the industry.

5. Fill in the gaps with these word-combinations:

software engineer; computer security specialist; blog administrator; help desk technician; DTP operator; hardware engineer; network administrator; webmaster

1. A ……………. designs and develops IT devices.

2. A ……………. writes computer programs.

3. A ……………. edits and deletes posts made by contributors to a blog.

4. A ……………. uses page layout software to prepare electronic files for publiction.

5. A ……………. manages the hardware and software that comprise a network.

6. A ……………. designs and maintains websites.

7. A ……………. works with companies to build secure computer systems.

8. A ……………. helps end-users with their computer problems in person, by email or over the phone.
6. Read and translate the text

My Speciality

I am a second year student of Omsk State Technical University, the department of Information Technologies and Computer Systems. I specialize in the field of IT and after 4 years of studies I’ll get a bachelor’s degree and become a computer engineer.

The first large-scale electronic computer, the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC), became operational in 1946. It contained approximately 18,000 electronic vacuum tubes of the size of light bulbs that controlled the flow of electric current. The ENIAC, which weighed 30 tons and occupied about 1,500 square feet of floor space – a huge machine compared to today’s standards – was able to perform a scientific calculation involving the multiplication of found numbers in approximately 9 milliseconds (9/1,000ths of a second). Since that time, the technology used in the design and production of computers has accelerated at remarkable pace.

Most ICT-related jobs (ICT – Information and Communication Technologies) have developed to meet the need to analyze, design, develop, manage or support computer software, hardware or networks. All the people involved in the different stages of development of a computer project, i.e. analysts, programmers, support specialists, etc. are controlled by a project manager.

A database analyst is in charge of the research and development of databases, network analysts study the network requirements and recommend the most suitable type of network; systems analysts decide what ICT system will cater for the requirements of a specific institution. Web designers, also called webmasters, create and maintain web pages and web applications for websites. Software engineers, either application programmers or systems programmers, plan, design, and test computer programs. Hardware engineers design and develop ICT devices. Security specialists specialize in the design of software and hardware to protect information from malware: viruses, spyware, etc. Network or computer systems administrators install and maintain networks. Database administrators manage the accuracy and efficiency of databases. Computer operators control computer data processing. Help desk technicians are in charge of troubleshooting, the solution of technical problems. Computer training instructors or trainers teach people how to use hardware and software. Technical writers write the instructions for ICT systems.

To become skilled computer engineers we study both general purpose subjects and special ones. Having got profound knowledge in physics, higher mathematics, descriptive geometry, technical drawing, and electrical engineering we are to be trained in control systems, as well. Apart from special subjects we are also involved in mastering general purpose subjects. Our theoretical training is done alongside with scientific research work at the University computer centre and major computer companies of our city.

Our studying is also combined with practical training at the up-to date enterprises of our city. The teaching staff of our university is presented by highly qualified professors and teachers.

During the course of studying we are to prepare term papers and at the end we are supposed to defend graduation papers on the problems concerning computer systems and operational systems, word processing, data base, programming, programming languages, ICT systems, networks, Web-design and so on and so forth.

A qualified specialist should bear in mind that carrying out research work is singularly important as well as reading scientific literature. After receiving the bachelor’s degree, those students who are keen on science, are able to continue their education in magestry and post-graduate courses. All these factors are of great help in developing into sensible, responsible and skilled engineer in computing.
7. Answer the questions to the text:

  1. How long does it take to become a bachelor in computer engineering?

  2. What is the origin of the first large-scale electronic computer?

  3. What technology is used in computer?

  4. What subjects do students study to become skilled computer engineers?

  5. What kinds of jobs are found in computing?

  6. What functions do these specialists perform?

  7. Where are the students able to continue their education?

8. Classify these jobs under the heading that best describes their function:

software engineer, help desk technician, database atimmistrator,

trainer, network analyst, systems analyst.

hardware engineer, network administrator,

a ………….. b …… c …….. d ……. e ……….. f ……. g …..….. h...

9. Make up true sentences about jobs:

A technical, designer, controls all the operations and people in a project,

A project , writer, wittes documentation of a program or device,

A web, specialist, plans and keeps websites updated,

A security, manager, designs applications against viruses.
10. What jobs are being offered in these advertisements?

We are seeking a person to operate peripheral computer equipment; and perform report distribution duties and backup procedures on our servers.

Major Responsibilities

  • Operating printers and unloading reports from the printer and distributing them through the internal mail system

  • Performing backups on various operating systems

  • Analysing and troubleshooter problems in the Data Centre reported by Help Desks or IT support associates.
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