Методический материал по обучению чтению литературы на английском языке по специальности «Обработка металлов давлением» для студентов 3 курса (6-ой семестр)

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  1. Forging equipment is generally that group of machine tools which primarily serve as a medium of moving and shaping (фасонирование) metal when heated to a plastic state.

  2. Equipped with an 11,000-hp (high pressure) hydraulic system, a new press is rated at 5,500 tons.

  3. North American Forge Masters is an open-die forging shop operated jointly with Ellwood Forge.

  4. The operator can usually control the entire process while safely protected from the heat or noise of the process environment.

  5. Originally used for nut blanks, gear blanks and flanges production has been extended to various asymmetrical parts.

  6. The metal removed is known as the chip.

  7. The equipment used required additional tests.

  8. Tool life is considerably depended on the used brazing solder (припой) as well as on the quality of the brazing process (высокотемпературная пайка).

  9. The treadle (педаль) released, the rolls clamp the boards and raise the ram.

  10. When loaded beyond their elastic limits metals retain permanent sets or change their forms.

The Infinitive. The Infinitive Constructions

  1. Translate the following sentences. Define the functions of the Infinitive.

  1. To design new parts, especially with the specialty (особый ассортимент) metals Forge shop are working with some specific customers.

  2. To analyze the development of texture in the extrusion process is not an easy task.

  3. Model ASOH of cold forming machines to be introduced in October can blank up to 2.7mm diameter with 38mm length.

  4. In order to take advantage of the greater strength possible with forgings the fibre flow lines should run in the same direction as the greatest required strength.

  5. To refine the structure of metal is one of the primary reasons for hot mechanical working of steel.

  6. To squeeze a ring thinner means to increase its diameter.

  7. In most cases the metal to be forged is heated to its correct forging temperature, but sometimes cold-forging is done.

  8. Engineers consider cold-drawn steel bars and rods to be frequently needed for fabrication of various articles.

  9. The carbon content was too high for the metal to be used without refining.

  10. Model MCF-450 closed die forging press allows three sets of dies to be

for either a three step forging process or three separate products production

at one time.

B. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the Complex Subject, the Complex Object and the For-Infinitive Construction.

  1. Upsetting proves to be almost always one of the first operations performed in machine forging.

  2. “We’re 100% employee-owned”, executive vice president points out. “And it is necessary for the company to be run well”.

  3. We also talked extensively with our customers about what they wanted us to be able to do.

  4. The method does not appear to have enjoyed any industrial application.

  5. Model CF-1 cold forming press utilizes a simplified link mechanism which is said to provide higher tonnage capacity compared to conventional toggle crank type presses.

  6. Design is known to guarantee safe and simple operating conditions.

  7. Drawing-out between narrow dies is considered to be the most efficient method.

  8. What seems to be required is an instrument which can be brought into instant use at any time.

  9. The hammer is known to have been used throughout the ages as a symbol of forging; today we know it to still occupy a prominent position in the forging field.

10. It is interesting to note that both extruded battery cases and extruded

cartridge сases are reported to be more satisfactory than the drawn


The Subjunctive Mood

Translate the following sentences.

  1. If the face of the blanking punch has any convex (выпуклый) contour, the metal will be stretched plastically to that shape before shearing occurs.

  2. The process shown requires that compact and sintered (спекание) blank be reheated and forged to net-shape.

  3. If an average forging operation were attempted cold, the metal would strain-harden sufficiently to cause fracture in itself.

  4. It is very important that a smith should know the names and uses of the tools he has to deal with.

  5. Had we used only one industrial robot in drop forging industry, we would not have achieved the necessary rate of work.

  6. If we moved the die axial to the direction of the corner, the friction over the side surface would help to push the material into the corner.

  7. If the forging had been completed after the first pass, it would have been withdrawn and sheared off the bar at once.

  8. Provided a blank of the given size is required, a die is made to that size and a punch is made smaller.

  9. Were the admissible max press capacity exceeded, the flywheel would slip.

  10. Because a warm-forging process is used only in pre-forming stages, temperature control is not as critical as it would be if forming were included in the last stage.

Translate the sentences paying attention to the Comparative Clauses.

  1. The curves also show that the greater the monthly production quantity is, the lower the costs for the warm-forging process.

  2. The greater the quantity to be produced and the higher the requirements of uniformity and accuracy in regard to the shape and dimensions, the more difficult the forging is.

  3. The higher the stiffness is, the lower the deflection of the press and the shorter the total contact time under the pressure.

  4. The greater the required force of the blow is, the further the handle must be turned, so as to open the channel completely.

