Mental retardation

Mental retardation

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Classification, causes and characteristics of mental retardation

  1. 1. The text you are going to read is dedicated to the classification, causes and characteristics of mental retardation. What do you already know about it?

2. Pay attention to the terms in the text:

mental deficiency – умственная недостаточность;

to define – определять;

sub average – ниже среднего;

general intellectual functioning – обычное интеллектуальное, умственное развитие;

to originate – происходить из ч.-л.;

severely retarded – сильная степень умственной отсталости;

self-care skills – навыки самообслуживания;

mildly retarded – средняя степень умственной отсталости;

mental age – возраст развития головного мозга, интеллектуального развития;

grade – класс (шк.);

moderate – средний, умеренный;

academic subjects – предметы, дисциплины обще-гуманитарного цикла;

to confine – предопределять, закрывать в замкнутом пространстве;

to suspect – подозревать;

x-ray exposure – воздействие рентгеновских лучей;

incompatibility – несовместимость;

Rh blood – резус-фактор крови;

traits – попытки;

nutrition – кормление;

measles – свинка, паротит;

tumors – судороги;

glandular disorders – частые простудные заболевания, дисфункция лимфатических узлов горла;

exposure to toxic agents – воздействие токсичных, отравляющих веществ;

oxygen supply – доставка кислорода, наличие О2 в воздухе для дыхания;

chicken pox

whooping cough – коклюш;

to contribute to smth. – вносить вклад;

step-by-step directions – пошаговые инструкции;

attainable goals – достижимые цели;

to be persistent and consistent – быть последовательным и верным своему слову.

  1. 1. Find English for:

- согласно ч.-л.;

- основные навыки самообслуживания;

- степень умственной отсталости;

- обучаемые;

- воспитываемые;

- наследуемые от родителей;

- повышение температуры;

- травмы, повреждения головного мозга;

- навыки физического развития;

- вторичные заболевания;

- ставить достижимые цели.
2. Read the text:

According to the American classification of mental deficiency, mental retardation is defined as sub average general intellectual functioning that originates during the developmental period (prenatal to 16 years) and is associated with impairment in adaptive behavior.

There are many degrees of mental retardation. Persons who are severely retarded are able to learn only the most basic self-care skills. Those who are mildly retarded are able to learn so much that, as adults, some are no longer identified as being retarded. Three common classifications used include:

  • Mildly (educable) – mental age 8-12; learn to approximately 6th grade level;

  • Moderately (trainable) – mental age 5-8; cannot learn academic subjects in school;

  • Severely (profoundly) – many require life –long care and supervision and are often confined to institutions.

Not all the causes of mental retardation are known; however, more than 200 have been identified, and many others are suspected. The known causes can be placed into five categories:

Genetic irregularities – for example x-ray exposure, incompatibility of genes inherited from parents, Rh blood factor incompatibility, Down`s syndrome, error in metabolism, or recessive genetic traits;

Pregnancy complications - for example poor nutrition, German measles, tumors, glandular disorders, infections, exposure to toxic agents, or radiation;

Birth Problems - for example premature birth, too rapid birth, prolonged birth, or any circumstance that reduces the oxygen supply to the infant`s brain;

Post Birth Situations - for example childhood diseases, especially in the very young (chicken pox, measles, meningitis, whooping cough); high fevers, severe injuries to the brain, lack of certain chemicals in the blood, or glandular imbalance;

Environmental factors - for example being born and reared in a deprived environment where there is little opportunity to learn; or serious emotional problems.


A mentally retarded person is slow to learn and may be slow or limited in the development of physical skills. Additionally, physical handicaps may be present, such as speech impairments, visual impairments, hearing defects, or epilepsy. Because these secondary handicapping conditions are common among people with mental retardation, this does not mean that individuals who have a speech impairment or epilepsy are mentally retarded.

It is often thought that it takes a certain kind of person or an individual with special education to work with people who are retarded. The fact is that anyone who is patient and kind and who has a sincere interest in working with people can be successful. As a volunteer, you can contribute greatly to the happiness and accomplishments of individuals who have mental retardation.

