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6. Hashemi, L., Murphy, R. English Grammar in Use. Supplementary Exercises / L. Hashemi, R. Murphy.Cambridge: Univ. Press, 2001.

При подготовке к практическому занятию необходимо использовать рекомендованную литературу, а также материалы сайта www.wikipedia.com

При подготовке к пункту 1 необходимо рассмотреть лексические, синтаксические, стилистические и грамматические средства, характерные для следующих типов текста: научного, научно-технического, специального. В пункте 2 рассмотрите логико-смысловые связи между следующими элементами текста: союзы, союзные слова, клишированные фразы, вводные обороты и конструкции, слова-сигналы ретроспективной (местоимения) и перспективной (наречия) связи, а также определите формальные признаки конструкции "именительный падеж с инфинитивом".
Тема 3. Составление резюме.

План: Основные части резюме: 1) личная информация; 2) цель; 3) образование; 4) профессиональный опыт; 5) специальные навыки; 6) рекомендации.

1. Мердок-Стерн, Серена Деловые приемы и встречи на английском: визиты, сотрудничество, профессиональные контакты: учебное пособие / Серена Мердок-Стерн. – М.: АСТ, 2007.

2. Шевелева, С.А. Деловой английский / С.А. Шевелева. – М.: ЮНИТИ, 2007.

3. Басс, Э.М. Научная и деловая корреспонденция / Ю.М. Басс. – М.: Наука, 1991.

4. Сафроненко, О.И. Английский язык для магистров и аспирантов естественных факультетов университетов / О.И. Сафроненко. – М.: Высшая школа, 2005.
При подготовке к практическому занятию необходимо использовать рекомендованную литературу. Рассмотреть структуру написания резюме и представить свое в виде сообщения (монологическое высказывание профессионального характера в объеме не менее 15-20 фраз).
Тема 4. Научная статья. Аннотирование и реферирование.


1. Аннотация. Виды аннотаций.

2. Научный стиль.

1. Кондратюкова, Л.К., Ткачева, Л.Б., Акулинина, Т.В. Аннотирование и реферирование английской научно-технической литературы / Л.К. Кондратюкова, Л.Б. Ткачева, Т.В. Акулинина. – Омск, 2001.

2. Рубцова, М.Г. Чтение и перевод английской научной и технической литературы / М.Г. Рубцова. – М.: Астрель, АСТ, 2004.
При подготовке к практическому занятию необходимо использовать рекомендованную литературу, а также материалы сайта www.wikipedia.com

При подготовке к пункту 1 необходимо рассмотреть основные характеристики аннотации и ее виды. В пункте 2 дайте определение научного стиля, рассмотрите его особенности и историю, общие черты, а также виды и жанры научного стиля; особое внимание обратите на языковые средства, используемые в научном стиле.
Тема 5. Моя научная работа.

План: Лексические единицы и речевые образцы, необходимые для составления обоснования по теме диссертации.

1. Кондратюкова, Л.К., Ткачева, Л.Б., Акулинина, Т.В. Аннотирование и реферирование английской научно-технической литературы / Л.К. Кондратюкова, Л.Б. Ткачева, Т.В. Акулинина. – Омск, 2001.

2. Рубцова, М.Г. Чтение и перевод английской научной и технической литературы / М.Г. Рубцова. – М.: Астрель, АСТ, 2004.
При подготовке к практическому занятию необходимо использовать рекомендованную литературу, а также материалы сайта www.wikipedia.com

При подготовке к практическому занятию необходимо составить вокабуляр, включающий также и речевые обороты, которые помогут дать обоснование выбранной темы исследования и более подробно представить содержательную сторону исследуемой тематики.
Тема 6. Деловая переписка.


  1. Правила составления деловых писем, мотивированного письма.

  2. Виды сложных предложений.


  1. Басс, Э.М. Научная и деловая корреспонденция / Ю.М. Басс. – М.: Наука, 1991.

  2. Ступин, Л. П. Письма по-английски на все случаи жизни: Учебно-справочное пособие для изучающих английский язык / Л.П. Ступин. — СПб.: Просве­щение, 1997.

  3. Сулейманова, О.А., Беклемешева, Н.Н. Грамматические аспекты: уч. пособие д/студ. вызов / О.А. Сулейманова, Н.Н. Беклемешева. – М.: Академия, 2010.

