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Раздел 1. Аудирование 75

Раздел 2. Чтение (30 минут) B2

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-Н абзацам





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В задании


заголовок лишний.








  1. A series of food revolutions has changed British eating habits unrecognisably since the 1950s. The introduction of supermarkets transformed the way people shopped and bought goods, while the advent of frozen foods slashed cooking times and opened the door to food from around the world. Everything from meal times to kitchen utensils is now different from how it was just a few decades ago.

  2. Shopping habits have changed a lot since the 1950s. Back then, when supermarkets first arrived, people had to be shown how to use a shopping trolley - there were diagrams for them to follow. Shoppers also needed guidance on how to load up their groceries into the boot of their car.

  3. With changing family and work life, and new technology, the idea of the TV dinner arrived in the 1960s. They were served in the sort of trays that are used for meals on aeroplanes and they were disgusting. The concept came from the US. In Britain, TV dinners weren't really considered civilised, but it was at this time that the word 'convenience' started to be used for food and meals.

  4. The British public has now gone full circle in its food requirements, from the days when food was organic and free-range because that's the way food was, to the need for cheap and plentiful produce, and then back to the desire for good quality, fresh food. The British have come from wanting processed food to wanting organic goods again.

  1. There have also been changes concerning the role of women. They once spent three to four hours preparing the evening meal, whereas today it's often a matter of convenient cooking and shopping. Women were released from the kitchen and started going out to work in greater numbers than before. Now they don't have to spend all day looking after people and hours preparing the evening meal.

  2. People don't eat together so much any more. This is something neatly reflected in the Bisto Gravy advertisements over the years. In the latest advert, the family members are all proud of the fact that they fix a time, one day a week, when they all eat together. That would have been bizarre when the adverts began in the 1950s, when everyone ate together.

  3. Today the way in which people eat has changed too. Nowadays, young people fiddle with a mobile phone or change channels on the TV while they are eating. And, despite recent publicity about their effects on health, comfort foods such as crisps, chocolate and sweets dominate the market, helped by TV advertising and colourful packaging. There were a lot fewer snacks like these around in the 1950s. Eating habits have certainly got worse since then.








B3 Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски 1-6 частями предложений A-G. Одна из частей в списке A-G - лишняя. Перенесите ответы в таблицу.


Gone are the days when British people would simply browse the job adverts if the paper happened to fall open at the right section. The Internet has revolutionised employment patterns across the country and job hunting has become an almost permanent state of being

for millions of people. 1 , people have been able to get relevant vacancies

mailed to them automatically, 24 hours a day, 52 weeks a year.

And now there is a new and free way for people to make progress in their careers, with the job hunter becoming the hunted. CVquest, in partnership with hundreds of local newspapers across the UK, enables job seekers to keep their career profiles and CVs permanently available online, where prospective employers can most easily find them.

2 , CVquest enables job seekers to specify the line of work they are looking

for and the part of the country they would be prepared to work in. Best of all, keeping your

profile and CV on CVquest is completely free. 3 offering skills and experience

relevant to the vacancies they have.

Already available through a growing number of newspaper websites, CVquest offers job seekers a simple routine of registration, step-by-step career profile assembly, and

the opportunity to attach and upload a Word document CV. 4 , their

profile will be displayed on dozens of newspaper websites outside their immediate

area. 5 and they can see how many times their profile has been accessed

by prospective employers.

6 , through their local paper website and CVquest. They can register to

receive notification of vacancies by email, and they can keep their career profile and CV available to thousands of prospective new employers.

A. It can be difficult for people to find the job they want

B. Organised into sections according to employment category and geographic area

C. Job seekers can edit their profile whenever they choose

D. For several years, by registering on job-hunting websites

E. If people choose to 'work anywhere in the UK'

F. So people can take a two-way approach to career advancement

G. For their part, employers can secure access to hundreds, if not thousands of CVs







Прочитайте текст и выполните задания А15-A21, обводя цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую номеру выбранного вами варианта ответа.


