National Research University-Higher School of Economics
040100.68, Sociology Master Program
№ №
Name of Programmes Disciplin
Sociological analysis of ideology
Anthropology of Regime Communities
Methods of sample studies
Contemporary sociological theory: models of explanation and logic of sociological study
Civil society, civility and the third sector
History of Social Movements
Social geography of post-soviet Russia: Cultural landscape
Cultural Sociology
Methodology and methods of sociological research
Biographical method in sociology
Cultural Practices of (Post)Modernity in the Context of the Theory of the Modern
Theory and Practice of Online-Surveys
Individualization and Intimacy
(Post)modern city: theories and research tactics
Social geography of post-soviet Russia: Cultural landscape
Government of the Russian Federation
Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution for Higher Professional Education
National Research University-Higher School of Sociology
Faculty of Sociology
Discipline Program
Sociological analysis of ideology
040100.68, Sociology Master Program
Author(s) of the syllabus:
Roman Abramov
Moscow, 2013
This current syllabus cannot be used elsewhere in the university or at other universities without the expressed permission of the department or the author.
1. Course Aims
This course is concerned with an epistemological explication of ideology in terms of social theory. Ideology has two interrelated perspectives: 1) ideology as an element of conceptual apparatus for sociological theories, 2) ideology as an object of sociological analysis to be used in empirical research methods.
The main objectives of the course are:
To study theoretical evolution of the concept of ideology in modern social theory and a thorough analysis of key concepts of ideology;
To explain methods of “analytical distillation” of political, literary, advertising messages, including products of modern mass-media in order to get an ideological "extract";
To get students familiar with analytical tools of generating ideologically-saturated texts for understanding the mechanisms of generation of ideologies in a space of communication.
In the course, interpretations of ideology are reviewed. The course also offers mapping of the most important theoretical routes which helps not only to learn the key concepts of the sociology of ideology but also to acquire the skills of practical analytical work with ideological constructs.
2. The Main Competences that Students will Acquire
Understanding the basic concepts of "ideology" and how to operationalize them; understanding the basic theoretical perspectives and trends in the study of ideology (Marxism, neo-Marxism, structuralism, post-structuralism, non-Marxist interpretation);
Understanding the basic concepts of classification of ideology in the social sciences and methods of their study; learning the basic approaches in the sociology of ideology, key concepts and categories related to the main subject, such as "discourse", "episteme", "paradigm", "belief", "outlook", "knowledge", etc.
Being able to independently and critically analyze contemporary ideological practices with the use of received methodological skills;
Being able to produce, select, process and analyze data on social processes and social communities.
Being able to apply various sociological theories of ideology for interpretation of empirical cases.
Skills of using empirical methods for analyzing ideology (critical discourse analysis, etc.) to study of artifacts.
Skills of scientific analysis of socio-political issues and processes in the context of the critique of ideology;
Skills of interpretation of sociological data and materials;
Skills of analytical reading of texts with the use of ideology research methods;
Skills of formulation of goals and objectives, designing research strategy in studies of different phenomena of social reality with the use of concepts of the analysis of ideology.
3. Thematic Plan for the Academic Discipline
Title of the topic
Course Hours
Lecture Hours
Seminar and Practice sessions
Self-reliant work
"Pre-classical" phase of the history of ideology.
Ideology as "a false consciousness": the classic Marxist analysis of ideology.
Grounds of the neo-Marxist analysis of ideology: G. Lukacs and A. Gramsci
Ideology, utopia and the sociology of knowledge.
Critical storm on modern society as a project of the Enlightenment: the Frankfurt School
Structural Marxism: totalization of ideological reality.
Functionalist and anthropological interpretation of ideology: the non-Marxist alternative.
Poststructuralist analysis of ideology: from theoretical pluralism to ideological indoctrination of postmodern intellectuals.
Review of methods of ideological analysis.
The ideological critique of contemporary capitalism: theoretical view
4. Graded Materials
Essay: 1700-2400 words
Written home assignment (an analysis of a case): 300-500 words
In-class written assignment: 70 minutes
Final examination
Participation in discussions on seminars and reports are also taken into account in a final mark.
5. Discipline Contents
Ридер по курсу «Социологический анализ идеологии» (автор, Р.Н. Абрамов)
Theme 1. "Pre-classical" phase of the history of ideology.
The Enlightenment Project and the science of ideas (Destutt de Tracy and philosophers "ideologues"). Ideology as a religion of the modern era. Creation of a space of public discourse as a medium of emergence and spread of ideologies. Public opinion and civil society. Is Comte's sociology a form of ideology?
Required Reading
Антисери Д. и Реале Дж. Западная философия от истоков до наших дней. От Возрождения до Канта./В переводе и под редакцией С. А. Мальцевой. С-Петербург, "Пневма", 2002,Часть 8. Разум в культуре Просвещения.
