Учебное пособие 2-е издание Рекомендовано умо рае по классическому университетскому и техническому образованию в качестве учебного пособия для студентов высших учебных заведений, обучающихся по специальностям 060500 «Бухучет, анализ и аудит»

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IV. Read the text again and find answers to the following questions.

1. Name some risks to which the export trade is subject.

2. What does the word ‘average’ mean in the insurance business?

3. What is the name of the state insurance company in Russia?

4. Has Ingosstrakh any competitors?

5. Why is it very important to encourage competition in the insurance business?

6. Describe the conditions of insurance for your goods.

V. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Экспортная торговля подчинена многим рискам.

2. Грузы могут быть потеряны или повреждены.

3. Страхование охватывает риск пожара, кражи.

4. Товары застрахованы против хищения.

5. Бизнесмены страхуют товары на полную стоимость.

6. Товары могут быть застрахованы в различных страховых компаниях.

7. Предприниматель лучше защищен, если его товары застрахованы.

8. Грузы могут быть потеряны или повреждены.

9. Суда могут столкнуться или затонуть.

VI. Read the following contract and then render it in Russian.

1. Buyer undertakes to take out an insurance po1icy with the Insurance Сompany of Russia (Ingosstrakh) Ltd. for Goods to bе delivered under this Contract from the moment of their dispatch from Seller's and/or his Supp1ier's works uр to the time of arriva1 of the Goods at their destination in Russia.

2. Тhе cost of this insurance, related to trans­portation between Seller's and Supp1ier's works uр to delivery of the Goods оn board ship in the port of loading, wi11be calculated оn the basis of а rate of 0,075 % of the amount, i.e. the price of the respective Delivery Group, and the insurance cost shall bе оn Seller's account. То this purpose, Seller shall deduct the above mentioned percentage as payment for the insurance policy when issuing invoices for the Goods.

3. This insurance will bе related to the “Particular damages liability” in accordance with paragraph 2.2 of "Тhе Regulations for the transportation of Goods", including damages caused to Goods bу cranes, lifting devices, oil, fresh water (except condensation) and other cargoes. Cover­age will include breakage, theft of entire or partial parcels as well as loss or partial loss of the same and in all cases coverage will apply irrespective of the fact that loss mау bе partial or total.

4. Within thirty (30) days from the date of signing the Contract, Buyer shall transmit to Seller an insurance policy issued in the пате of Seller, covering the insurance of the Goods from the time of their dispatch from Seller's and/or his Supplier's works uр to the moment when the title and risk pass to Buyer.

5. Seller undertakes to make possible for Black Sea-Baltic Insurance Соmраnу “SOFAG” to take direct participation in the value of 45 % of the insurance of the supervision, to bе made in accordance with present Contract.

VII. Read the contract again and make up an outline.

VIII. Talk on the idea of insurance using exercises I, VI and the phrases below.

1. The text under consideration deals with…

2. The text begins with…

3. The narrator admits…



I. Read the text and make an outline.

A contract defines rights and obligations of the parties involved. In case of breach of Contract the sufferer makes a claim on the party which fails to meet its contract obligations. It is more often the case that it is the Buyer who makes a claim on the Seller. Most often the Buyer makes quality and quantity claims on the Seller. The cause for complaint may be poor quality, breakage, damage, short weight, leakage etc...

What is the claim procedure? The Buyer must write a statement of claim and mail it to the Seller together with the supporting documents. Bill of Lading, Airway and Railway Bill, Survey Report, Quality Certificate may serve as documentary evidence. If necessary, drawings, photos, samples are enclosed as proofs of claims.

The date of a complaint is the date on which it is mailed. Claims can be lodged during a certain period of time, which is usually fixed in a Contract. During the claim period the Seller is to enquire into the case and communicate his reply. He either meets the claim or declines it. The Seller declines liability if the B/L is “clean”, that is the shipping company hasn't made any remarks about the quantity condition of the-cargo shipped.

The Seller has also a full right to decline a claim if the goods are disorderly stored, mishandled or misused by the Buyer. If a claim has a legitimate ground behind it the parties try to settle it amicably. What are the ways of settling a claim? In case of short-weight it is recompensed by a load sent separately or at the time of follow-up shipments. In case of damage or faults, the goods at the Buyer's option can be repaired or replaced, all at the Seller's expense.

Sometimes if deviation in quality is within certain limits the goods can be retained but with an allowance proportionate to the discrepancy in quality. This is usually the case with raw mate­rials, foodstuffs or any other goods sent in bulk. If the goods are missing the Seller must necessarily locate them.

Sometimes it is quite a problem as consignments may be lost when transshipped at some intermediate port or if sent at a wrong address. If the goods are not recovered compensation must be paid by the party directly responsible for it.