Next weekend, I shall be taking part in my first competitive sporting event since tasting humiliation in a race at school. No doubt my team will be the slowest ever to take part in the Swimathon, but it won't matter. The point is to get my children away from their computer screens and into our local pool. During its 20-year history, I have regarded the Swimathon -a four-day event, open to all, taking place in 500 pools across the nation - as one might the sales shops when you are broke: interesting, but not this time. It was only recently, while watching two people stagger out on to the beach, having rowed across the Atlantic, that I began to see why anyone would want to take part in a formalised endurance race.

I would like to say my children immediately agreed, but that would be a lie. 'No way,' said my teenage daughter, whom I had tipped as one of the most useful members of the team. 'Sorry, mum,' said the 12-year-old who swims for her school. However, just occasionally the rule that in a large family everyone likes to hold opposing views has its uses. So I pulled together a team for our attempt to swim 5 kilometres, consisting of our eldest, who can't quite believe he has agreed, and the two youngest, who are still at the happy stage when a parent's ideas aren't yet automatically dismissed.

Five kilometres amounts to 200 lengths of a 25-metre pool. Even divided between us, we need all the encouragement we can get. For that, I turned to Duncan Goodhew, the former Olympic gold medalist, who is the president of Swimathon. He will also be swimming the course twice this year, once on his own and once with his children, who are, he says, 'still keen to do things with him'. Lucky man.

I wondered how he would have made my kids take part. 'The secret is to let them own the experience,' he says. 'It might be the fitness element that gets them going, or raising sponsorship, or competing against a team of their friends.' I'll remember that next time, but first we have to manage this year's 5 kilometres. I reckon it will take us the best part of three hours. It will take Good hew rather less. Even at the age of 48, he is likely to outpace most competitors.

He sees Swimathon as an opportunity to boost the sport outside Olympic glory moments. 'Twelve million sensible people in this country swim regularly. It's the only sport that families can enjoy together because you don't have to be of similar ability.' He's been involved almost since Swimathon's inception in 1986, when the success of the London Marathon inspired a similar event (though spread out across the country - after all, you can only get eight people in one swimming lane at a time). Since then, it has raised £20 million for charity.

So how to get my team through the weekend's ordeal? We've done some training, but not as much as he advises. That's because swimming can be so boring. 'Swim against the clock,' Good hew advises. 'Time a length and then try to swim the next one faster. Count how many strokes per length and see if you can do one less next time. Look on it as an efficiency exercise. That will keep your mind busy.'
А15 The writer says that she decided to take part in the Swimathon this year because

  1. she suddenly realised what the event actually involved.

  2. she was inspired by the achievements of other people.

  3. she wanted to experience being part of a team in a sports event.

  4. she felt that it was something her children would enjoy.


When the writer asked her children to take part in the event,

  1. there was an argument between all of them.

  2. the best swimmers wanted to take part but couldn't.

  3. it was not difficult for her to get the youngest to agree.

  4. one of them agreed at first and then refused.


In the third paragraph, the writer suggests that

  1. she is envious of Duncan Goodhew's relationship with his children.

  2. she does not expect her family to swim the whole 5 kilometres.

  3. Duncan Good hew may not be the right person to ask for advice.

  4. the Swimathon is more appealing to adults than to children.


When Duncan Goodhew gives the writer advice,

  1. she feels that his advice would be unlikely to work with her children.

  2. he tells her that many children are initially not keen to take part.

  3. he tells her that children need to feel there is a definite reason to take part.

  4. she feels that his advice is most appropriate for very good swimmers.


One reason why Duncan Goodhew supports the Swimathon is that

  1. he wants people to increase their ability at swimming.

  2. swimming is regarded as rather boring by many people.

  3. he wants it to become as big an event as the London Marathon.

  4. swimming does not get publicity for long periods of time.


