Элективный курс по английскому языку «Деловой английский»

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Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение средняя общеобразовательная школа п.Солнечный
Элективный курс по английскому языку

«Деловой английский»

Автор: учитель английского языка I квалификационной категории МОУ СОШ п.Солнечный Степанова Людмила Николаевна

Тел. 6-13-53 (раб.)



Пояснительная записка

Программа адресована учащимся 9 классов общеобразовательных школ. Основная идея программы – расширение кругозора учащихся на основе интересных и разнообразных фактов из истории и деловой жизни США и Великобритании. Данный курс не ограничивается только чтением и переводом текстов, которые сопровождаются словарём и упражнениями, он предлагает серию коммуникативно направленных упражнений, и упражнений, нацеленных на повторение грамматики, развитие речевых способностей, активизацию приобретённых навыков в речи. Учащиеся смогут научиться действовать в различных жизненных ситуациях на примерах героев текстов.

Цели, задачи курса:

  • Развитие мотивации и творческого потенциала учащихся;

  • Развивать коммуникативные способности учащихся;

  • Знакомить с миром профессий в сфере делового администрирования;

  • Воспитывать у учащихся потребность трудиться;

  • Учить составлять деловые и личные письма;

Курс рассчитан на 12 часов.

Планируемые результаты: В результате изучения элективного курса учащиеся смогут написать деловое и личное письмо, пополнят словарный запас и знания в области делового бизнеса, повторят и углубят знания грамматики, совершенствуют навык чтения и обсуждения текстов. Помимо чтения текстов с последующим выполнением серии коммуникативных и грамматических упражнений, учащимся предлагается ролевая игра, моделирование различных ситуаций.

Система оценки достижений учащихся складывается из накопительной оценки достижений после каждого занятия, защиты проекта по завершении курса.

Особенности организации учебного процесса: Последовательная индивидуальная работа с каждым учеником, групповая работа, работа в парах. Создание доверительного психологического климата, способствующего разговору на заданную тему.

Учебно-тематический план.

Перечень тем и разделов.

Виды и формы деятельности.

Время на изучение.

  1. Выбирая профессию.

Презентация элективного курса. Чтение и обсуждение текста «Choosing a Career».Знакомство с миром профессий. Лексико-грамматические упражнения.

2 часа

  1. В банке.

Работа с текстом «Jane’s Fist Bank Account».Выполнение коммуникативных упражнений. Ролевая игра

2 часа

3.Появление денежных отношений.

Подбор материала и составление презентации, реферата, сообщения. Практика в аудировании.

2 часа


Серия лексико-грамматических упражнений. Работа с текстом в формате ЕГЭ.

1 час

5. «Золотая лихорадка»

Чтение текста.The Past Perfect Tense.Написание личного письма.

2 часа

6.Домашний бизнес.

Чтение текста

«Home Buisiness».Ролевая игра.

2 часа

7.Защита проектов «Быть или не быть бизнесменом»

Проектная деятельность

1 час

12 часов

Занятие № 1(2ч.)


First, a game to test you on the words for some jobs and professions. Cover the column on the right. Who would you contact or call on in the situations below? Then look at the column on the right. Try to find the appropriate person for each situation. Be careful! They are not in the right order.

  1. a filling has come out of one of your back teeth

  2. you think your eyes need testing

  3. your fringe is getting a bit too long

  4. you want a portrait photograph of yourself

  5. you have decided to sue somebody •

  6. you fancy a holiday in the sun

  7. you want advice on investment insurance

  8. your grand piano isn't sounding quite right

  1. you want to find a 400-year-old grandfather clock

  1. your car won't start

  2. you want to place a bet on the 3.45 race at Ascot

  3. you want to learn to drive

  4. you want to buy a pedigree alsatian

  5. you have decided to sell your house

  6. you want plans drawn up for a new house

  7. you want to go ahead and have the new house built

  8. you have lots of old iron you want to get rid of

  9. you want new windows put into the house

  10. your new fridge is leaking

  11. you like the idea of new wallpaper throughout the house

  12. water is gushing from your kitchen taps even when turned off

  13. all the lights in your house have fused

  14. you think your neighbours just might be neglect­ing their little child

  15. your house is on fire

  16. you think you are going crazy

a broker

a dentist (dental surgeon)

a hairdresser (hair stylist)

a bookmaker

an architect

a driving instructor

a solicitor

a (dog) breeder

a (garage) mechanic

a photographer

a piano tuner

an optician

a building contractor (builder)

an antique dealer

a travel agent

a scrap metal dealer (merchant)

an electrician

an estate agent

a glazier (and a carpenter)

the fire brigade (firemen)

a psychiatrist

a social worker
Чтение и обсуждение текста

Choosing a Career

All young people at a certain period in life have to face the problem of choosing a career. The task is not easy. People usually want to have an interesting, prestigious, well-paid and prospective job.

Lots of psychological problems arise from an uninteresting, unloved job, such as low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence, aggressiveness, inferiority complexes, depressions, and nervous break-downs. Not infrequently, professional problems become an indirect or direct cause for family confusions, and divorces. A lot of grown-up, self-realized people confess that if they had an opportunity, they would choose a different profession. (There are cases when adults decide to get a second higher education, a second diploma, so to say.) And very often parents play a "fatal role" in their children's choice of a future profession.

When parents choose a future profession for their child, frequently the main reasons for the choice are: prestige, fashion, money, an opportunity to get a good job and later on a promotion, sometimes because elder children have the same profession: it runs in the family, so to speak. But you shouldn't forget that in every profession there are a lot of specialists who \ haven't found themselves, those, ' who even having an opportunity to get a good, prestigious job, have been unable to realize themselves.