  5. The width of the die is selected to suit the capacity of the hammer as, the wider the die, the less energy is transmitted by the impact to each unit of the area of the metal to be worked.

Translate the sentences expressing negation.

  1. The screw does not move, i.e. it does perform no stroke.

  2. No material is a perfect conductor, and no material is a perfect insulator.

  3. No forging equipment can perform all rolling operations.

  4. Nobody could understand what he was spoken about.

  5. In no case is the bar completely hardened throughout on the account of its


Translate the following Attribute Constructions: a cold roll forming knowledge based system; a double (triple)-action press for sheet metal pressing; free-flow squeezing operation; a very good growth area; near-net-shape open-die forging; longer tool life; double crank straight side presses; hydraulic overload protection; blow sequence control; net-shape forged product; an advanced computer aided simulation technique.

Translate the sentences paying attention to the words “that”, “it” “one”.

  1. The design experts are those that have acquired the knowledge and experience.

  2. That the hummer is especially designed to perform a wide variety of open die forging operations is well known to the specialists in metal forming industry.

  3. This is a relatively more severe operation than that performed on the copper cups.

  4. A smith forging is the one that is produced on a free forging hammer without the use of dies.

  5. Its main advantage is that it makes possible manufacturing of large size forgings from comparatively smaller stocks.

  6. Today, one can find predominance of small very efficient companies engaged in water fitting (установка) production.

  7. The methods used in hummer forging differ but slightly from those used in hand forging operations.

  8. With cold forging, the accuracy of the product depends strongly upon the accuracy of the die, especially upon, that of a gear toothed die.

  9. One must know that the temperatures of 1150 ̊ to 1300 ̊ are required for hot working of steel.

  10. It is this problem that is addressed in the paper.

Translate the sentences paying attention to the Prepositions and Conjunctions.

  1. Direct economy of hydraulic press is achieved due to much lower original and operating costs.

  2. Drawing rectangular, oval and odd shapes both deep and shallow involves principles of round drawing plus plain bending and in some cases stretching.

  3. In order to produce desired shapes rolling is usually done in two or more rolling operations.

  4. Cold forging has been widely spread because it serves to reduce production costs owing to its high productivity.

  5. For blanking operations a steel die is made as thin as possible, since a thick die would produce an excess of scrap.

  6. It is clear that large ingots are now always forged with hydraulic presses instead of steam hammers, for the work done by a press goes deeper.

  7. A 500 MN Hydraulic Press was built neither in Russia nor in China.

  8. Selection of the proper metal for the given use is an important part of metallurgical practice, for often success of the work is dependent on it.

  9. Since metal or alloy does not harden during hot working, there is practically no limit to the amount of reduction that can be attained as long as the temperature remains high enough.

  10. Experimental investigations of a new forming method for the production of complex shapes have been carried out for many years.

Translate the sentences paying attention to the underlined word combinations.

  1. Upsetting is accompanied by considerable stresses resulting from the strains developed in metals.

  2. Where a blank is very large compared to metal thickness, curvature in a sheet may result in inaccuracy.

  3. Along the boundary between Alpha and Beta the former changes to the latter as the temperature rises.

  4. On the other hand hot copper forgings are usually troublesome on account of a hard black oxide.

  5. The drawing group of sheet metal working operations has much in common with the drawing of wire.

  6. Screw presses can be used for such parts as turbine blades as well as solid parts of heavy crankshafts.

  7. Today there exists a production process for manufacturing components from powder which meets the very high requirements on rotary parts in aircraft jet turbine engine.

  8. The new software provides accurate forging simulations, resulting in optimal forging plan.

  9. The direct electric drive of a reversible motor does meet this demand in the ideal way, as it completely eliminates all inter-connections.

  10. Blanking, punching, trimming, shearing, otherwise cutting metal to shape in dies, form a distinct group of press operations the subdivision of which has much in common.

  11. However, in rubber forming one of the dies in a set can be made of flexible material, such as a rubber or poly urethane membrane.

  12. The material in the blank is distributed prior to being blocked.

  1. Translate the following sentences and define their grammar structures.

  1. Friction screw presses are said to have a simple approach to energy transfer and low maintenance cost.

  2. Generally, electric upsetting is followed by finish forging in a die.

  3. The piston or steam hammer is becoming popular both in England and in other countries.

  4. Double-ram models of cold forming machines are available to remove billets from the furnace and place them in the die. India appears to have been actuated with iron and steel from an early age.

