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Перечень бюллетеней Международной комиссии по большим плотинам (СИГБ)

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Frost resistance of concrete. Comarison of results obtained in different laboratories

Морозоустойчивость бетона. Сравнение результатов получено в различных лабораториях

This paper reports on a series of tests, tending to show the superiority of concrete made with slag cements over concrete made with Portland cement when subjected to alternating cycles of freezing and thawing




Surface-active admixtures for concrete for large dams

Поверхностно-активные добавки, применяемые в бетоне для больших плотин

These recommendations refer to surface-active admixtures added to normal ingredients of concrete (aggregates, cement and water) immediately before or during its mixing and which, because of their plasticizing and/or air-entraining action, aim at reducing the quantity of mixing water or at improving the qualities of concrete, including its resistance to frost. The recommendations particularly refer to the use of admixtures in the construction of concrete dams and other large hydraulic works.




General considerations applicable to instrumentation for earth and rockfill dams

Общие соображения по применению инструментального контроля для земляных и каменно-набросных плотин

This report deals with:
Purpose of instrumentation
Planning instrumentation systems
Types of instruments
Factors influencing accuracy of measurements
Reliability of measurements
Representative dams containing instrumentation




Pozzolanas and slags for concrete for large dams

Пуццолановые и другие добавки для бетона больших плотин

These recommendations deal with pozzolanas and slags used to form part of the cementitious binder in concrete for large dams. The recommendations are intended to form a general guide.
The recommendations cover the basic requirements but cash country may complete, enlarge or change these requirements to suit local conditions.
The recommendations indicate general methods of testing. Tests should be in accordance with national specifications where such exist.




Accelerating and retarding admixtures

Добавки в бетонную смесь для ускорения и замеделения твердения бетона

This report deals with recommendation based in the data contained in the existing specifications of various countries and give general recommendations which may be taken into consideration by each country when preparing its own national specifications concerning the use of accelerators and retarders in concrete for large dams




Extensibility of concrete for large dams

Расширяемость бетона для строительства больших плотин





Methods of determining effects of shrinkage, creep and temperature on concrete for large dams

Методы определения эффектов усадки, ползучести и нагрева бетона больших плотин

This report presents a review of methods in use of determining the effects of shrinkage, creep and temperature on concrete for large dams. The review has been made principally by a search of the literature and reference to certain specialists.

Данный бюллетень представляет собой обзор используемых методов определения последствий усадки, ползучести и нагрева бетона больших плотин. В бюллетень включено большое количество ссылок на работы, использовавшиеся для составления бюллетеня. В бюллетене подчеркивается тот факт, что причины последствий усадки, ползучести и нагрева свойственны непосредственно самой природе бетона и является результатом его внутреннего состава и внешней нагрузки. Основная цель данного бюллетеня - информативная.



Considérations sur le calcul des barrages

Обзор воздействия землетрясений на запроектированные плотины

This report deals with:
The present trend if earthquake resistant design of dams and construction work.
Considerations on the earthquake resistant design of dams. Recommendations and complementary observations.




Compendium of dams symbols

Сборник символов, применяемых при проектировании плотин





Report from the Committee on Risks to Third Parties from Large Dams

Отчет Комитета по рискам, причиненным большими плотинами третьим лицам

This report deals with:
Indications on dam failure; Procedures currently adopted for minimising risks from dams; Identification of main risk areas associated with dams; Levels of supervision and control to be adopted during construction and operation to maximize safety of dams; Legal aspects Insurance of dams; Identification of levels of risk beyond which Government may assume liability for damage

Данный бюллетень представляет собой описание ответственности владельцев плотин за гибель людей и ущерб для собственности, которые могут быть вызваны затоплениями, возникающими в результате повреждения или сбоя эксплуатации плотин. Задача проектировщиков, строителей и эксплуатационников заключается в том, чтобы свести риски к минимуму. Особенно учитывая, что аварии гидротехнических сооружений могут иметь катастрофические последствия. Большое внимание уделено страхованию плотин и самому процессу страхования.



Filling materials for watertight cut off walls

Пломбировочные наполнители для водонепроницаемых срезов стен

This report deals with: The finite element method as the general analysis procedure: The finite element method as the general analysis procedure; Static analysis - Methods, assumption and criteria; Dynamic analysis – Methods, problems, criteria- Some recommendations for future attention




General approach to Dam Surveillance





A glossary of words and phrases related to dams

Глоссарий слов и фраз, относящихся к плотинам

This report deals with: - Evolution of facing types; - Investigation of available information; - Information on bituminous mix; - Construction methodsTest methods; - Remarks and performance evaluation




Bituminous concrete facings for earth and rockfill dams

Битумно-бетонное покрытие напорных граней земляных и каменно-набросных плотин

Bituminous facings are used to waterproof the upstream face of dams or embankments.
This report deals with:
- Evolution of facing types
- Investigation of available information
- Information on bituminous mix
- Construction methods
- Test methods
Remarks and performance evaluation




Compendium for dam symbols

Принятые обозначения на плотинах. (справочник символов для плотин)





ICOLD Guide for the Internatinal System of Units (IS)

Руководство СИГБ по международной Системе Единиц





Dams and the environment

Плотины и окружающая среда

This report consists in four parts:
- Instruction for use of the matrix
- Matrix of environmental impacts
- List of types of dams and examples
- General synthesis.
The matrix has been tested with the use of the proposed symbols by 16 countries on a total of 31 dams. This first attempt is encouraging and shows that it is worth pursuing the effort, particularly in improving the means of analyzing the feedback loops between causes and consequences of impacts and in developing the possibilities of computer treatment.