Фуко М. Что такое просвещение.
Introduction/Ideology. Ed by J.Eagleaton. New York:1994 (в файлах)
Schmidt J. What Enlightenment Project?//Political Theory, Vol.28, No 6 (Dec.,2000), pp.734-757.
Recommended Reading
Грей Дж. Поминки по Просвещению. Политика и культура на закате современности. М.: Праксис, 2003.
Хайек Ф.А. Контрреволюция науки. Этюды о злоупотреблениях разумом. М.: ОГИ, 2003.
Lemert Ch. The End of Ideology, Really//Sociological Theory, Vol.9, No.2 (Autumn 1991), pp.164-172.
Theme 2. Ideology as "a false consciousness": the classic Marxist analysis of ideology.
"The German Ideology" and the reinterpretation of the concept by K. Marx: Hegelian roots of Marxist analysis of ideology. Ideology as an illusory form of class struggle. False consciousness and ideological domination. Ideology as a symbolic reflection of interests of the ruling class. "Manifesto of the Communist Party" as a product of ideological discourse and "The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte" as an example of ideologically-oriented analysis of political situation. An understanding of Marx's critique of ideology.
Required Reading
Маркс К. Восемнадцатое брюмера Луи Филиппа
Маркс К. Немецкая идеология (любое издание)
Маркс К., Энгельс Ф. Манифест коммунистической партии. (любое издание)
Doyle McCarthy E. The Uncertain Future of Ideology: Rereading Marx//The Sociological Quarterly, Vol. 35, No. 3 (Aug., 1994), pp. 415-429.
Recommended Reading
Райх В. Идеология как материальная сила/ридер
Abercrombie N., Turner B. The Dominant Ideology Thesis// The British Journal of Sociology, Vol.29, No.2 (Jun. 1978), pp.149-170.
Gouldner A. The Dialectic of Ideology and Technology: The Origins, Grammar and Future of Ideology. New York: Seabury, 1976.
Theme 3. Grounds of neo-Marxist analysis of ideology: G. Lukacs and A. Gramsci
Revolutions of 1917-1921 in Europe and intensification of mass movements. Remakes of Marx's approach to ideology: class consciousness (G. Lukacs) and hegemony (A. Gramsci). Ideology and class consciousness. The party as a vehicle of the class ideology of the proletariat. Ideology as an instrument of class struggle (G. Lukacs). The symbolic hegemony and civil consent (A. Gramsci). The role of organic and traditional intellectuals in the production of ideology (A. Gramsci). The revolutionary ideology and practice as means of mobilizing classes.
Required Reading
Грамши А. Тюремные тетради. В 3 ч. Ч.1. Пер с ит. Политиздат, 1991.
Дмитриев А.Н. Марксизм без пролетариата: Георг Лукач и ранняя Франкфуртская школа (1920-1930е гг.) СПб: Европ. Ун-т. М.: Летний сад, 2004, с.145-222.
Лукач Г. История и классовое сознание. Исследования по марксисткой диалектике М.: Логос-Альтера, 2003, с.145-303.(в файлах)
Recommended Reading
Лукач Д. К онтологии общественного бытия. Пролегомены. М.: Прогресс, 1991, с.173-347 (в файлах)
Уолцер М. Компания критиков: Социальная критика и политические пристрастия ХХ века. М.: Идея пресс, ДИК, 1999, 125-151.
Eyerman R. False Consciousness and Ideology in Marxist Theory//Acta Sociologica, Vol. 24, No. 1/2, Work and Ideology (1981), pp. 43-56.
Theme 4. Ideology, utopia and the sociology of knowledge
Karl Mannheim: partial and total ideology. Historicist reinterpretation of the concept of ideology as a false consciousness. The sociology of knowledge as a return to the scientific analysis of ideology. Ideology, tradition, and Utopia (E. Shatsky). Typology of utopias: the classical and post-classical. Utopias and ideological thinking.
Required Reading
Манхейм К. Идеология и утопия//Манхейм К. Диагноз нашего времени. М.: Юрист, 1994, с.52-95.
Шацкий Е. Утопия и традиция. М.: Прогресс, 1990, с.15-194.
Кумар К. Марксизм и утопия. // Общественные науки и современность. 1992. № 3. с.125-135.
Recommended Reading
Дубин Б. Литература как фантастика: Письмо утопии. // Дубин Б. Слово-письмо-литература. Очерки по социологии современной культуры. М.,2001. с.20-41.
Абрамов Р.Н. Менеджериализм: экономическая идеология и управленческая практика//Экономическая социология, Том 8, № 2, 2007 с. 93-102
Иконников А.В. Утопическое мышление и архитектура М: Архитектура-С, 2004.
Wallerstein I. Marxisms as Utopias: Evolving Ideologies//American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 91, No. 6 (May, 1986), pp. 1295-130