Методический материал по обучению чтению литературы на английском языке по специальности «Обработка металлов давлением» для студентов 3 курса (6-ой семестр)

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Название Методический материал по обучению чтению литературы на английском языке по специальности «Обработка металлов давлением» для студентов 3 курса (6-ой семестр)
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Text 3B

  1. Remember the following words:

manual labour – ручной труд

in accordance with – в соответствии с

cam – кулачок, эксцентрик

open-front press – открытый, одностоечный пресс

reciprocate – совершать возвратно-поступательное движение

feed bar – подающая тяга

feed of half total pitch to position above the component – подача на высоте ½ общей высоты над деталью

clamper arm – захватывающее устройство

synchronized magazine type blank feeder – подающее устройство с магазином, синхронизированное с работой пресса

invert – опрокидывать, перевёртывать

intermediate station – промежуточная позиция

be at rest – быть неподвижным

release – разжимать. размыкать

  1. Read and translate the text.


Automation or mechanization is one of the methods to increase labour productivity. Its basis is replacement of manual labour by mechanisms and machines. There is partial and complex mechanization. Partial mechanization does not involve complete elimination of manual labour. When mechanization is complex, manual job is limited only to the operation of machine tools. Automatic control is the control of machines or systems by means of special devices which comprise a control system. The control system operates in accordance with a predetermined program.

An automated line is the line of three or four individual open-front presses linked together by a single independently driven unit that would transfer the work from one press to another with intermediate stations and, where required, turnover stations of reversing the presentation of the pressing.

Such an arrangement would have the following advantages: 1) low capital investment if existing presses are suitable; 2) existing tooling can be used or modified for use; 3) savings in labour; 4) toll setting is simple with easy access to the front of presses; 5) transfer system does not require setting on tool change, only clamper arms being re-set or replaced; 6) inter-stage storage and movement are eliminated.

The transfer system is an independent unit driven by an electric motor which, by system of cams, reciprocates a horizontal bar running inside the press gap to the rear of the press tools. In addition to horizontal traverse, a vertical movement to place components in location on tool and lift back after the operation is provided. During the pressing operation the feed bar is at rest, the sequence of operations being: horizontal feed of half total pitch to position above the component to be fed; vertical down movement to pick and return through starting position and further half-feed to the next tool with a vertical movement to place in die and release, before return to starting position when presses are given a signal to perform the pressing operation.

Methods of pick-up by clamper arm are either vacuum or magnetic and can be quickly set to suit individual tool height. Idle stations compensate for feed-height variations and also provide turn-over positions to invert components where it is necessary. At the first station blanks are provided from a synchronized magazine type blank feeder. All machines are electrically interlocked with feeder and necessary safety devices to ensure full protection of presses, tooling and components.

III. Answer the questions:

1. What is automation? 2. What can you say about the two main types of mechanization? 3. What are the benefits of automation? 4. What basic functions of a transfer system can you name? 5. How many pick-up methods do you know? What are they? 6. What do idle stations provide? 7. What ensures full protection of presses, tooling and components?

Text 3C

  1. Remember the following words:

billet - заготовка

supply hopper – загрузочный ковш

batch – партия товара

meet manufacturing schedule – удовлетворять производственному графику

inventory – материально-производственные запасы

micro-inching mode – минимальный ход перемещения

grip fingers – захваты

mode – режим работы

station – узел, положение

  1. Read and translate the text.


Fully automatic forging involves a completely automatic cycle from loading the billets into a supply hopper to the automatic extraction of components from the dies. In addition to savings in operator labour there are considerable gains to be made by reducing the non-productive time of equipment by automating the actual tool changing function. The current trend is towards smaller batch quantities required at specific times to meet manufacturing schedules and hold inventory of parts to the minimum. This entails more frequent tool change and greater flexibility of manufacture.

Largely automatic and micro-processor synchronized die replacement is commonly completed in three to six minutes, and with the addition of further automation all dies and tooling could be changed completely in as little as 100sec.

The new press is programmed to automatic slide adjustment to achieve correct shut height. Die clamping and unclamping are also automatic. An automatically operated system for the slide adjustment mechanism returns the dies to a “home” position for clamping and unclamping during die changeover. Conventional presses usually have a micro-inching mode, but a drive mechanism is simply a separate motor and the mode must be controlled manually.

Another feature is the configuration of the feed bar – an aluminum bar associated with the tooling that has grip fingers to move the blanks from station to station in the transfer sequence.