  4. Murphy, R. Essential Grammar in Use (for Intermediate students) / R. Murphy. – Cambridge: Univ. Press, 2001.

  5. Swan, M., Walter, C. How English works. A Grammar Practice Book / M. Swan, C. Walter. – Oxford: Univ. Press, 2000.

При подготовке к практическому занятию необходимо использовать рекомендованную литературу. При подготовке к пункту 1 необходимо изучить этикет написания письма, ознакомиться с правилами составления деловых писем на английском языке, а также некоторыми правилами английской пунк­туации и орфографии; составить список наиболее употребляемых выражений, используемых в начале и конце письма на основе анализа писем. В пункте 2 изучите вида сложных предложений, используемых в письмах, а также обратите внимание на использование сложных конструкций.
Тема 7. Деловое общение по телефону.


  1. Деловой этикет общения по телефону.

  2. Правила делового общения.


1. Агабекян, И.П. Английский для менеджеров / И.П. Агабекян. – Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2011.

2. Мердок-Стерн, Серена Деловые приемы и встречи на английском: визиты, сотрудничество, профессиональные контакты: учебное пособие / Серена Мердок-Стерн. – М.: АСТ, 2007.

3. Шевелева, С.А. Деловой английский / С.А. Шевелева. – М.: ЮНИТИ, 2007.

4. http://www.usingenglish.com/

5. http://usefulenglish.ru/

6. http://www.native-english.ru/
При подготовке к практическому занятию необходимо использовать рекомендованную литературу и Интернет-ресурсы. При подготовке к данной теме дается определение понятию «деловой этикет», изучается основа успешного проведения делового телефонного разговора и его структура, а также студент знакомится с репликами, способными скорректировать общение.
Тема 8. Международное научное сотрудничество.


1. Умение речевого общения: прием зарубежных специалистов.

2. Обмен информацией профессионального характера. Новые лексические единицы и

речевые образцы по теме.

3. Научная конференция.

  1. Агабекян, И.П. Английский для менеджеров / И.П. Агабекян. – Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2011.

  2. Казакова, Т.А. Практические основы перевода / Т.А. Казакова.- СПб: Изд-во «Союз», 2007.

  3. Мердок-Стерн, Серена Деловые приемы и встречи на английском: визиты, сотрудничество, профессиональные контакты: учебное пособие / Серена Мердок-Стерн. – М.: АСТ, 2007.

  4. Шевелева, С.А. Деловой английский / С.А. Шевелева. – М.: ЮНИТИ, 2007.

  5. Басс, Э.М. Научная и деловая корреспонденция / Ю.М. Басс. – М.: Наука, 1991.

  6. Сафроненко, О.И. Английский язык для магистров и аспирантов естественных факультетов университетов / О.И. Сафроненко. – М.: Высшая школа, 2005.

  7. http://www.usingenglish.com/

  8. http://usefulenglish.ru/

  9. http://www.native-english.ru/

  10. http://www.bbc.co.uk/learning/

  11. http://www.britishcouncil.org/new/learning/

  12. http://www.cambridge.org/learning/

При подготовке к практическому занятию необходимо использовать рекомендованную литературу и Интернет-ресурсы. При подготовке к пункту 1 следует подробно ознакомиться с речевыми единицами общения (речевая ситуация, речевое событие, речевое взаимодействие). В пункте 2 необходимо ознакомиться с речевыми образцами и лексическими единицами по заданной теме и представить анкету для обучения в России, а также разработать программу профессионального обмена для преподавателей. В пункте 3 студент представляет слайд-презентацию своей научной работы, используя полученные знания.
Самостоятельная работа

по курсу «Иностранный язык в профессиональной коммуникации»
При выполнении самостоятельной работы обучающиеся пользуются рекомендуемой основной и дополнительной литературой.

Формы контроля самостоятельной работы: прием перевода научных статей по заданной тематике, реферирование и аннотирование научных статей, написание эссе, подготовка устных сообщений и докладов на английском языке по заданной тематике. Профессионально-ориентированные тексты отбираются согласно направлению подготовки и квалификации обучающихся.

Раздел дисциплины: Стратегии устного и письменного перевода.

Тема: Виды и методы перевода.


  1. Перевести текст.

  2. Привести примеры конструкции сложного дополнения (Complex Object).

  3. Написать эссе.