What is the sanction against the Seller if he fails to deliver the goods by the date due? The Seller is penalized. The rate of penalty is fixed in the Penalty Clause or in the Clause of Agreed and Liquidated Da­mages.

If the delay is longer than 2 months the Buyer has the option of canceling the Contract altogether but the Seller is to compensate for the loss incurred.

What may be the grounds for complaint coming from the Seller and what are the ways of settlement? The Seller in his turn is entitled to make a claim on his counterpart if the Buyer fails to meet his contractual obligations. The Seller may inflict penalties on the Buyer if there is a de­fault in payment. In a f.o.b. transaction the Seller is entitled to compensation for extra storage expenses if the Buyer's vessel bound to pick up the goods fails to call at the port in time. In a c.i.f. transaction the Seller may claim the demurrage if his own vessel stays idle at the port awaiting unloading.

The demurrage claims may emerge from the Buyer as well if a Contract is signed on f.o.b. terms of delivery. If it is a c.i.f. contract, the Buyer is liable to extra storage expenses when through the Seller's fault he cannot clear the goods from the customs within the allowable period. Financially, legitimate claims are in large part settled b debit or credit notes.

II. Find the sentences in the text with the following words and word combinations. Try to memorize them.

breach of Contract

нарушение контракта

the sufferer

пострадавшая сторона



make a claim on smb.

предъявить иск кому-либо

statement of claim

исковое заявление

survey report

акт осмотра

meet the claim

удовлетворить претензию

decline the claim

отклонить претензию

settle the claim

урегулировать, разрешить претензию


дружеским образом

clean bill of lading

чистый коносамент

at the Buyers’/ Sellers’/ option

по усмотрению покупателя/продавца




несоответствие, расхождение, различие

retain the goods

оставлять у себя товар

allowance for damage

компенсация за убыток (ущерб), скидка

in bulk

насыпью, наливом, навалом

transship, tranship

перегружать (с одного судна на другое)

transshipment, transhipment

перегрузка, перевалка





agreed and liquidated damages

согласованные и заранее оцененные убытки

compensate smb. for smth

компенсировать, возмещать

entitle to

давать право (нa), уполномочивать

be entitled

иметь право, быть уполномоченным


расходы, издержки

at someone’s expense

за чей-либо счет


простой судна, вагона

through smb’s fault

по чьей-либо вине

clear the goods

очищать товары от пошлин

debit note


credit note


III. Make sentences of your own using words and word-combinations from Exercise II.

IV. Translate the second paragraph of the text “Claims and Sanctions” in written form.

V. Complete the following sentences according to the contents of the text.

a) In … transaction the Seller is entitled to compensation for extra storage expenses if the Buyer’s vessel bound to pick up the goods fails to call at the port in time.

b) In a c.i.f. transaction the Seller may claim … if his own vessel stays idle at the port awaiting unloading.

c) In case of breach of Contract … makes a claim on the party which fails to meet its contractual obligations.

d) The Seller has also a full right if the goods are disorderly stored, mishandled or misused by the Buyer.

e) In case of damage or faults, the goods at the Buyer’s option can be repaired or replaced … .

VI. Join the beginnings and the ends.

1. The cause for complaint may be …

… necessarily locate them.

2. During the claim period the Seller is …

… if there is a default in payment.

3. If the goods are missing the Seller must …

… poor quality, breakage, damage, short weight, leakage.

4. The Seller may inflict penalties on the Buyer …

… is signed on f.o.b. terms of delivery.

5. The demurrage claims may emerge from the Buyer as well if a Contract

… to enquire into the case and communicate his reply.

VII. Read the text again and answer the following questions.

a) What claims are made by the Buyer?

b) What sorts of claims are lodged by the Seller?

c) What is the procedure for making claims?

d) When does the Seller decline a claim?

e) How are claims settled?

f) What are the sanctions against the defaulter?

VIII. Study the letter of complaint. Make sure you know the words and word combinations given below.

carry out tests пpoводить испытания

test report aкт об испытании

ageing chamber камера старения


As you are aware, we recently submitted air-freighted samples of the above tubes for BSI (British Standards Institution) approval. I regret to advise you that once more these tubes failed to meet the requirements of the BSI Test. A copy of the Test Report is attached for information although I regret that the pho­tographs are not as clear as we would hope.

This particular tube looks to me to show the same breakage characteristics as those which I saw in Moscow when we did a ro­ugh test, and I am suspicious that one of the older type of Tubes got mixed up in our samples. With this in mind, I have used a great deal of personal pressure on our acquaintances at the British Standards Institution to carry out this particular part of the test again and on this occasion, I shall myself be watching the test being carried out. At the time of writing, the tubes are in the ageing chamber and new tests will be carried out on Thursday.