Some savings in material may be possible but the main cost reductions must be in labour by reduction of setting times and production of more parts in a given time.

III. Speak about the peculiarities of unmanned pressing facility and its main gains.

  1. Rendering (orally or in written form).

Образец подготовки к пересказу на примере текста «Computer Aided Simulation of Complex Three-Dimensional Extrusion ».

An advanced computer aided simulation technique is developed and used for diagnosis and innovation of conventional extrusion processes of hollow as well as solid products. It is also utilized for development of a new multi-billet complex extrusion process through which plural billets are simultaneously extruded into a unified composite product. Through a series of simulations three-dimensional metal flows of work-pieces in various extrusion processes are characterized. Effects of die geometries and other working conditions on various features of extrusion pressure, dead zone formation, geometries of plastic zone, separation and unification of flow of workpiece and geometry of extruded product are consistently analyzed. The results are compared with experimental measurements and fairly good agreement is found between them. It is concluded that the developed simulation technique is highly useful and effective for establishment of advanced extrusion technology for the future.

Задания: 1. Переведите название текста. 2. Просмотрите текст и сформулируйте его основную идею. 3. Сделайте перевод каждого предложения с опорой на его основу и ключевые слова.

Образец выполнения задания:

  1. Компьютерное моделирование процесса выдавливания сложных объемных форм.

  1. Основной идеей текста является ознакомление читателя с компьютерной технологией моделирования как нового, высокоэффективного и перспективного метода анализа и контроля различных процессов, происходящих при выдавливании как полых, так и цельнокованых деталей.

  1. Технология компьютерного моделирования разработана и используется для диагностики и модернизации традиционных процессов выдавливания как полых, так и цельнокованых деталей. 3.2. Она также применяется для разработки процесса одновременного выдавливания сразу нескольких заготовок. 3.3. С помощью компьютерного моделирования можно наблюдать характер объемного течения металла заготовки при различных процессах выдавливания. 3.4. Влияние геометрии штампа и других операционных условий на сам процесс выдавливания, образование мертвой зоны, геометрия зоны пластической деформации, геометрия готового продукта, зона текучести металла - все эти и другие параметры постоянно обрабатываются и анализируются. 3.5. Результаты, полученные при компьютерном моделировании, полностью соответствуют экспериментальным аналогам. 3.6. В заключение следует отметить, что разработанный современный метод моделирования очень полезен и эффективен для создания перспективных технологий выдавливания.

  1. Giving Talks and Presentations.

Consider the following phrases used at different stages of presentations:

Introducing the topic
This morning I'm going to talk about...

Today I’d like to ... (describe...)

The aim of my presentation this morning is to...

I've divided my presentation into ... (three parts)

First, I’d like to ...

Second, I’ll move on to ... (the role of technology)

Then I'll focus on ... (the technical aspects)

After that we'll deal with …(the financial side)

Finally, let’s consider ...

Dealing with questions
That's a good point. / I’m glad you asked that question.

Can I get back to you on that later?

I'm afraid I don't have the information at present.

I'm afraid I'm not the right person to answer that.

Feel free to / Do interrupt me if there's anything you don't understand.
If you don't mind, we'll leave questions till the end.

If you have any questions, I'd be pleased / I'll do my best to answer them.

Introducing each section
So, let's start with the objectives…

Now let's move on to the next part.

Let's turn our attention to...

This leads me to...

Finally let's consider...

Referring to information
This transparency / diagram shows...

If you look at this graph you can see...

I'd like to draw your attention to...

As I mentioned earlier... (the role of...)

I'll say more about this later.

We'll come back to this point later.

As you know...

As I’m sure you are aware...

Summarizing a section
That completes my... (description of...)

That concludes my talk.

That brings me to the end of my presentation.

In conclusion let me…

So, to summarize the main idea…

Checking understanding
Is that clear?

Are there any questions?

Are you following me?

  1. Grammar Revision.


  1. Translate the following sentences from English into Russian.

  1. During the upward stroke the piston of the working cylinder compresses the air in the upper part of the cylinder and forces it through the upper channel into the working cylinder.

  2. The force of the blow is controlled by the handle which adjusts the work of the valve system.

  3. Recently the production technology of miniature parts has been paid a great attention to in micro-system technology.

  4. Material formability is largely affected by the diameter of the forming tool.

  5. Research in metallurgical improvement of magnesium alloys for automotive manufacturing is being conducted at the center for automotive material manufacturing in Canada.