При подготовке задания 1 необходимо прочитать текст, обращая внимание на усложненные грамматические структуры, выбрать наиболее походящие стратегии и методы перевода. Подчеркнуть в тексте предложения с конструкцией сложного дополнения.
Read the text and do exercises on it.
The early years of the nineteenth century in English literature are called the romantic period. Romantic is not used in its commonest meaning of a relationship between the sexes. Rather romantic designates and intellectual stance, an emotional outlook, almost an attitude towards life. Romanticism is a difficult movement to describe because of its numerous sometimes-contradictory features. But at the very heart of the Romantic Movement was the belief that the individual is the center of all life and experience. Literature, therefore, should be the tool for expressing personal feelings and unique, individual experiences, however fragmentary they may be. Starting near the end of the eighteenth century in England, Romanticism influenced some crafts and all the arts: literature, painting, music and sculpture.

To understand the origins of Romanticism it is helpful to recall the political background of the era. Late in the eighteenth century the Americans freed themselves from English control. In 1789, the French began with the storming of Bastille; three years later, the rebels executed King Louis XVI and his queen, Marie Antoinette. English writers tended to be sympathetic with these movements. The thinking that produced such political upheavals helped to fuel a revolution in the arts as well. Political freedom became for many artists the natural corollary of individual and artistic freedom.

Language activity

I. Read the following words and translate them: designate, intellectual, contradictory, fragmentary, sympathetic, movement, revolution, upheaval, background, era.

II. Find the words with diphthongs. Read them correctly and translate.

III. There are two columns: nouns, adjectives. Find pairs

Movement individual

Experience political

Freedom contradictory

Feature emotional

Outlook difficult
IV. Find all words in plural and make them singular form.

V. In this text King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette were mentioned. What are they? Make a report on them.

VI. How do you understand Romanticism?

VII. Compare Russian writers and writers of the period of Romanticism in England. What features are similar and different? Explain your answer.

VIII. What historical events influenced on appearance of Romanticism?

IX. Make a character sketch of a person of that period?

X. Make a dialogue using the following words.

Romantic Movement; American freedom; storming of Bastille; king Louis XVI and his queen; Political freedom.

XI. Retell the text as if you were: the member the government; a man of art; a scientist; a president.

XII. How do you understand the proverb?

Virtue is its own reward.

Can we connect it with this text and why?

XIII. Make a plan of the text and retell the text in detail.

Раздел дисциплины: Резюме. Моя научная работа.

Тема: Резюме. Реферирование.


  1. Составьте резюме.

  2. Приготовьте реферирование текста.

При подготовке задания необходимо ознакомиться с правилами составления резюме (см. Приложение «Справочный материал»).

При подготовке текста научного (общекультурного) характера к реферированию, необходимо ознакомиться с основными правилами и требованиями реферирования (см. Приложение «Справочный материал»). Прочитайте, переведите текст, приготовьте реферирование статьи.

Read the text and do exercises on it.

Impressionism was a 19th-century art movement that began as a loose association of Paris- based artists whose independent exhibitions brought them to prominence in the 1870s and 1880s. The name of the movement is derived from the title of a Claude Monet work, Impression, Sunrise (Impression, soleil levant), which provoked the critic Louis Leroy to coin the term in a satiric review published in Le Charivari.

Characteristics of Impressionist paintings include visible brush strokes, open composition, emphasis on light in its changing qualities (often accentuating the effects of the passage of time), ordinary subject matter, the inclusion of movement as a crucial element of human perception and experience, and unusual visual angles. The emergence of Impressionism in the visual arts was soon followed by analogous movements in other media which became known as Impressionist music and Impressionist literature. Impressionism also describes art created in this style, but outside of the late 19th century time period.


Radicals in their time, early Impressionists broke the rules of academic painting. They began by giving colours, freely brushed, primacy over line, drawing inspiration from the work of painters such as Eugéne Delacroix. They also took the act of painting out of the studio and into the modern world. Previously, still lifes and portraits as well as landscapes had usually been painted indoors.11 The Impressionists found that they could capture the momentary and transient effects of sunlight by painting en plein air. Painting realistic scenes of modern life, they emphasized vivid overall effects rather than details. They used short, “broken” brush strokes of pure and unmixed colour, not smoothly blended, as was customary, in order to achieve the effect of intense colour vibration.

By re-creating the sensation in the eye that views the subject, rather than recreating the subject, and by creating a welter of techniques and forms, Impressionism became a precursor seminal to various movements in painting which would follow, including Neo-Impressionism, Post-Impressionism, Fauvism, and Cubism.