Cements for concrete for large dams

Цементы для бетона для больших плотин

This bulletin deals with:
Classification of cements with regard to composition
Main properties of concrete as influenced by type of cement
Influence of cement type on durability of concrete
Notes on fields of use different types of cement




Une réussite les barrages et l'écologie

Успехи плотин и экология


В данном бюллетене не только затронуты проблемы строительства плотин, но и приведен перечень экологических проблем и пути их решения. Кроме того, приведены другие возможные побочные эффекты строительства плотин, а также описан последующий мониторинг и контроль.



Use of thin membranes on fill dams

Использование тонких мембран для заполнения плотин

This butellin deals with:
- Watertight facing construction and stresses
- Recommendations for the use of diaphragms on fill dams




Upstream facing interface with foundations and abutments (supplement to Bulletin 32a)

Сопряжение напорной грани плотины с фундаментами и опорами (дополнение к Бюллетеню 32а)

This bulletin deals with bituminous concrete facings for earth and rockfill dams. it extend the scope of the bulletin 32 to the bonding arrangements between bituminous concrete facings and the upstream toe of the dam (valley bottom and abutments), the crest and the concrete structures.




Fiber reienforced concrete

Усиление бетона волокном

The purpose of this paper is to provide state-of-art background concerning the development of fiber-reinforced concrete (FRC), to show where it can be and has been used to advantage in dam construction and repairs, to provide some guidance for design, to discuss fresh and hardened material properties, to discuss proportioning, and to cover the particularities of batching, mixing, placing and finishing it in the field.




Automated observation for the safety control of dams

Автоматизация наблюдения за безопасностью плотин

Public opinion has become more and more sensitive to safety issues. It is easy to foresee that dams also will progressively be more and more subjected to a serious scrutiny of their safety conditions; and this, by deeper and more systematic investigations than in the past. On the other hand, symptoms of this sharpened interest are to be found, for many years, in the proceedings of ICOLD as well as in other concerned technical publications.




Bituminus cores for earth and rockfill Dams

Битумные ядра для земляных и каменно-набросных плотин

This bulletin deals with
- Construction methods
- Dams with bituminous cores
- Principles for the design and construction of bituminous cores
- Some typical cross sections of dams with bituminous cores




Synthetic resins for facings of dams

Синтетические смолы для облицовки плотин

The report reviews the extent to which synthetic resins have been used as facings of dams and associated hydraulic structures, the types of resin employed and their characteristics, the design considerations, methods of use on site, testing procedures, reported experience in service and where possible draws conclusions in this field of rapidly developing technology.




Bibliography- Mine and industrial tailings dams and dumps

Библиография. Угольные и промышленные хвостохранилища и отвалы

This edition differs from the earlier one in respect of the following:
A.It is now very much larger, reflecting the increase in mining activity and interest in tailings disposal throughout the world.
B.It is in a new format; comprising a comprehensive subject classification, and incorporating duplications of entry where projects fall under more than one of the subject classifications.




Manual on tailings dams and dumps

Руководство по хвостохранилищам и отвалам

Tailings dams are dams constructed of: 1)mill tailings, 2)mine wastes, or 3)earth of rock fill; for the retention of tailings slurry or slurry water for reclamation.
Tailings dumps are tailings disposal structures constructed by dry or hydraulic fill means but which do not impound significant quantities of water. Both types of structures have long been designed by empirical means with less than satisfactory performance.
This bulletin deals with:
- Location of dams
- Site investigation
- Design
- Construction and operation
- Closure and abandonment




Seismicity and dam design

Сейсмичность и проектирование плотин

This bulletin deals with:
- The assessment of seismicity at a dam site
- Site investigations for possible induced seismicity at reservoirs
- Site investigations with small earthquakes
- Earthquake loading parameters for design – factor of safety
- Instrumentation
- Observation and inspection of dams in earthquake zones
- Material behaviour under earthquake
- Seismic aspects in dam design and analysis




Quality control of concrete

Контроль качества бетона

This report presents a general review of systems, practices, methods of testing, and other considerations that underlie the quality control of concrete production during the construction of large dams. The main purpose of this report is to assemble available information and experience into a concise guide for the preparation of a quality control program for the construction of a concrete dam and its appurtenant works.
The emphasis of this report is the quality control of mass concrete produced for placement in massive blocks in the body of a dam. However, most of the practices and methods are also valid for quality control of concrete production for related structures such as spillways, aprons, powerhouses, piers, etc. detailed quality control practices for placing, compacting, and curing of concrete during dam construction are not considered within the scope of this report.




