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Задание 7. Переведите следующие предложения, особое внимание обращая на слова-заместители. Какие переводческие трансформации были Вами применены?

  1. A complete test set is that of tests that test every point that can be tested.

  2. One should use a new method, not the old one.

  3. Our values are not in accord with those obtained by previous workers.

  4. The problem is one of allocating frequencies to a desired number of channels.

  5. The conditions may sometimes be rigorous and at other times less so.

  6. As a result, the remaining variables then become subdivided into those which do and do not affect the output.

  7. However, in practice certain attributes are defined when other attributes are not.

  8. It allows one to estimate the parameter.

  9. One cannot start applying probability theory before one has an adequate method for the numerical representation of the data.

  10. If one diagrams it one finds about twenty layers.

  11. Planetary theory was not developed to the same degree as that of the Moon.

  12. The format for problem analysis presented above has a number of applications to questions that go beyond those considered so far.

  13. Over the years, many of our ideas became industry standard. And many more will.

  14. While the economic implications may not change the psychological implications might.

Задание 8. Переведите предложения, обращая особое внимание на атрибутивные словосочетания. Какие переводческие трансформации были Вами применены?

  1. Argument force rather than force argument should dominate.

  2. They have used the conventional crystal growth method.

  3. Here frequency dependent rate equations are applicable.

  4. The approach is used for time and money saving purposes.

  5. Such integrity has been achieved by a combination of manual and computer based controls.

  6. The remaining concern is to take into account varying demand rates and cost variables.

  7. They presented the mass of data necessary for effective land use planning.

  8. Two additional large centrifugal type heat pump water heaters have been provided.

  9. There is a vast controversy-filled literature on the problem.

  10. Experience shows that work study does in fact provide one of the most valuable means of improving production efficiency.

  11. The subject of this paper involves the implementation of a maximum absolute error algorithm comparison criterion.

  12. A survey carried out for a personal finance website revealed that people in Britain find it easier to understand Shakespeare than financial literature.

Задание 9. Переведите атрибутивные словосочетания. Какие переводческие трансформации были Вами применены?

Demand-and-supply conditions, high-unemployment inner-city areas, employment-led selective migration, journey-to-work costs, job-poor/job-rich regions, part-time suburban women
Прокомментируйте действия переводчика при переводе данных выражений:
Racial disadvantage – тяготы расового разделения

Multiple disadvantage – классификация неблагоприятности положения

Disadvantage people in obtaining jobs – жители с отрицательным опытом получения работы

Disadvantaged groups – низкоконкурентные группы населения

Employed residents of “job-poor” neighborhoods will commute farther than will residents of “job-rich” neighborhoods. – Работающее население “бедных вакансиями» районов будет дальше ездить до службы, чем жители «богатых вакансиями» районов.
Задание 10. Дайте свой вариант перевода выделенных терминов и узконаправленной лексики:

Methods to Test the Spatial Mismatch Hypothesis. Donald S. Houston

Abstract: The spatial mismatch hypothesis postulates that employment deconcentration within U.S. metropolitan areas goes some way toward explaining higher unemployment and lower wages among ethnic minority groups, since these groups are more likely to reside in central-city areas…..

Three areas in which the spatial mismatch hypothesis should be reconceptualised are identified: first, its emphasis should be on spatial, not racial, inequalities; second, it needs to differentiate between residential immobility and residential segregation, which are quite different; and third, it needs to recognize that the extent and the effect of spatial mismatch are distinct and should be measured separately….

In the 1970s, the issue of special mismatch in British urban areas appeared in the guise of the entrapment hypothesis (the term entrapment hypothesis is more commonly applied to the disadvantage experienced by groups with low commuting mobility, particularly women). This was the notion that low-income groups, particularly those living in public rented housing, were trapped in the inner city and were thus suffering as a result of employment deconcentration. ..

Kasper’s method was to compare forced movers with voluntary movers in terms of the impact the move had on journey-to-work costs, earnings, housing costs and unemployment…..

These spatial experiments focus on a fixed set of particular individuals and follow their responses through time to a spatial change in the relationship between home and workplace. The significance of space for workers’ commuting and residential mobility is isolated by virtue of the fact that all other factors are held constant (i.e., the same people with the same characteristics and the same jobs with the same characteristics)….