One of the most important things to remember when teaching an individual with mental retardation is to break down the skill or project being taught into small tasks. This is called task analysis. A woodworking project provides a good example. If an individual is not successful at completing the tasks it may be that the task being taught is not broken down far enough. Give simple step-by-step directions, and repeat it to be sure that it is understood. Task analysis will help not only his students, but it will also help the leader be well-organized and successful. Establish realistic, attainable goals, and allow plenty of time for achieving them. It may take several months to teach a new skill. Concentrate on concrete ideas and skills. Children have problems with abstract concepts. Be patient, persistent and consistent. Provide warmth and acceptance. Recognize each individual`s potential to grow, learn, and develop. Promote a sense of security through a smile or by providing a word of praise. Demonstrate. Showing is often more effective than telling. Use a combination of two. “Tell me something a hundred times, and I may still not fully understand what you want me to do. Show me what you mean, demonstrate clearly and slowly, just once or twice and I will be close to the goal”.

3. Give the title to the second part of the text.
Ш. 1.Answer the questions:

  1. What is mental retardation?

  2. How many grades of mental retardation are defined in the USA? And in Russia?

  3. How many causes of mental retardation are identified? What are they?

  4. What can a mentally retarded individual learn? Are those attainments different for each grade?

  5. What is the general guidance to the teachers of mentally retarded individuals? Can anybody fulfill that task?

  6. What personal features should a teacher for mentally retarded children have? Do you?

2. Say whether the following statements are true or false:

  1. Mental retardation is defined as average general intellectual functioning

  2. There are five degrees of mental retardation.

  3. More than 200 causes of mental retardation have been identified, and many others are suspected.

  4. The known causes can be placed into five categories.

  5. A mentally retarded person is fast to learn

  6. A mentally retarded person may be slow or limited in the development of physical skills.

  7. Individuals who have a speech impairment or epilepsy are mentally retarded.

  8. Secondary handicapping conditions are common among people with mental retardation.

  9. It is thought that it takes a certain kind of person or an individual with special education to work with people who are retarded.

  10. Anyone can work with people who are retarded and be successful.

  11. Volunteer can contribute greatly to the work of individuals who have mental retardation.

3. Continue the sentences:

  1. Mental retardation is …

  2. There are many degrees …

  3. Not all the causes of mental retardation

  4. A mentally retarded person …

  5. secondary handicapping conditions are …

  6. It is often thought that …

  7. A volunteer…

4. Fill in the blanks with the words from the text:

One of the most important things to remember when teaching an individual with mental … is to break down the skill or project being taught into small… . This is called task analysis. A woodworking … provides a good example. If an … is not successful at completing the … it may be that the task being taught is not broken down far enough. Give simple… …, and repeat it to be sure that it is understood. Task … will help not only his students, but it will also help the leader be well-organized and successful. Establish realistic, attainable… , and allow plenty of time for achieving them. It may take several months to teach a new skill. Concentrate on concrete … and skills. Children have problems with abstract… . Be patient,… … . Provide warmth and acceptance. Recognize each …`s potential to grow, learn, and develop. Promote a sense of … through a smile or by providing a word of… . Demonstrate. Showing is often more effective than telling. Use a combination of two.

  1. Give synonyms from the text:

  • Mental retardation;

  • Sciences taught at school;

  • A person who works for free;

  • To give a definition;

  • Underdeveloped;

  • A person with intellectual insufficiency;

  • The teacher in the class;

  • About smth.

  1. Make up the plan of the text. Here are the titles in the wrong order. Make the order correct:

  1. Secondary handicapping conditions are typical.

  2. There are many degrees of mental retardation.

  3. A volunteer can help a mentally retarded person to be successful.

  4. A mentally retarded person is slow in learning.

  5. Not all the causes of mental retardation are identified.

  6. It is often thought that a mentally retarded person cannot learn anything.

  7. Mental retardation is sub average intellectual development.

7. Make up one sentence with each word from ex I (2, 3).
8. Make up five types of questions on the text.
9. Render the text in English:

В соответствии с американской классификацией умственной недостаточности, умственная отсталость – это интеллектуальное развитие ниже нормы, которое определяется и проявляется с младенческого возраста до 16 лет, характеризуется отклонениями от нормы в поведении и развитии.