River control during dam construction

Контроль количества воды в реке во время строительства плотины

Controlling the river during dam construction means providing one or more working areas free water and safe from river floods where the permanent works can be built in the dry.
Design and implementation of relevant works are critical operations of the whole construction programme, especially on medium or high discharge rivers or rivers subject to sudden and important floods.
River control works must form part of an overall project design, as the choice of the solution will have a major impact not only on the cost of the temporary works, but also on the design, construction programme and cost of the permanent works.




Operation of hydraulic structures of dams

Эксплуатация гидравлических структур плотин

Some hazards relating to dams are frequent subjects of discussion, while others, which nevertheless may cause serious accidents, are ignored in the literature. Such is the case of operation of hydraulic appurtenances of dams.
This bulletin deals more specifically with the following:
- Importance of outlet works for dams and features the operator requires
- Part of operating personnel
- Inspection and testing of hydraulic appurtenances
- Operation in flood seasons
- Latest trends in operating practices




Dams and the environment - Notes on regional influences

Плотины и окружающая среда - Примечания по региональным влияниям

It has been thought useful to record and distil the experiences of engineers involved with dam projects located in broadly defined climatic regions of world. The regions chosen have been designated as:
- Temperate
- Tropical, sub-tropical and arid
- Severe winter
As the regions themselves vary, so to a certain extent do the approaches of the sub-committees. The mini reports therefore perhaps reflect the wide diversity of the regions. None is intended as a definitive technical paper or even as a comprehensive aide memoire. Nevertheless, it is hoped that the relevant one will be useful reading for an engineer, or owner, contemplating involvement in a new dam or reservoir project is one of the regions. The benefit may be greater for someone moving from operations in one region, with which he is fully familiar, to another with its new challenge for environmental protection.




Filling materials for watertight cut off walls

Материалы, применяемые для создания водонепроницаемой преграды в плотинах

Because a dam is rarely founded on a perfectly watertight ground mass, there is nearly always underground water flow. The discharge of this seepage affects the profitability of the dam; its pressure and exit gradient can endanger the permanence of the structure itself. Numerous techniques have been employed to resolve these problems: impervious blankets, drains, waterproof curtains.




Earthquake analysis for dams

Анализ землетрясений и их влияния на плотины

In this report, the authors concentrate on a more fundamental treatment of the subject which may be somewhat difficult for an average dam design engineer to understand; we try to minimize such difficulties by a reasonable explanation process and apologize in advance for any shortcomings in the description.
It deals with:
- Basic formulation and analysis procedures
- Earth dams – earthquake analysis and design




Static analysis of embankment dams

Статический анализ насыпных плотин

This report deals with problems of the analysis of embankment dams only. This includes both earth and rockfill dams with internal cores but excludes the problems of foundation analysis except in so far as the strength and deformation properties of foundation can be included in an analysis of the embankment.
The report intention is to outline the analytical techniques available and monitoring subsequent performance. The analytical sophistication now available, particularly from the finite element method, makes this a formidable task for the practitioner. The danger is that his judgment may be impaired rather than improved by the shear quantity of analysis which he can carry out. To further this purpose, the writers have omitted mathematical formulations from this report and have concentrated instead on applications.




Soil-cement for embankment dams

Почво-цемент для насыпных плотин

Soil-cement is a mixture of soil, Portland cement, and water. Through compaction and cement hydration, the mixture hardens with the soil particles bonding together to form a dense, durable, relatively impermeable, erosion resistant material.
This report considers the data relating to the use of compacted soil-cement on 136 dams or embankments constructed since 1962.




Geotextiles as filters and transitions in fill dams

Геотекстиль как фильтрующий и пропускающий воду материал в земляных плотинах

The aims of the report are to review considerations for the use of geotextiles as filters in fill dams, to present relevant data gained from other uses, and to record data from dams where geotextile filters are known to have been installed.




Quality control for fill dams

Контроль качества для насыпных плотин

The first draft took inspiration from nuclear power plant quality control procedures, since construction of either a nuclear plant or dam project both require a high degree of safety. However, regulations pertaining to the nuclear industry differ in that the Contractor and Manufacturers of equipment have primary responsibility for quality control.




Materials for joints in concrete dams

Материалы для швов бетонных плотин

Joints are a necessary part of any large construction where dimensional changes within the structure are likely to occur. This is particularly true for concrete dams where as a result of the nature and behaviour of material of their construction, they may suffer cracking to a greater or lesser degree unless joints are provided to control these problems.
This bulletin deals with:
- Types of joints
- Selection of type and material
- Specifications for joint sealing materials
- Preparation and installation
- Practical test of waterstop

В бюллетене содержится описание и характеристики материалов для строительных швов бетонных плотин. Приведены также рекомендации по конструкции швов. Классификация швов, предлагаемая в бюллетене, и характеристики материалов представляют интерес для проектировщиков и строителей. Вместе с тем надо отметить, что все данные относятся к началу 80-х гг. При современных темпах развития науки и техники, особенно в области полимеров, можно ожидать появления новых эффективных материалов.



Spillways for dams
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