Relocation of Firms. The relocation of firms provides an opportunity to measure directly workers’ ability to commute or migrate to distant jobs, and hence the relative importance of commuting and migrating as spatial barriers to employment can be assessed. The relocation of firms has an advantage over the other two types of spatial experiment in that these relocations occur with much greater frequency and therefore offer a more practical research tool.
Задание 11. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая особое внимание на перевод пассивного залога. Какие переводческие трансформации были Вами применены?

  1. At this point the material under examination is fed.

  2. The machine was tried under severe conditions.

  3. With catalyst the reaction was accelerated tenfold.

  4. Considerably less was written about mechanisms for effecting state changes.

  5. The task is executed through successive completion of such cycles.

  6. The point of equilibrium however is tremendously influenced by the temperature.

  7. This phenomenon has been dealt with by several researchers.

  8. A decision was arrived at.

  9. These rules were arrived at independently.

  10. A mechanical method was substituted for an electric one.

  11. This phenomenon is accounted for by the sudden rise of temperature.

  12. The question of the laws of resistances in circuits may now be turned to.

  13. Many materials now commonly used were not even thought of thirty years ago.

  14. The speed with which arithmetic operations are performed is affected by a number of factors.

  15. Questions can be asked and answered, but unfortunately the questions asked and those answered are frequently not the same.

Задание 12. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая особое внимание на подлежащее с инфинитивом (complex subject). Какие переводческие трансформации были Вами применены?

  1. The optimizer is expected to be the determining factor.

  2. Many flying baloons are reported to have been observed in the air.

  3. However, the common practice of designing such devices has been shown to be inadequate.

  4. The conditions seem to have been poorly chosen.

  5. The reaction could appear to involve a rearrangement.

  6. This investigation is likely to produce good results.

  7. The above decision is certain to proceed smoothly.

  8. Amino groups are thought in general not to exist in this form.

  9. These reactions were not thought to proceed very violently.

  10. This development of such a unit is unlikely to be a success.

  11. The assumed linear relation between energy and pressure is likely to be a good approximation.

  12. Hardly any aspect of economic life is likely to be unaffected, or is likely to remain unaffected by automation.

  13. Work on the iron stabilized material does not seem to have been reported.

  14. The rate constant does not appear to be much affected.

  15. While seemingly trivial, this preliminary review proved of vital importance.

Задание 13. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая особое внимание на дополнение с инфинитивом. Какие переводческие трансформации были Вами применены?

  1. We proved this suggestion to be wrong.

  2. Jordan supposed the statement not to be obvious and believed it to require a proof.

  3. Aristotle supposes happiness to be associated with some other human activity.

  4. We expect the document to serve experienced programmers.

  5. The rule requires all arguments to be available.

  6. One would expect the true value to have a 90% chance.

  7. We made this reaction run at reduced pressure.

  8. We could not get this product to polymerize.

  9. Inevitably the adoption of a database approach causes any single process to be less efficient.

  10. High temperatures allowed the reaction to be carried out in two hours.

  11. These properties led him to suggest that they had prepared a novel compound.

  12. Such systems permit the properties of a particular machine to be exploited to the full.

  13. Finding methods of getting programmers to write more local programs is a worthy long-range goal.

  14. A decrease in pressure will cause the original sample to change into two phases.

  15. The technique permitted problems to be solved that had been regarded as intractable.

Задание 14. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая особое внимание на сложные грамматические конструкции, характерные для текстов научного стиля. Какие переводческие трансформации были Вами применены?

  1. The two types of models considered are not applicable to all metals.

  2. The close agreement of the six observations is unlikely to be a coincidence.

  3. One cannot start applying probability theory before one has an adequate method for the numerical representation of the data.

  4. If one diagrams it one finds about twenty layers.

  5. The format for problem analysis presented above has a number of applications to questions that go beyond those considered so far.

  6. There is hardly any element in nature whose radioactive form cannot be produced.

  7. Further work on this problem is badly needed.

  8. The corrected programme is stored and can be repeatedly employed with correction as well as without it.

  9. Biological methods of purifying water are given much attention to by scientists.

  10. Mathematics, astronomy and physics were the first sciences to get organized and defined.

  11. Every breach of rules was dealt with as a breach of the law and punishment was proportionally severe.

  12. Some important issues have not yet been resolved.

  13. This stage is not in fact observed in the preparation of several types of documents.

  14. Not until fairly recently, however, the true value of this parameter has been ascertained.

  15. Although the structures proposed may not have been established with complete certainty, all known facts, physical and chemical, fit beautifully this ingenious interpretation.