If we are lucky and these tubes do not fault, we can persuade British Standards to issue a certificate on the basis of this se­cond test.

In the meantime, we have managed to persuade some of our customers to accept tubes without a certificate but unfortunately, for the time being, we have lost a number of our bigger custo­mers, who cannot or will not accept deliveries of tubes which have no certificate.

We enclose for your information, copies of the Test Report and will advise you further as soon as we are able.

Yours sincerely, (London)

IX. Read the letter above again and answer the following questions.

  1. What quality control is exercised in the UK over imports?

  2. What was wrong with the tubes sent to Britain?

  3. Why did the firm have a repeat test?

  4. What can be done to reduce the rate of breakage?

  5. How are quality claims settled?

  6. When are the goods totally rejected by the customer?

X. Read the text ‘Claims and Sanctions’ again and be ready to speak on the following topics.

a) The claim procedure;

b) The sanctions against the Seller if he fails to deliver the goods by the date due;

c) The grounds for complaint coming from the Seller and the ways of settlement.
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Учебное пособие 2-е издание Рекомендовано умо рае по классическому университетскому и техническому образованию в качестве учебного пособия для студентов высших учебных заведений, обучающихся по специальностям 060500 «Бухучет, анализ и аудит» icon Т. Е. Даниловских И. А. Кузьмичева А. Д. Мордвинцева
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Учебное пособие 2-е издание Рекомендовано умо рае по классическому университетскому и техническому образованию в качестве учебного пособия для студентов высших учебных заведений, обучающихся по специальностям 060500 «Бухучет, анализ и аудит» icon Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального...
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Учебное пособие 2-е издание Рекомендовано умо рае по классическому университетскому и техническому образованию в качестве учебного пособия для студентов высших учебных заведений, обучающихся по специальностям 060500 «Бухучет, анализ и аудит» icon Козырев А. Н., Макаров В. Л. Оценка стоимости нематериальных активов...
Рекомендовано Министерством образования Российской Федерации в качестве учебного пособия для студентов высших учебных заведений,...
Учебное пособие 2-е издание Рекомендовано умо рае по классическому университетскому и техническому образованию в качестве учебного пособия для студентов высших учебных заведений, обучающихся по специальностям 060500 «Бухучет, анализ и аудит» icon Решение Министерства образования и науки Украины о присвоении грифа...
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Рекомендовано Министерством образования Российской Федерации в качестве учебного пособия для студентов высших учебных заведений
Учебное пособие 2-е издание Рекомендовано умо рае по классическому университетскому и техническому образованию в качестве учебного пособия для студентов высших учебных заведений, обучающихся по специальностям 060500 «Бухучет, анализ и аудит» icon Учебное пособие для вузов
Министерством образования Российской Федерации в качестве учебного пособия для студентов высших учебных заведений
Учебное пособие 2-е издание Рекомендовано умо рае по классическому университетскому и техническому образованию в качестве учебного пособия для студентов высших учебных заведений, обучающихся по специальностям 060500 «Бухучет, анализ и аудит» icon Учебное пособие написано в соответствии с новой программой по дисциплине «Плавание»
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Учебное пособие 2-е издание Рекомендовано умо рае по классическому университетскому и техническому образованию в качестве учебного пособия для студентов высших учебных заведений, обучающихся по специальностям 060500 «Бухучет, анализ и аудит» icon Рекомендовано Министерством образования Российской Федерации в качестве...
Рекомендовано Министерством образования Российской Федерации в качестве учебного пособия для студентов средних профессиональных учебных...
Учебное пособие 2-е издание Рекомендовано умо рае по классическому университетскому и техническому образованию в качестве учебного пособия для студентов высших учебных заведений, обучающихся по специальностям 060500 «Бухучет, анализ и аудит» icon Учебное пособие Допущено учебно-методическим объединением по образованию...
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Учебное пособие 2-е издание Рекомендовано умо рае по классическому университетскому и техническому образованию в качестве учебного пособия для студентов высших учебных заведений, обучающихся по специальностям 060500 «Бухучет, анализ и аудит» icon Министерством образования Российской Федерации в качестве учебного...
Рекомендовано Министерством образования Российской Федерации в качестве учебного пособия для студентов средних профессиональных учебных...
Учебное пособие 2-е издание Рекомендовано умо рае по классическому университетскому и техническому образованию в качестве учебного пособия для студентов высших учебных заведений, обучающихся по специальностям 060500 «Бухучет, анализ и аудит» icon Министерством образования Российской Федерации в качестве учебного...
Рекомендовано Министерством образования Российской Федерации в качестве учебного пособия для студентов средних профессиональных учебных...
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