Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение
высшего профессионального образования
«Омский государственный технический университет»


Методические указания
Издательство ОмГТУ
Н. П. Андреева,
С .В. Богомолов
Методические указания содержат аутентичные тексты для чтения на английском языке по автоматизации производства, мехатронике, информационным технологиям и комплекс обучающих упражнений для овладения профессиональной терминологией и развития навыков устной речи.
Предназначены для студентов II курса ФИТиКС, изучающих английский язык для профессионального общения.
Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета
Омского государственного технического университета
Unit I. Automation of technological processes......……………...………………. 4
Unit II. Mechatronics ………………….………………………………...…….. 10
Unit III. Jobs in computing ……………………………………...…………….. 16
Unit I
1. Read and translate the text
Text A. My Speciality
bachelor’s degree – степень бакалавра
to coin – вводить в обращение
intelligence – интеллект, умственные способности
programmed command – запрограммированная команда
feedback control – управление с обратной связью
execution – выполнение
thorough knowledge – глубокие знания
technical drawing – технический рисунок, черчение
electrical engineering – электротехника
strength of materials – сопротивление материалов
machine parts – детали машин
automated control systems – автоматизированные системы управления
engineering subjects – технические предметы
humanities – гуманитарные предметы
scientific world outlook – научное мировоззрение
to equip – оборудовать
installation – оборудование, установка
design bureau – конструкторское бюро
term paper – курсовая работа
graduation paper – выпускная квалификационная работа
to carry out – проводить, выполнять (исследование)
research work – исследовательская работа
highly-skilled – высококлассный
I am a second year student of Omsk State Technical University, the department of Information Technologies and Computer Systems. I specialize in the field of automation of technological processes and after 4 years of studies I’ll get a bachelor’s degree and become an automation engineer.
Automation in its broad sense is the application of machines to tasks once performed by human beings or to tasks that would otherwise be impossible. The term automation was coined in the automobile industry about 1946 to describe the increased use of automatic devices and controls in mechanized production lines. This term is now widely used in connection with a variety of systems in which there is a significant substitution of mechanical, electrical, or computerized action for human effort and intelligence. In general usage, automation can be defined as a technology concerned with performing a process by means of programmed commands combined with automatic feedback control to ensure proper execution of the instructions.
To become skilled specialists in automation we are trained in fundamental sciences and special subjects. As future engineers we get thorough knowledge of physics, mathematics, technical drawing, electrical engineering, strength of materials, machine parts, theory of mechanics, automation and automated control systems. The development of automation technology has become increasingly dependent on the use of computers and computer-related technologies, so we also study computer science. Apart from the engineering subjects, we are offered a wide program of humanities. A great attention is paid to such subjects as history, philosophy, foreign languages as well as to the development of the scientific world outlook of the future engineers. We are taught by a highly-qualified staff of professors and teachers. Our practical training and laboratory works are done in the laboratories equipped with modern installations, apparatuses and devices. Theoretical training is combined with scientific work at the scientific centres and students’ design bureaus. It is also combined with practical training at the advanced enterprises. Besides, we write our term papers and graduation papers on the problems connected with automation of technological processes and control. We operate experimental and industrial installations, carry out research work, read scientific literature which deals with our speciality. All these help to turn a student into a highly-skilled engineer, ready for independent work.
2. Answer the questions to the text.
How long does it take to become a bachelor in automation engineering?
What is the origin of the term ‘automation’?
How is it defined now?
What subjects do students study to become skilled automation engineers?
What is the role of research work in training future automation engineers?
3. Fill in the gaps with appropriate words (from the word list to the text A)
To become a … … … automation engineer one has to take a 4- or 5-year University course and obtain … … … knowledge in fundamentals of the profession.
I have to see my academic advisor to discuss the topic of my future … … … .
Students of our department study both … … … subjects and … … … .
At the students’… … … that are … … … with up-to-date apparatuses and … … … , future engineers can practice in designing automated … … … .
Automation is the technology of performing a process by means of the … … … united with automatic … … … that ensures … … … of instructions.
It is known that … … … of the future engineers is developed through carrying out … … … work, reading scientific literature, and working in the scientific centres during University studies.
4. Read and translate the text
Text B. Three Types of Automation
fixed automation – жесткая автоматизация
programmable automation – программируемая автоматизация
flexible automation – гибкая автоматизация
processing operations – производственные операции
cam – кулачок, эксцентрик
gear – зубчатое колесо, шестерня
wiring – электропроводка
production rate – производительность труда
transfer line – автоматическая поточная линия
assembly machine – сборочная установка
in batches – партиями, комплектно
production run – производственный цикл
numerical-control machine tool – станок с ЧПУ
Three types of automation in production can be distinguished: (1) fixed automation, (2) programmable automation, and (3) flexible automation.