Helping their son or daughter choose a future profession, parents must take into consideration the fact that school marks don't reflect the presence or absence of abilities for this or that subject at all. It is not a secret that a lot of children's talents remain undeveloped due to unfavourable circumstances.

From what age should parents pay attention to the professional orientation of their child? The earlier the better! Of course, you can only think about a concrete choice of a profession in the last forms of secondary school. But a part of the child's abilities and inclinations already reveal themselves by the

age of three. Having recognized them with the help of a specialist, or with your own keen observations, you get an opportunity to develop the child more purposefully. This knowledge will help you to make the right choice of higher education. Mothers and fathers must remember that, first of all, they have to take their children's preferences into account: one can hardly be successful in a profession that one doesg't like.

When you have chosen a profession, try to find out as much as possible about it. Together with the child, visit a probable higher educational institution, talk to graduates who have already got the profession or who already have diplomas. You may also view a list of job offers according to the profession you've chosen. If you can, visit a likely place of work, get some information on working conditions, working hours, perspectives, and salaries. Sometimes a seemingly attractive and romantic profession turns out to be commonplace and uninteresting.

And another important thing: rank doesn't give privilege, it confers responsibility. You should bring this home to a child: a child must be prepared to take responsibility. The more money one earns, the higher the level of social responsibility one has to accept. If there is any room for disappointment, let it take place before and not after getting the education.

A psychologist can help you to discover your child's abilities and chief work type at an early stage. You ought to know what suits your child best: manual labour or intellectual. It is better if a specialist knows not only Russian methods of determining professional fitness, but also foreign ones, as the tradition of using them abroad is much older. As a result of testing, parents will be given a list of professional fields where their child can work most successfully in the future.

By Olga Kostenko

Выполнение лексико-грамматических упражнений

Занятие №2(2часа)

JANE'S first bank account

Jane Jones is fifteen years old. She lives in Denver, Colorado. Denver is a big city. It is a modern city. It is also a center for business. ere are many banks in Denver. The Young Americans Bank is one of

e Young Americans Bank of Denver is a very special bank. It is a >r the young, but it offers all the services of a big commercial bank. Young Americans Bank gives young people an idea of how a bank This prepares them for the future.

e bank has the same rules as any other bank in the USA. The bank ot give out loans at a low interest and it does not make exceptions. a wise strategy: if a bank gives out loans at a low interest or makes ons, young people will not learn anything. They will not be prepared I future.

The Young Americans Bank, as any other bank, offers customers e basic services: checking accounts, loans and money deposits or savings.

Jane comes up to the bank. She knows that it is a bank for teenagers.

Jane is going to put her 75 dollars into this bank. It is the first deposit that she makes. The teller sees the girl and smiles. She always smiles to greet a cus­tomer.

Jane's parents encourage her to start saving money for college. She must also learn how to deal with money. She earns a little working at the local McDonald's. Often she trims garden shrubs. From now on Jane will deposit small sums to set money aside for college.

The teller greets the girl:

  • Hi. How are you doing?

  • Fine, thank you, — answers Jane. — I'd like to open an account and deposit $75 in it.

Jane takes out two fifty-dollar bills and places them on the counter. She looks at the teller expectantly. She is a shy girl, and not very talkative. The bank intimidates her a little, but she knows she has to learn how to earn and save money.

— You'd like to deposit seventy-five
Right? — asks the teller approv­
ingly. ,

The teller is a woman in her fifties. She looks at Jane with kind attentiveness. She does not rush her clients. The clients of this bank are very young and they have to learn. If they learn, they will become good customers. And tellers have jobs if the bank has customers. If there are no clients, there is no work for tellers to do.

Jane looks at the teller and nods her head. She likes this lady. She feels com­fortable and her confidence grows.

  • Yes, please, — Jane smiles shyly.

  • You are opening your first savings account, right?

  • Yes, — says Jane.

  • Fine, — says the teller. She hands Jane her new credit card and the change.

A few minutes later Jane walks out of the bank. She takes another look at her credit card and puts it away into her purse.
1. What word is missing!

  1. Denver is a center business.

  2. This bank offers all the services of a big_______ bank.

  3. It does not give out at a low interest.

  4. It does not exceptions.

  5. The bank customers three basic services.

  6. The teller always smiles to a customer.

  7. She must also learn how to deal money.

  8. Often she garden shrubs.

  9. Jane will deposit small sums to set money for college.

10. The bank her a little.

2. Do you remember the article!

  1. It is a bank for young.

  2. This prepares them for future.

  3. This bank offers all services of a big commercial bank.

  4. The Young Americans Bank of Denver gives young people an idea of how bank works.

  5. It does not give out loans at low interest.

3. Put in the correct verb form.

  1. Jane {to come) up to the Young Americans Bank.

  2. The tellers (to see) the girl and (to smile).

  1. Jane's mother (to encourage) her to start saving money for col­lege.

  1. Jane can (to deal) with money. She (to deal) with it as an expert.

  2. Jane (to deposit) small sums to set money aside for college.

4. True or false! Correct the statements if they are wrong.

  1. The Young Americans Bank is one of many banks in Denver.

  2. The Young Americans Bank is one of many banks for the young.

  3. Jane Jones lives in Colorado, Denver.

  4. No one over the age of twenty-two can be a customer of the Young Americans Bank.

  5. The bank gives out loans at a low interest.

  6. Jane's parents encourage her to save money.

  7. Jane often works at the local gas station.

  8. When Jane's confidence grows she feels more comfortable.

  9. After she walks out of the bank, Jane puts her credit card away into her bag.

10. The Young Americans Bank is a bank for teenagers.
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