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On the bank of a tranquil English river, a girl named Alice gets tired of her older sister's retelling of the history of William I of England. When her sister chastises Alice's daydreaming, Alice tells her cat Dinah that she would prefer to live in a nonsenscial dreamland called Wonderland. Alice and Dinah spot a waistcoat-wearing White Rabbit passing by, and Alice gives chase as he rushes off claiming to be late for an unknown event. Alice follows him into a rabbit hole and falls into a labyrinth. Her dress balloons out and she begins to float. She sees the White Rabbit disappear into a tiny door and tries to follow, but the door's talking knob advises her to alter her size using a mysterious drink and food. Alice eventually manages to shrink and passes through the door's keyhole and into Wonderland. She meets several strange characters including the Dodo and Tweedledee and Tweedledum who recount the tale of "The Walrus and the Carpenter." Alice eventually finds the White Rabbit in his house, but before she can ask what he is late for, she is sent to fetch some gloves. She eats a cake and grows into a giant again, getting stuck in the rabbit's house. The White Rabbit, the Dodo, and chimney sweep Bill the Lizard believe Alice to be a monster and plot to burn the house down. Alice escapes by eating a carrot and shrinking down to the size of an insect. She meets and sings with some talking flowers, but they chase her away upon accusing her of being a weed. Alice is then instructed by the hookah-smoking Caterpillar to eat a part of his mushroom grow back to her original size. Alice decides to keep the remaining pieces of the mushroom on hand. Alice meets the Cheshire Cat who advises her to visit the Mad Hatter, March Hare and the Dormouse. The three are hosting a mad tea party and celebrate Alice's "unbirthday", a day where it is not her birthday. The White Rabbit appears, but the March Hare and Mad Hatter destroy his pocketwatch and throw him out of the party. Alice gives up on her pursuit of the White Rabbit and decides to go home, but gets lost in the Tulgey Wood. The Cheshire Cat appears and leads Alice into a giant hedge maze ruled by the tyrannical Queen of Hearts and her smaller husband, the King of Hearts. The Queen executes anyone who enrages her, and invites Alice in a bizarre croquet match using flamingoes and hedgehogs as the equipment. The Cheshire Cat appears again and pulls a trick on the Queen which she accuses Alice of doing, and Alice is put on trial. However, she eats the remains of the Caterpillar's mushroom and grows to an enormous height which the King claims is forbidden in court. Tired of Wonderland, Alice openly insults the Queen until she shrinks to her normal size and is forced to flee after the Queen orders her execution. Alice becomes pursued by most of Wonderland's characters until she finally reunites with the Doorknob. The Doorknob tells her she is having a dream, forcing Alice to wake herself up. The film ends as Alice and her sister head home for tea. THE SWORD IN THE STONE WALT DISNEY, 1963 Interesting facts:
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A long time ago in England a good king died without leaving an heir to the throne. The knights couldn’t decide who would be the king and were at war with each other. Only a miracle could save the country and it appeared in London – the Sword in the Stone. On it was written, “Who pulls out this sword of the stone, is the right wise king of England”. For many years a lot of knights tried to do it but failed. By and by everybody forgot about the Sword in the Stone. In one of the castled of England there lived Sir Hector, his son Key and his adopted son Arthur whom everybody called the Ward. Arthur was an orphan and could only dream of becoming Key’s squire. But the great wizard Merlin knew that a bright future was awaiting Arthur so he decided to be his tutor because he wanted him to be a well-educated intelligent ruler. Merlin did his best to develop Arthur’s brain, to enlarge his knowledge, to make him think and solve problems when he was on his own in an unknown situation. For the purpose he turned him into a fish, a squirrel, a bird whose lives were full of dangerous problems. Arthur solved the problems because he had great spark, lots of spirit and he put his heart and soul into everything he did. Then came the day of the Tournament to the winner of which would go the Crown of England. Key was to take part in it and Arthur was his squire. Unfortunately he forgot Key’s sword and couldn’t find another sword anywhere except in the churchyard. He pulled out the sword and brought it to Key. When Sir Hector read the inscription, neither he nor the other knights could believe it. But no matter how hard the other knights tried to pull out the sword of the stone, they failed. So they proclaimed Arthur the King of England. JUNGLE BOOK WALT DISNEY, 1967 Interesting facts:
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