Ministry of physical culture, sports and youth policy of Sverdlovsk region

Federal state Autonomous educational institution
“Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin”
The international scientific-practical conference
will be held on the basis of the Ural Federal University named after first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin
on March 2-4, 2017
The purpose of the conference is the involvement of representatives of science and practice to the search for effective solutions related to the preparation of the World Cup in Russia in 2018, the study of relevant problems of physical culture and sport, establishment of scientific communications between scientists, exchange of scientific and practical achievements, to discuss the implementation of research results into practice.
To participate in the conference are invited specialists in the field of social Sciences, physical culture and sports sociologists, economists, political scientists, experts in the field of urban studies and scientific and pedagogical workers of higher education, graduate and doctoral students, representatives of public authorities and local governments; managers of football clubs, federations and leagues; representatives of public organizations and associations operating in the sphere of physical culture and sports, manufacturers and suppliers of services and equipment involved in the organization of the 2018 World Cup.
The format of the conference:
1. Plenary session;
2. The roundtables in the following areas:
– Expectations for the 2018 World Cup: global, national and regional aspects.
– A legacy of the 2018 World Cup: sporting, infrastructure, economic, social, cultural.
– World Cup 2018 as a factor of development of sphere of service.
– Hospitality industry: before and after the 2018 World Cup.
– Tourism sector: before and after the 2018 World Cup.
– Sports volunteering: the interplay of personality, society and state.i
– Personnel of WC 2018: preparation and use of human potential.
3. Poster session:
– Psychological and pedagogical support of the 2018 World Cup
– Medical-biological support of the 2018 World Cup
– The interaction of government and business in preparation for the 2018 World Cup
– Sports law: experience and problems of lawmaking and law enforcement
– Psychological and pedagogical aspects of training of reserve football
– Resource potential of the national teams in football: technologies of formation and updating
– The image of the city in preparation and holding the 2018 World Cup
– Football and people with disabilities: barrier-free environment at sports venues
– Information technologies for the 2018 World Cup
– Engineering of sports facilities for the 2018 world Cup
– Sports ecology: the "green" solutions 2018
4. Educational master-classes and trainings from the speakers of the round tables.
Working languagse of the conference – Russian, English.
Forms of participation in the conference:
– full-time (publication in the proceedings; speech at the round table; as a listener);
– correspondence (publication of materials).
Accepting applications till February 1, 2017.
The conference will be published in electronic conference proceedings (ISBN CD-ROM on request of the author).
The collection will be placed in the scientific electronic archive of the Ural Federal University and will be available for free download (http://elar.urfu.ru/handle/10995/3962) and included in scientometric database RSCI.
Registration fee (per article / poster presentation regardless of the number of co-authors):
– for students Urfu – 300 RUB.
– for graduate students, specialists and scientific and pedagogical workers of the Ural Federal University is 500 RUB.
– for bachelors from other regions of the Russian Federation – 750 rubles;
– for graduate students, specialists and scientific-pedagogical workers from other regions of the Russian Federation – 900 RUB.;
– for foreign participants – 1500 rubles.
CD-ROM additional 100 RUB + shipping (Russian Post).
Details for transfer of conference fee:
INN/KPP: 6660003190/667001001. Account: 40503810213800000001.
Bank: JSC "SKB-Bank", Ekaterinburg.
Correspondent account: 30101810800000000756.
BIC: 046577756 NACE: 80.30.1.
Payment receiver:
INN 6660003190 Federal state Autonomous educational institution of higher professional education "Ural Federal University named after first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin",
OKPO 02069208, 65401000000 OKATO, OKFS 12, OKOPF 73
Payment purpose: personal account: 90. The registration fee for participation in the conference "World football championship-2018"
Materials for the conference proceedings (AUTHOR's INFORMATION and through the manual page break TEXT IN a SINGLE FILE, SCANNED COPY of the PAYMENT RECEIPT of the registration FEE or print screen of ONLINE PAYMENT in the second file) should be sent to the email address of the conference:
The name of the first file must match the name of the first author in English and have a standard extension: Ivanov_S_V.doc (.docx).