Выделяют несколько степеней умственной отсталости. Люди с глубокой степенью у.о. способны приобрести лишь основные навыки самообслуживания, в то время как люди со средней степенью у.о. способны освоить так много, что во взрослом возрасте никому и в голову не придет заподозрить их в отставании в интеллектуальном развитии в детстве. Всего выделяют три основные группы у.о.:

  • Среднюю (обучаемые) – возраст интеллектуального развития соответствует возрасту 8-12 лет; способны освоить школьную программу до 6ого класса;

  • Умеренную (воспитуемые) – возраст интеллектуального развития соответствует возрасту 5-8 лет; не способны освоить цикл обще-гуманитарных школьных предметов;

  • Глубокую (полную) – требуют постоянного, на протяжении всей жизни ухода и обслуживания, обычно находятся на попечении специальных образовательных и лечебных заведений.

Не все причины у.о. известны, хотя определены как минимум 200 из них, многие причины пока считаются не доказанными.
10. Make the written translation of the text.
11. Make a report about Russian approaches onto mental retardation.

Children who are Mentally Retarded
I.1. You are going to read the text ‘Children who are Mentally Retarded’. Judging by the title what do you think it is about? What definition would you give to mentally retarded children?

2. Pay attention to the following terms and words used in the text:

derogatory - нарушающий права, унизительный;

adults - взрослые люди;

to complicate - усложнять, осложнять;

to institutionalize - помещать в специальное образовательное учреждение;

a goal - цель;

at public expense - за счет государственных средств;

comprehensive evaluation - всесторонняя оценка;

comprehensive treatment - всеобъемлющее лечение;

to be associated with smth. - присоединяться, солидаризироваться;

to interfere - мешать, перебивать;

to be behind smb. - запаздывать;

to frustrate - расстраивать, срывать планы;

to withdraw - отдергивать, брать назад;

to lead - вести, проводить;

to handle - справляться, управлять, регулировать.

  1. 1. Find the following words in the text:

термин, определение;

не правильно понимать;

ставить диагноз;

средний уровень умственной отсталости;

принимать участие в жизни общества;

проводить тестирование;

врач-специалист в узкой области медицины;

врач общей практики;

расстройства сна и приема пищи.

Use dictionary if necessary.

  1. Read the text. Children Who Are Mentally Retarded

The term "mental retardation" is often misunderstood and seen as derogatory. Some think that retardation is diagnosed only on the basis of below-normal intelligence (IQ), and that persons with mental retardation are unable to learn or to care for themselves. Actually, in order to be diagnosed as a person with mental retardation, the person has to have both significantly low IQ and considerable problems in everyday functioning. Most children with mental retardation can learn a great deal, and as adults can lead at least partially independent lives. Most individuals with mental retardation have only the mild level of mental retardation. Mental retardation may be complicated by several different physical and emotional problems. The child may also have difficulty with hearing, sight or speech.

In the past, parents were often advised to institutionalize a child with significant mental retardation. Today, the goal is to help the child with mental retardation stay in the family and take part in community life. In most states, the law guarantees them educational and other services at public expense.

It is very important that the child has a comprehensive evaluation to find out about his or her strengths and needs. Since no specialist has all the necessary skills, many professionals might be involved. General medical tests as well as tests in areas such as neurology (the nervous system), psychology, psychiatry, special education, hearing, speech and vision, and physical therapy are useful. A pediatrician or a child and adolescent psychiatrist often coordinates these tests.

These physicians refer the child for the necessary tests and consultations, put together the results, and jointly with the family and the school develop a comprehensive treatment and education plan.

Emotional and behavioral disorders may be associated with mental retardation, and they may interfere with the child's progress. Most children with mental retardation recognize that they are behind others of their own age. Some may become frustrated, withdrawn or anxious, or act "bad" to get the attention of other youngsters and adults. Adolescents and young adults with mental retardation may become depressed. These persons might not have enough language skills to talk about their feelings, and their depression may be shown by new problems, for instance in their behavior, eating and sleeping.