  16. It is for this reason that many reports on scientific research include discussion of how the research ought to have been done in the light of the experience gained in having done it the first time.

  17. At the end of the day, reports on all completed analyses can be provided, including the number of tests run that day, the amount of time required for those tests, and the number of samples completed.

  18. Several treatments of this problem have been presented, with theories resulting from this investigation falling into one of the two categories.

  19. They tool all the measurements during actual operation of the machine, this being the usual practice in those days.

  20. The theory to be developed only aims at verifying the above discussions but is not sufficiently detailed to give a complete description.

  21. One cannot expect a complicated problem like that of using solar energy to be solved in a year or so.

  22. The present era, which is distinguished by the utilization of metals in enormous quantities, may be said to have begun in 1860.

  23. In any event, current theories, either empirical or electronic, do not appear to account for this result.

  24. These experiments prove that it is physically possible for the ground ice of Alaska to have been formed by a process of segregation.

Задание 15. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая особое внимание на атрибутивные словосчетания. Какие переводческие трансформации были Вами применены?

  1. Intellectual property is an ugly term and guaranteed to turn off most newspaper readers. It is not a natural read-me subject.

  2. Anyone who supposes that Edwina Currie’s amazing first novel is the usual sort of kill-an-hour-on-the-beach codswallop had better think again: it is much, much worse than that.

  3. Despite turn-out-the-vote efforts of both parties, the number of stay-at-home voters was again high.

  4. We do not have a fox-hunting problem in London. We have all kinds of problems: a crime problem, a transport problem, a how-to-get-a-decent-mayor problem, but not a fox-hunting problem.

  5. Throughout Latin America that sort of legalized theft of tribal land is made easier by the see-no-evil attitude of government agencies charged with protecting indigenous rights.

  6. In Indonesia there is still the chance that once the government is changed the principles of moral hazard will be applied and the more outrageous heads-I-win-tails-you-lose crony capitalism will be dispossessed.

  7. Over the last decade or so, there has been a general trend in western societies towards mass populism, “rabble” democracy, and a “consumer is king” cultural mentality.

  8. Hammerfest seemed an agreeable enough town in a thank-God-for-not-making-me-live-here sort of way.

  9. To anyone of a glass-is-half-empty mentality, the music industry as we know it is on Death Row. Nothing sounds new. But then there are the glass-is-half-full merchants, for whom the charts are an ever-changing pageant of new talent and record sales are defiantly buoyant.

  10. The most damaging result of the computer virus panic of the 1990s is that any data loss can now be blamed on a mystery virus attack, Smith says, potentially ignoring real software malfunctions or simple theft. “Blaming everything on viruses is the-dog-ate-my-homework- excuse,” he says.

Действия переводчика при распредмечивающем понимании
Задание 1. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая особое внимание на сложные дополнения (complex object). Какие переводческие трансформации были Вами применены?

  1. Italy’s rap star Jovanotti had his fans worried, when he started to sing about the rain forests, the fight against drugs and the sorry state of Italian politics.

  2. Kofi Annаn is not the first senior diplomatic figure to have had his phone conversations recorded. The United Nations has been known as a ‘nest of spies’ since its creation at the San Francisco conference in 1945.

  3. Each year millions of animals have disagreeable things done to them in the nation’s laboratories.

  4. Management consultants saw their income drop last year for the first time since the 1970s, though they claimed yesterday the worst was now over.

  5. Mr. Bush, who has seen his approval ratings slide since the death of more than 50 US troops in the past week, will take the rare step of submitting himself to reporters’ questions during a live news conference, in an effort to lay out a clear plan for the future of Iraq.

  6. Section 80 of the Environmental Health Act recognizes noise as a form of pollution and allows people to have their neighbours served with a Noise Abatement Notice.

  7. This month Sainsbury followed Tesco’s lead by launching a home shopping service which enables customers to order groceries by phone, fax or over Internet and have them delivered direct to their homes.

  8. Many workers have seen their wages frozen and their benefits cut.

  9. More people are wrongly convicted, unfairly imprisoned, and have their lives destroyed by witnesses’ faulty memory than any other cause, including perjury.

  10. Sentence was carried out yesterday on an Oxford University graduate who was found guilty of plagiarism in a thesis for theology degree. Mr Thomas Sanders had his name published in the Oxford University Gazettee together with a decree stripping him of his Master’s degree. He is only the third person from Oxford this century to have a degree formally withdrawn in this way but all three cases have happened in the past four years.

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