In an atmosphere of change as Emperor Napoleon III rebuilt Paris and waged war, the Académie des Beaux-Arts dominated the French art scene in the middle of the 19th century. The Académie was the upholder of traditional standards for French painting, both in content and style. Historical subjects, religious themes, and portraits were valued (landscape and still life were not), and the Académie preferred carefully finished images which mirrored reality when examined closely. Colour was somber and conservative, and the traces of brush strokes were suppressed, concealing the artist’s personality, emotions, and working techniques.

The Académie held an annual, juried art show, the Salon de Paris, and artists whose work displayed in the show won prizes, garnered commissions, and enhanced their prestige. The standards of the juries reflected the values of the Académie, represented by the highly polished works of such artists as Jean-Leon Gérome and Alexandre Cabanel. Some younger artists painted in a lighter and brighter manner than painters of the preceding generation, extending further the realism of Gustave Courbet and the Barbizon school. They were more interested in painting landscape and contemporary life than in recreating scenes from history. Each year, they submitted their art to the Salon, only to see the juries reject their best efforts in favour of trivial works by artists working in the approved style. A core group of young realists, Claude Monet, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Alfred Sisley, and Frédéric Bazille, who had studied under Charles Gleyre, became friends and often painted together. They soon were joined by Camille Pissarro, Paul Cézanne, and Armand Guillaumin.

In 1863, the jury rejected The Luncheon on the Grass (Le dejeuner sur l’herbe) by Edouard Manet primarily because it depicted a nude woman with two clothed men at a picnic. While nudes were routinely accepted by the Salon when featured in historical and allegorical paintings, the jury condemned Manet for placing a realistic nude in a contemporary setting. The jury’s sharply worded rejection of Manet’s painting, as well as the unusually large number of rejected works that year, set off a firestorm among French artists. Manet was admired by Monet and his friends, and led the discussions at Café Guerbois where the group of artists frequently met.

After seeing the rejected works in 1863, Emperor Napoleon III decreed that the public be allowed to judge the work themselves, and the Salon des Refusés (Salon of the Refused) was organized. While many viewers came only to laugh, the Salon des Refusés drew attention to the existence of a new tendency in art and attracted more visitors than the regular Salon.

Artists’ petitions requesting a new Salon des Refuses in 1867, and again in 1872, were denied. In the latter part of 1873, Monet, Renoir, Pissarro, and Sisley organized the Société Anonyme Coopérative des Artistes Peintres, Sculpteurs, Graveurs (“Cooperative and Anonymous Association of Painters, Sculptors, and Engravers”) for the purpose of exhibiting their artworks independently. Members of the association, which soon included Cézanne, Berthe Morisot, and Edgar Degas, were expected to forswear participation in the Salon. The organizers invited a number of other progressive artists to join them in their inaugural exhibition, including the slightly older Eugéne Boudin, whose example had first persuaded Monet to take up plein air painting years before. Another painter who greatly influenced Monet and his friends, Johan Jongkind, declined to participate, as did Manet. In total, thirty artists participated in their first exhibition, held in April 1874 at the studio of the photographer Nadar.

The critical response was mixed, with Monet and Cézanne bearing the harshest attacks. Critic and humorist Louis Leroy wrote a scathing review in the Le Charivari newspaper in which, making wordplay with the title of Claude Monet’s Impression, Sunrise (Impression, soleil levant), he gave the artists the name by which they would become known. Derisively titling his article The Exhibition of the Impressionists, Leroy declared that Monet’s painting was at most, a sketch, and could hardly be termed a finished work. He wrote, in the form of a dialog between viewers, Impression - I was certain of it. I was just telling myself that, since I was impressed, there had to be some impression in it ... and what freedom, what ease of workmanship! Wallpaper in its embryonic state is more finished than that seascape.

The term “Impressionists” quickly gained favour with the public. It was also accepted by the artists themselves, even though they were a diverse group in style and temperament, unified primarily by their spirit of independence and rebellion. They exhibited together - albeit with shifting membership - eight times between 1874 and 1886.