What does Duncan Goodhew advise the writer about swimming in the Swimathon?

  1. Set personal targets while taking part in the event.

  2. Accept that some team members swim faster than others.

  3. Encourage other team members to do a bit better.

  4. Do intensive training just before the event.


Which of the following titles best summarises the text as a whole?

  1. Join the Team

  2. A Family Affair

  3. A Swimming Hero

  4. Only Once

Раздел 3. Грамматика и лексика (40 минут)

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами В4-В10 так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы В4-В10.








Like the television set before it, the video game console is
now over living rooms in the US.

Americans spend on video games

than on movies and nearly half the country plays.

in 1972.

The first video game, Pong, ______________
Since then, video games ______________ “the major

cultural activity of the generation aged 30 and below', according to James Paul Gee, a professor of education.

'They have the same importance to this generation that movies
had for generations,' he says.


_________________ children who can't understand

the lessons they are taught in their schools can discuss the stories in video games at a very sophisticated level,' he says.

But in some opinion, many of the

games are much too violent and they have a bad effect on the brain.





Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами В11-В16 так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы В11-В16.








When a customer buys something in a supermarket, the bar
code on the product is read at the till.

The information is transmitted to head office, where it is collected and analysed, and then a schedule for the

of the product to the supplier is


A miracle of scale, speed and , it's

the new system of food distribution that has imposed a huge strain on Britain's transport infrastructure.

Between 35 and 40 per cent of lorries on UK roads today are
in producing and distributing food.

Shopping for food has also made a

contribution to the increase in traffic.

In the last ten years, the average






travelled to go shopping went up 30 per cent, as small and local shops came under pressure from out-of-town retail stores and closed.

Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами А22-А28. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям А22-А28, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа.


Body language makes up 50-100% of a conversation, whether we want it to or not. People don't always say what they think. Here's how to interpret those non-verbal clues.

A22 ________ of body language. Most of us are

Eye contact is one of the most important

comfortable with a few second's eye contact, but anything longer can seem aggressive or intense. Equally, if you're talking to someone who looks away a lot, A23 _______ that they are bored.

If someone is on the same wavelength as you, they'll often adopt the same postures as you.

So if people start to copy you, it A24 _______ that they're open to your ideas. But if a

person's body and feet are turned away from you, even though they're looking at you, it means they'd rather be moving the way their feet are pointing.

A25 ___________

Most people cross their arms if they're feeling defensive or negative. So

someone says they verbally agree with you, if they then cross their arms they really don't.

Their critical stance will continue until they have uncrossed their arms, so try to find out

what's A26 _______ them.

When someone is lying, they tend to become generally less expressive with their hands, but
make a lot of shrugging and hand-to-face gestures. Hands or fingers covering the mouth
A27 _____deceit - the brain is subconsciously telling the hand to stop the deceitful words

from coming out.

Tilting the head to the side shows some


in what's being said. When people drop

their heads, they are displaying a negative, judgmental or critical attitude. Using a hand to support your head suggests boredom has set in.

А22 I i) ways 2) pieces 3) marks 4) aspects


1) convince 2) assume 3) evaluate 4) identify

A24 1)


2) represents 3) intends 4) involves


1) as long as 2) unless 3) provided 4) even if

A.261 1) suffering 2) bothering 3) overcoming 4) teasing

A27 | i) clarify 2) present 3) point

4) indicate

A281 1) attention 2) enthusiasm 3) interest 4) focus

По окончании выполнения заданий В4-В16, А22-А28 НЕ ЗАБУДЬТЕ ПЕРЕНЕСТИ СВОИ ОТВЕТЫ В БЛАНК ОТВЕТОВ МП ОБРАТИТЕ ВНИМАНИЕ, что ответы на задания В4-В16, А22-А28 располагаются в разных частях бланка. При переносе ответов в заданиях В4—В16 буквы записываются без пробелов и знаков препинания.

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