The second file name must be in the form Ivanov_S_V_oplata.pdf (Ivanov_S_V_oplata.jpg).
Form of copyright reference: Appendix 1. In the presence of sponsors is completed for each individual form
Requirements to registration of materials for publication (the sample is attached, see Annex 2
The article is submitted in Russian or English.
UDC code 1;
the initials and surname of author (in Russian and English);
the title of the article (in Russian and English);
abstract in English (maximum 5 lines);
key words in English;
abstract in Russian (not more than 5 lines);
key words in Russian;
copyright sign;
the text of the article in Russian. Text structure:
• Introduction. Description of the problem.
• Statement of the problem. Methodology of the study.
• The results.
• Insights.
• The list of references in citation order;
transliteration and translation in English list of references to publications issued in Russian language (website http://www.translit.ru/ variant BNG)
the total volume of the material should not exceed 5 pages.
The text should be printed in Microsoft Word versions 2003-2010, font Times New Roman (in Russian or English);
font size 16, line spacing – 1,0; all fields – 2 cm, indentation 1.25 cm;
graphics embedded in text, tables: continuous numbering, right above the table title above the table alignment from the centre; figures: no less than 300 dpi, continuous numbering, caption, alignment on width;
automatic hyphenation is not allowed;
the list of literature in the original language provided at the end of the text in alphabetical order, first in Russian, then in foreign languages;
footnotes are given in square brackets [3, p. 255-256], where the first digit represents the number of the cited works in the reference list, the second – the page number.
Materials that do not meet these requirements will not be accepted.
All papers undergo a blind peer review. In case of the conclusion about impossibility of its issuance, the registration fee is not refundable.
By submitting material to the conference, the author ensures that there are no improper citation.
Directing author's certificate the author consents to the publication of information about their place of work or study, position, and status, e-mail addresses.
Poster presentations are submitted for review format .pdf with author's reference (a separate file format .docx, Annex 1) to address the conference.
Requirements for registration of posters: see Appendix 3.
Poster presentations are not published. It is allowed to present one topic of the report in the form of an article and a poster.
The information letter is the official invitation to participate in the conference.
All expenses on taking part in the conference - by the directing organization.
Non-resident participants can be assisted in the selection and booking of the hotel, undergraduate and graduate students can be accommodated in a comfortable student hostel of the University (approximate price – from 550 to 1000 RUB per day)
Address of the organizing Committee
620000, Ekaterinburg, Mira St., 19,
Institute of physical culture, sport and youth policy.
Tel/Fax: +7 (343) 375-97-61;
email: npk_fks_urfu_2015@mail.ru
Conference Director:
Serova, Nina Borisovna, Director of the Institute of physical culture, sport and youth policy, the candidate of pedagogical Sciences, Professor, head of Department of service and tourism, Ural Federal University
Tel/fax +7 (343) 375-97-61.
Executive Secretary:
Narkhov Dmitry Yurievich, Director of the Center for science and innovation, candidate of sociological Sciences, associate Professor of the Department "Organization of work with youth" Ural Federal University
email: d_narkhov@mail.ru
Phone: +7(908)329 91 08
Appendix 1
Author’s information
Surname, name, patronymic
/ Place of study (work)-University, faculty, course, Department of …
For students and postgraguates
The level of education obtained
/ Specialist
/ Undergraduate
Graduate student
For scientific and pedagogical and other employees:
Academic degree
Academic rank
Event of the Conference, which will be attended by
Plenary meeting
discussion panel
Name __________________
Poster session
The theme of the report
Language of performances
Форма участия / Form of participation
Need to send a CD with the materials of the Conference
Postal address for sending the CD
Почтовый индекс:
Postal index:
Postal address:
The need for a personal call from the Organizing Committee
The need for booking hotels
Contact phone number
Fax number (if available)
Document confirming the payment for the registration fee (date, number)
Appendix 2
Sample abstract
УДК 796.07
М. Ю. Швецов
В. А. Фетисов
M. Shvetsov
V. Fetisov
The article presents a model of organization and planning of teaching the process of physical training police cadets in educational institutions of the Russian Interior Ministry, which contribute substantially to the level of professionally-applied physical fitness, health, physical development and function of the body. The competence model training is by far the leading trend of modern higher education. The relevant issues of improving the system of training of future police officers of the Russian Interior Ministry are described. Pedagogical experiment, which was carried out on the basis of SEI «Chita special school police Internal Affairs of Russia» is described in details.