Early diagnosis of psychiatric disorders in children with mental retardation leads to early treatment. Medications can be helpful as one part of overall treatment and management of children with mental retardation.

Periodic consultation with a child and adolescent psychiatrist may help the family in setting appropriate expectations, limits, opportunities to succeed, and other measures which will help their child with mental retardation handle the stresses of growing up.


Ш. 1.Answer the questions:

a) What is mental retardation?

b) Can the children with mental retardation survive in modern society?

c) Was it always like that?

d) How are the children with mental retardation diagnosed?

e) What can the children with mental retardation learn to do?
2. Say whether the following statements are true or false:

a) Mentally retarded children are treated derogatory in the modern society.

b) All the mentally retarded children are institutionalized.

c) Mentally retarded children can attend mainstream schools.

d) The children with intellectual insufficiency can learn to be at least partially independent.

e) Most individuals with mental retardation have only the mild level of mental retardation.

f) It is very important that the child has a comprehensive evaluation to find out about his or her strengths and needs.

g) The child may also have difficulty with hearing, sight or speech.

h) Emotional and behavioral disorders may be associated with mental retardation, and they may interfere with the child's progress.

i) In order to be diagnosed as a person with mental retardation, the person has to have both significantly low IQ and considerable problems in everyday functioning.

j) Early diagnosis of psychiatric disorders in children with mental retardation leads to early treatment.
3. Continue the sentences:

a) Mental retardation is…

b) Children with mental retardation are…

c) The medical diagnosis is…

d) The treatment is…

e) The level of intellectual insufficiency is…

f) The evaluation is necessary…

g) IQ scores should be…

h) Emotional and behavioral disorders may be…

i) Early diagnosis of psychiatric disorders in children with mental retardation…

j) Periodic consultation with a child and adolescent psychiatrist…
4. Fill in the blanks with the words from the text:

a) The term "mental retardation" is often … and seen as ….

b) Some think that … is diagnosed only on the basis of below-normal intelligence (IQ), and that persons with… …. are unable to learn or to care for themselves.

c) Actually, in order to be diagnosed as a person with… …, the person has to have both significantly low IQ and considerable problems in everyday functioning.

d) Most children with… … can learn a great deal, and as adults can lead at least partially independent lives.

e) Most individuals with… … have only the mild level of … ….

f)… …may be complicated by several different physical and emotional problems.

g) The child may also have… with hearing, sight or speech.

h) Today, the goal is to help the child with … … stay in the family and take part in community life.

i) In most states, the law guarantees them … and other services at public….
5. Give synonyms from the text:

-abusive treatment;

- a target;

- mental and intellectual insufficiency;

- authorities.
6. Make up the plan of the text. Here are the titles in the wrong order. Make the order correct:

- The placement of mentally retarded children;

- The definition of mental retardation;

- Low IQ and additional disabilities;

- Special diagnosis and placement;

- Periodic consultation and treatment.
7. Make up one sentence with each word from ex I (2,3).
8. Make up five types of questions on the text.
9. Render the text in English:

Термин «умственная отсталость» часто не правильно понимается и воспринимается как унижающий достоинство. Некоторые люди думают, что диагноз умственная отсталость ставится только тем, кто имеет уровень интеллектуального развития ниже среднего, и что люди с умственной отсталостью не могут ничему научиться или сами о себе позаботиться. На самом деле, диагноз «умственная отсталость» ставится только тем, кто имеет и проблемы интеллектуального развития и существенные проблемы развития навыков самообслуживания. Большинство детей, которым был поставлен такой диагноз, могут многому научиться и, когда достигнут зрелого возраста, могут жить самостоятельно. Наиболее распространена средняя степень умственной отсталости. В большинстве случаев имеются так же физические и эмоциональные отклонения, проблемы развития слуха, зрения и речи.

10. Make the written translation of the text. Pay special attention to the examples – they should be in Russian.

11. Make a report about some other approaches onto mental retardation.

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