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Starostina Alla, Prygara Olga. Modern trends of development of world marketing research market under globalization process. Modern trends of development of world marketing research market are viewed in the article. Among the most important peculiarities of the market the following must be noted: constant rising of the market, caused by the increasing role of international marketing research services, growth of tendencies of globalization, that manifest themselves in a constant process of mergers of companies and appearance at their basis the companies that conduct business in global world.Keywords: marketing research, world market, international business environment, globalization. Tepleichuk A.M., Tchernov T.O. Ukrainian vocabulary referring to transport sphere. The article presents over-all information on generalizing Ukrainian vocabulary referring to transport sphere. Turtchanova T. V. Unfair system of work payment as a cause of modern society socio- economic problems. The paper considers the problem of fair distribution of salary in enterprises as a cause of social and economic problems in Russia today. The author of the article studied the principles of salary determination in the planned economy and market economies, as well as proposed solutions to existing problems. Keywords: salary, social and economic issues, modern society, the poverty rate Tsurcan I.V. Health-enhancing work in schools and day-care groups. The article deals with the problem of comprehensive development and and bringing up children adhering to the health regime moments in a day-care group. The necessary requirements in the planning mode and use of physical training minutes are also considered in the article. Keywords: physical health-enhancing work, health-improving activities and acupressure. Tchernjva N.G. The development of children’s interpersonal relations. The article deals with the problem of communication, its role in the formation of child’s personality, with adjustment of children’s interpersonal relations. Children’s interpersonal relations are built on the bases of play as the main type of activity in the frames of which communication is realized. Keywords: communication, relations, interpersonal relations, play. Tchikalenko A.V. Social- pedagogical problems of a village and prospect of a village school development Modern politics in the village territory development demands the review of approaches in the ways of society‘s humanization and search of perspective forms of the best “wit’s” and “kind hearts” unification in the family’s culture growth and children and youth upbringing. Problems of socialization arise more keenly in not enough complete village schools where the necessity of their modernization in the conditions of school with culture and social establishments collaboration. Key words: social- pedagogical problems, village schools. Tchistyakova I.M., Yavorskij S.H. Ukrainian terminology internationalizing to the problems of internationalization. The article deals with the main approaches to the problem of internationalising Ukrainian terminology. Shaimerdenov Nysanali Aliyevich. Factors affecting the financial stability. The financial condition of companies, it,s stability in most of the cases depends on the structure of the income sources (relationship of oun and hire sources) and on optimistic structure of the company funds and on the one hand from the relationship of the basic and profitable money, and also from the balance of the money sources and passives of the company according the functional character. Shevtchenko B.G. Modern education tendencies. The article deals with the main tendencies and directions of modern education and also with the ways and spheres of its application. Shmigelyuk D.S. The formation of bank brand image in Ukraine: modern interpretation Научное издание Михаило-Архангельские чтения Сборник материалов VI международной научно-практической конференции 17 ноября 2011 г. г. Рыбница ОАО «Рыбницкая типография» Формат 60*84 1/8. Бумага офсетная. Усл. изд. л. 49 Тираж 180 экз. Заказ № _____ 1 Тишкин. Г. А. «Женский вопрос в России в 50-60гг. 19 в», Л. 1984 с. 112. 2 Тишкин. Г. А. «Женский вопрос в России в 50-60гг. 19 в», Л. 1984 с. 131 3 Там же с. 131 |
V международная научно-практическая конференция «Михаило-Архангельские чтения» «Михаило – Архангельские чтения». Сборник материалов международной научно-практической конференции, 18 ноября 2010 г. – Рыбница,... |
Непрерывного педагогического образования сборник материалов I v международной... Международной научно-практической конференции (Абакан, 18 ноября 2016 г.) / отв ред. А. Н. Карамчаков. – Абакан: Издательство фгбоу... |
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Проблемы компетентностного подхода в системе общего и профессионального образования Сборник научных статей по материалам международной научно-практической конференции 3 декабря 2008 года |
Сироты. Насилие в семье. Бездомные дети. Дети- инвалиды. Дети-заключенные... Маринич В. В. кандидат медицинских наук, доцент ноу впо «Смоленский гуманитарный университет» |
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