Among the artists of the core group (minus Bazille, who had died in the Franco-Prussian War in 1870), defections occurred as Cézanne, followed later by Renoir, Sisley, and Monet, abstained from the group exhibitions in order to submit their works to the Salon. Disagreements arose from issues such as Guillaumin’s membership in the group, championed by Pissarro and Cézanne against opposition from Monet and Degas, who thought him unworthy. Degas invited Mary Cassatt to display her work in the 1879 exhibition, but he also caused dissention by insisting on the inclusion of Jean-Francois Raffaëlli, Ludovic Lepic, and other realists who did not represent Impressionist practices, leading Monet in 1880 to accuse the Impressionists of “opening doors to first-come daubers”. The group divided over the invitation of Signac and Seurat to exhibit with them in 1886. Pissarro was the only artist to show at all eight Impressionist exhibitions.

The individual artists saw few financial rewards from the Impressionist exhibitions, but their art gradually won a degree of public acceptance. Their dealer, Durand-Ruel, played a major role in this as he kept their work before the public and arranged shows for them in London and New York. Although Sisley would die in poverty in 1899, Renoir had a great Salon success in 1879. Financial security came to Monet in the early 1880s and to Pissarro by the early 1890s. By this time the methods of Impressionist painting, in a diluted form, had become commonplace in Salon art.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Language activity

  1. Consult the dictionary, transcribe the following words and practise their pronunciation:

Exhibition, prominence, emphasis, accentuating; emergence, emphasized, encompassing, adherens, precursor, to submit, depicted, routinely, contemporary, rejection, existence, harshest, scathing.

  1. Give the definition of the word “impressionism”.

  2. Answer the following questions on the text:

  1. The name of the Impressionist movement is derived from the title of a Claude Monet work, Impression, Sunrise, isn’t it?

  2. Do characteristics of Impressionist painting include visible brush strokes, open composition, emphasis on light in its changing qualities?

  3. How did Radicals break the rules of academic painting?

  4. Did Impressionists emphasize realistic scenes of modern life vivid overall effects or details in painting?

  5. What kind of colours, themes, and brush strokes predominated in the academic and conservative period?

  6. When was the first exhibition of the Impressionists held?

  1. Give all the derivatives to the words:

Prominence, composition, emergence, inspiration, encompassing, creating, to condemn, to admire.

  1. Fill in the missing prepositions.

Although the rise of Impressionism … France happened … a time when a number … other painters, including the Italian artists known as the Macchiaioli, and Winslow Homer … the United States, were also exploring plein-air painting, the Impressionists developed new techniques that were specific … the movement.

Monet, Sisley, Morisot, and Pissarro may be considered the “purest” Impressionists, … their consistent pursuit … an art … spontaneity, sunlight, and colour. Degas rejected much … this, as he believed … the primacy … drawing over colour and belittled the practice … painting outdoors. Renoir turned … Impressionism … a time … the 1880s, and never entirely regained his commitment … its ideas. Edouard Manet, despite his role as a leader … the group, never abandoned his liberal use … black as a colour, and never participated … the Impressionist exhibitions. He continued to submit his works … the Salon, where his Spanish Singer had won a 2nd class medal … 1861, and he urged the others to do likewise, arguing that “the Salon is the real field … battle” where a reputation could be made.

  1. Comment on the quotation: “Art for art’s sake”.

  2. Retell the given dialogue in the form of a monologue.

A tourist is asking an Englishman about famous London galleries.

— Excuse me, Sir! How can I get to the Victoria and Albert Museum? I have heard it is the biggest museum in London.

  • The museum is right there. It is really big. Among its rooms you may find rooms of different historical periods, the Raphael paintings that belong to the crown and the best collection of English miniatures of the country.

  • I know there is much to see there. I would like to visit the National Gallery as well.

  • It is situated in the centre of the city.

  • I am interested in European paintings of the 13th century.

  • The National Gallery has a magnificent collection of European paintings from the 13th to the 19th century and includes works by Rubens, El Greco, Leonardo da Vinci and many others.

  • I think I have to read something about these painters and their works before visiting this museum.

  • You do not need to. There are many experts in the gallery, who will answer all your questions and even give lectures.

  • Great! Then Iwill start with the National Gallery. I have so many questions to ask!

  • The city has many other museums. I wish you an unforgettable stay here.

  • Thank you very much!

  1. Speak on the following topics.

  1. It’s necessary to teach appreciation of painting.

  2. This wonderful world of painting.

  3. Cultural activities. Their role in people’s life.

  1. Write a favourable or unfavourable review of an exhibition which you have see.

Make up an outline of the text. Write out the key-words for each point of the outline. Give a summary of the text.

1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   ...   12


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