Key words: modernization, competent approach, block-model methods, effectiveness, professional competence
Представлена модель организации и планирования учебного процесса по физической подготовке курсантов полиции образовательных учреждений МВД России, которая способствует существенному повышению уровня профессионально-прикладной физической подготовленности, здоровья, физического развития и функциональных возможностей организма. Отмечено, что компетентностная модель обучения является ведущей тенденцией современного высшего профессионального образования. Излагается актуальность проблемы совершенствования системы профессиональной подготовки будущих офицеров полиции МВД России. Подробно описывается педагогический эксперимент, который проводился на базе ГОУ СПО «Читинская специальная средняя школа милиции МВД России»
Ключевые слова: модернизация, компетентностный подход, эффективность профессиональной компетентности
Текст статьи… Текст статьи… [1, с. 12] Текст статьи… Текст статьи… Текст статьи… Текст статьи… Текст статьи… Текст статьи… Текст статьи… Текст статьи… Текст статьи… Текст статьи… Текст статьи… Текст статьи…
1. Зеленев Е. И. Постижение образа мира. СПб. : КАРО, 2012. 336 с.
2. Емченко Д. Г. Трансграничный регион как социокультурный феномен: дальневосточная модель : дисс. …канд. культурологии : 24.00.01. Челябинск: ЧГАКИ, 2011. 186 с.
3. Фукуяма Ф. Конец истории? // Вопросы философии. 1990. № 3. С. 23-35.
4. Положение о Фестивале Всероссийского физкультурно-спортивного комплекса «Готов к труду и обороне» (ГТО) среди обучающихся образовательных организаций, посвященном 70-й годовщине Победы в Великой Отечественной войне 1941–1945 годов [Электронный ресурс]. URL: http://www.minsport.gov.ru/sport/physical-culture/41/23357/ (дата обращения: 02.12.2015).
List of references
1. Zelenev E.I. Postizhenie obraza mira [Comprehension of the world’s image]. St. Petersburg.: KARO, 2012. 336 p.
2. Emchenko D.G. Trans-granichnyj region kak sotsiokulturnyj fenomen: dalnevostochnaya model [Cross border region as a socio-cultural phenomenon: Far East Model] : dissertation…Candidate Cultural Sciences: 24.00.01. Chelyabinsk: CASCA, 2011. 186 p.
3. Fukuyama F. Konez istorii? [The end of history?] // Voprosy filosofii. 1990. № 3. P. 23–35.
4. Polozhenie o Festivale Vserossiyskogo fizkul’turno-sportivnogo kompleksa «Gotov k trudu i oborone» (GTO) sredi obuchayushchikhsya obrazovatel’nykh organizatsiy, posvyashchennom 70-y godovshchine Pobedy v Velikoy Otechestvennoy voyne 1941–1945 godov. [The Regulation about the Festival all-sports complex "ready for labour and defence (TRP) among students educational institutions devoted to 70-th anniversary of victory in Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 years] [Eleсtronic resource]. URL: http://www.minsport.gov.ru/sport/physical-culture/41/23357/ (аccessed: 02.12.2015).