  6. We have never seen pneumatic power forging hammers.

  7. When we come to the laboratory a new forging machine will have been installed there.

  8. The non-ferrous metal castings had been made when we arrived.

  9. At present scientists are developing the bending process of sheet metal laminate materials.

  10. The forming capability of the material is significantly influenced by heat treatment.

  1. Translate the sentences into English:

  1. Ковка – это процесс течения металла под действием удара или сжатия.

  2. «Штамповка на новом прессе проходит успешно»,- заявил технолог кузнечного цеха.

  3. При ковке в закрытых штампах заготовка часто обрабатывается за один рабочий ход.

  4. Каждый кузнец знает последовательность выполнения штамповочных операций.

  5. Мы освоим технологию безоблойной штамповки к концу квартала.

  6. Вчера нас пригасили на завод для знакомства с процессом высокоскоростной штамповки.

  7. На лекции студенты узнали много интересного о свойствах и формах цветных металлов.

  8. К концу года новый гидравлический пресс будет установлен на нашем заводе.

  9. Посмотрите, как рабочие выполняют горячую обработку металлов.

  10. Завтра целый день мы будем работать над производством чистовых ручьев.

Modal Verbs
Translate the following sentences from English into Russian.

  1. Metal rolling had to be developed.

  2. Such method may be used for many shapes as long as the metal stands continued working without annealing.

  3. Today lecturer is to speak about enclosed type double-crank trimming presses.

  4. And if it is a very rigid type, metal thickness should be watched carefully.

  5. Friction screw presses will be able to forge much metal in one or two blows with relatively unskilled labour or robots.

  6. In drop forging when a number of forgings have to be made to the same design, the time required per piece can be reduced by making up special tools.

  7. The students must have known that a slide is supplied with a pneumatic balancing device.

  8. The time required of the die setter to place the tools properly in the press depends upon how convenient the arrangement for holding the tool may be and how accurately tools must be located both in the press and relative to each other.

  9. The steering joint (рулевой механизм) forged pieces were to be imported from China with a large number of foreign currencies in the past time.

  10. You ought to have known that pneumatic balancing devices are used in presses as a counterweight of a slide.

The Participle. The Gerund. The Nominative Absolute Construction)

  1. Translate the sentences paying attention to the words with the suffix “ing”.

  1. The crystalline structure disappears entirely at the melting point, and approaching it, the forces between crystals become progressively less.

  2. Using this new press, Scot Forge can also produce heavier and more intricate forgings than it could produce previously.

  3. Such dies require only to be simple and free from obstruction, the gauging (разбраковка) being done either by eye or with gauge.

  4. Scot Forge has provided numerous videos showing its equipment in action including hammers, presses and ring mills (кольцевой прокатный стан).

  5. Automatic feed being installed, production jumped to 50 pieces per minute.

  6. By skillful handling of the hot piece the hammer-man can produce the desired shape.

  7. Before being upset, the work must be heated throughout its entire cross-section and along its entire length.

  8. Practically every job is a problem in itself owing largely to a number of variable factors affecting the internal condition of the metal being worked, and also to some extent to a variety in design of tools.

  9. According to whether the metal being worked is heated or not before the procedure, all metal working operations are divided into two branches, mainly (главным образом): a) forging or hot working of metal, and b) cold working of metal.

  10. When selecting the material of correct dimensions, the blacksmith first must decide how the part is to be forged.

  1. Translate the sentences paying attention to the words with the suffix 
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Методический материал по обучению чтению литературы на английском языке по специальности «Обработка металлов давлением» для студентов 3 курса (6-ой семестр) icon Методический материал по обучению чтению литературы на английском...

Методический материал по обучению чтению литературы на английском языке по специальности «Обработка металлов давлением» для студентов 3 курса (6-ой семестр) icon Методические рекомендации по чтению на английском языке для студентов 2 курса факультета
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Методический материал по обучению чтению литературы на английском языке по специальности «Обработка металлов давлением» для студентов 3 курса (6-ой семестр) icon Методические указания по обучению чтению технической литературы на...
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Методический материал по обучению чтению литературы на английском языке по специальности «Обработка металлов давлением» для студентов 3 курса (6-ой семестр) icon Учебно-методическое пособие по обучению профессионально-ориентированному чтению
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