Fixed automation, also known as “hard automation,” refers to an automated production facility in which the sequence of processing operations is fixed by the equipment configuration. In effect, the programmed commands are contained in the machines in the form of cams, gears, wiring, and other hardware that is not easily changed over from one product style to another. This form of automation is characterized by high initial investment and high production rates. It is therefore suitable for products that are made in large volumes. Examples of fixed automation include machining transfer lines found in the automotive industry, automatic assembly machines, and certain chemical processes.
Programmable automation is a form of automation for producing products in batches. The products are made in batch quantities ranging from several dozen to several thousand units at a time. For each new batch, the production equipment must be reprogrammed and changed over to accommodate the new product style. This reprogramming and changeover take time to accomplish, and there is a period of nonproductive time followed by a production run for each new batch. Production rates in programmable automation are generally lower than in fixed automation, because the equipment is designed to facilitate product changeover rather than for product specialization. A numerical-control machine tool is a good example of programmable automation. The program is coded in computer memory for each different product style, and the machine tool is controlled by the computer program. Industrial robots are another example.
Flexible automation is an extension of programmable automation. The disadvantage with programmable automation is the time required to reprogram and change over the production equipment for each batch of new product. This is lost production time, which is expensive. In flexible automation, the variety of products is sufficiently limited so that the changeover of the equipment can be done very quickly and automatically. The reprogramming of the equipment in flexible automation is done off-line; that is, the programming is accomplished at a computer terminal without using the production equipment itself. Accordingly, there is no need to group identical products into batches; instead, a mixture of different products can be produced one right after another.
5. Text-based activity. Specify which of the following characteristics, given in Russian, have to do with fixed, programmable, and flexible automation.
Fixed Automation
Programmable Automation
Flexible Automation
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автоматизация производства с помощью быстропереналаживающих устройств;
автоматизация производства механическими средствами;
автоматизация производства средствами ЧПУ;
характеризуется производством продукции партиями;
производительность труда невысока, вследствие простоя оборудования во время переналадки;
разные типы продукции выпускаются один за другим, без промедления;
характеризуется высокой производительностью труда;
главный недостаток – время, затраченное на смену программы и оборудования;
не допускает переналадки под производство другой продукции;
подходит для производства продукции в больших объемах;
возможна переналадка оборудования под производство новой продукции;
последовательность операций зависит от конфигурации оборудования;
замена оборудования для производства нового типа продукции осуществяется автоматически
6. Read the text and do the following tasks:
look through the job ads and say which position(s) you would apply for and why.
write a CV (see p. 30 for an example).
Rubber Manufacturing Company (Twinsburg, OH, USA) is looking for an Automation Engineer. This position will be responsible for automation and control systems design, specification, programming, simulation and testing, and start-up assistance. Candidates needs to have a proven track record in engineering leadership as well as the ability to develop and implement standard engineering practices, and provide detailed documentation upon project completion. The pay range for this position is $60k-$70k annually, depending upon experience.
* * *
Regeneron (Rensselaer, NY, USA) is currently seeking a talented and motivated Automation Engineer to join our Technical Operations Department reporting to the Manager of Engineering Support. This position is responsible for automation and controls systems design, specification, programming, simulation and testing, change control, start-up, and support to manufacturing in a cGMP environment. Requirements:
BS/BA in Science, Engineering or Software Programming
3-5 years direct experience programming, designing and maintaining industrial control systems in a pharmaceutical or biopharmaceutical industry.
A minimum of 5 years experience in the design/build/programming of PLC and data acquisition systems.
* * *
Technisource (Oak Brook, IL) is looking for a Senior QA Automation Engineer for this contract-to-hire opportunity with our customer in the Western Suburbs. Responsibilities:
Develop automation test cases from technical specifications and stories, analyze system test plans, and possess the ability to convert these test cases into automation scripts.
Collaborate with software developers in the design, development, and maintenance of QTP automation scripts.
Create and maintain test scripts and test traceability matrices that measure the quality of software products, releases, and features throughout the software life cycle.
Execute manual test cases to meet group deadline dates.
Fully own the automated test process as it relates to automation development and execution of Corporate System applications.
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Professionals Inc has an Automation Engineer opportunity available north of Syracuse, NY. As an Automation Engineer, you will be responsible for the support, enhancements and continued development of Plant and Manufacturing Automation Systems. Key Responsibilities include:
Maintenance of existing systems
Extensive engineering knowledge related to planning and conducting projects, and resolving complex engineering problems
Willingness to keep current with technology and bring forth improvements in process control, process automations and process management systems
Bachelor’s in Engineering or related discipline
5+ years of manufacturing automation experience
Programming experience with Microsoft Visual Studio / Development tools and C# or VB.Net programming
Experience with HMI / SCADA systems, SQL programming, building client / server applications, and working in an IT environment are all strong plusses
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