  5. The productivity of automatic forging and stamping machines is ten or even hundred times as great as that of automatic machine tools.

  6. The metal is deformed between the hammer dies, the bottom die supporting the work and the various tools employed during the forging operations.

  7. As regards the degree of utilization of energy, steam hammers are far from being perfect.

  8. To prevent any possibility of breaking the cylinder cap and the consequent hammer breakdown the cylinder is equipped with special protective devices.

  9. The temperature variations are directly effected by the design of the surface in contact and the material of the tool.

  10. Before forging, steel must be heated to the highest possible temperature, which in all cases, must be lower than that at which burning sets in.

  11. Hot-rolling causes the grain to be elongated in the same direction as the mass of metal is worked.

  12. The new piercing process has enabled seamless tubes to be made from most types of steels and many non-ferrous alloys.

  13. Since annealing requires heating to a very high temperature, usually in reducing atmosphere, the fuel to be used must be considered carefully.

  14. Metal flow is strongly influenced by the evolving microstructure.

  15. Since rolling on disc rolling mills being partial, a forging operation takes place only on a portion of the surface, much lower pressures are required than in conventional forging.

  16. We know heavy hammers to be employed for hammer forging but we don’t know them also to be sometimes equipped with automatic control mechanisms.

  17. To obtain detailed sufficient knowledge about the sheet metal flow and the forming mechanisms fundamental investigations have been carried out.

  18. In manufacture of complex parts by forging and in order to reduce the loading requirements the process is carried out at the elevated temperature.

  19. We can give people the information they are interested in and they can request the literature we’ll mail to them.

  20. India appears to have been actuated with iron and steel from an early age.

  1. Analyze the following complex sentences and translate them into Russian.

  1. In sizing operations, where the metal is usually moved very little and without restriction, the most general application and the one receiving the greatest attention is the sizing of steel drop forgings.

  2. If the goal is to provide as simple installation as possible, so that the press can be installed in a shop without additional safety precautions, then, obviously, it must be built in such a way that a sudden release of energy is impossible.

  3. A great advantage of a forging press over a steam hammer is that for machines of equal capacity, a press, being entirely self contained, requires a much lighter foundation, while a hammer must have a very massive foundation under the anvil block.

  4. The preform design problems are considered for flashless forging, and three dimensional simulations are performed for the analysis of shape plate (толстый лист металла) rolling.

  5. Where several die castings are assembled together to form a single unit it’s obvious that extremely fine limits must be maintained across mating hole centers, and freedom from distortion on flat joint faces ensured if subsequent machining operations are to be avoided.

  6. When forging in hammers, the stock will always be cooled by the bottom die more rapidly than by the top one, as the top die contacts the metal only when it strikes it, whereas the bottom die is in contact with the metal all the time it is being forged.

  7. In classifying the dies and methods belonging to the drawing group of press operations, perhaps the most general distinction is whether the shell is pushed through the die or returned to the surface of the die to be pushed off.

  8. In blanking operations where the blank is very large compared to the metal thickness warp (деформация) or curvature in the sheet may result in measurable inaccuracy of shape even though the die is accurate and the punch is flat.

  9. Coining under this classification of a squeezing group of operations, including stamping and embossing, involves a variety of work in which the metal is required to flow comparatively little but is subjected to extremely high pressure to bring out a sharp design and lines or to obtain a very accurate surface.

  10. Pressurized isostatic presses contain large amounts of stored energy and therefore, safety precautions have to be taken at installation.

  11. When selected properly, rubber forming processes have the advantages of low tooling cost, flexibility and ease of operation, low die wear, no damage to the surface of the sheet, and capability to form complex shapes.

  12. In hydro-form or fluid-forming process the pressure over the rubber membrane is controlled throughout the forming cycle, with maximum pressures being up to 15,000 psi.

  13. The control of frictional conditions in rubber forming as well as other sheet-forming operations can be a critical factor in making parts successfully.
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Методический материал по обучению чтению литературы на английском языке по специальности «Обработка металлов давлением» для студентов 3 курса (6-ой семестр) icon Методический материал по обучению чтению литературы на английском...

Методический материал по обучению чтению литературы на английском языке по специальности «Обработка металлов давлением» для студентов 3 курса (6-ой семестр) icon Методические рекомендации по чтению на английском языке для студентов 2 курса факультета
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Методический материал по обучению чтению литературы на английском языке по специальности «Обработка металлов давлением» для студентов 3 курса (6-ой семестр) icon Учебно-методический комплекс «Биохимия» 3 курс, V семестр 020201. 65 «Биология (специалист)»
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