И. А. Фомченкова, Н. А. Шайдорова

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Тип Учебно-методическое пособие
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II. Answer the questions:

  • What are the main goals of fraternities and sororities?

  • Why do these societies use the Greek letters?

  • Why did sororities appear much later than fraternities?

  • Did fraternities and sororities accept African Americans in the past? Has the situation changed and why?

  • What are the four basic types of Greek-letter organizations? How are they different from each other?

  • What is the role of fraternities and sororities in the on-campus life of American students?

  • How can you join a fraternity or a sorority? Is it possible for a female student to become a member of a fraternity?

  • Explain the terms chapter, rush, bid, pledge, hazing.

  • What are the positive sides of being a member of social fraternities or sororities?

  • What are the troubling social issues associated with these societies?

  • In what way are the problems of fraternities and sororities connected with the problems of American society in general?

  • Would you like to become a member of any type of Greek-letter organizations if such existed in Russia? Why or why not?

  1. Find in the text English equivalents for the following:

дискуссионный студенческий клуб; клятва верности; обширная библиотека; заполнить пробел; служение обществу; быть членом национальной организации; обзавестись верными друзьями; обряд посвящения; сексуальные домогательства; принять приглашение; испытательный срок; пожизненное членство; дух и взгляды организации; стать группой поддержки; способствовать карьерному росту; достоверные данные; принять законы, запрещающие злобное подшучивание над новичками; временно запретить деятельность организации; современные социальные проблемы; закрытый для общества; поощрять достижения; ограничивать членство в обществе; заимствовать принципы.

IV. Translate using words and phrases from the text:

  1. Первоначально мы думали, что приглашения будут выданы всем, безотносительно к занимаемой должности, но оказалось, что организация ограничила участие в конференции только руководителями.

  2. Хотя всем известно, что эти люди подвергаются дискриминации, полиции не удается наказать виновников.

  3. Эти печальные события оказали настолько серьезное влияние на ее личную жизнь, что она надолго оставила мысль о замужестве и сконцентрировалась на работе.

  4. Любой может стать членом нашей организации и получить возможность развивать свои способности в атмосфере взаимной поддержки.

  5. После того как организаторы веселых дискотек закончили учёбу в университете, заполнить образовавшуюся пустоту оказалось некем, поэтому проведение свободного времени в стенах университета утратило свою популярность среди студентов.

  6. Летние лагеря создают прекрасную возможность для проявления лидерских качеств, способствуют развитию личности подростков, поощряя их достижения в разных областях.

V. Use the following word-combinations in the sentences of your own:

to further smb’s interests;to focus on smth; to promote smth rather than smth else ; to create an outlet to do smth; mutually supportive atmosphere; to contribute to smth through smth; to discriminate against smb/smth.

VI. Render the following in English:

17 ноября – Международный день студента. Да-да, оказывается, есть и такой день! И то обстоятельство, что Международный день студента во всем мире отмечают 17 ноября, а россияне еще и 25 января, позволяет извлечь из этого выгоду – все наше студенчество гуляет два раза в год, отмечая и День студента, и Татьянин день. История Международного дня студента берет свое начало еще в XIX веке, когда было создано международное объединение студенческой молодежи. В декабре 1893 года в Женеве прошел международный конгресс студентов-социалистов, принявших решение установить и развивать связи между студентами разных стран. А в ноябре 1939-го пражские студенты выступили против террора фашистов. Во время демонстрации был убит студент медицинского факультета Карлова университета Ян Оплетал, в руках которого был белый щит с надписью: “Пошел на бой за справедливость в мире”. В день похорон Яна Оплетала, 15 ноября, тысячи студентов и рабочих вышли на улицы, траурное шествие вылилось в антифашистскую демонстрацию, на что гитлеровские оккупанты ответили репрессиями против студентов – 17 ноября были окружены студенческие общежития, арестованы 1850 студентов, 1200 из которых отправили в концлагерь Заксенхаузен. В тот же день руководители студенческой организации были расстреляны. Одним из первых решений Всемирного совета студентов в 1941 году в Лондоне было провозглашение 17 ноября Международным днем студента в память о трагических событиях в Праге.

Несмотря на печальную историю праздника, отмечать его студенты привыкли по-студенчески, весело. Студенческие традиции празднования этого дня за границей для некоторых наших ребят, которые там побывали, не совсем понятны. Как правило, всё проходит спокойно и благообразно. В Бельгии любят собираться компании давних знакомых, чаще всего 7­8 человек. Самое популярное место проведения праздников – бары. На природу, точнее, на пикники, бельгийские студенты выезжают крайне редко: так поступают, в основном, люди постарше. Что касается проведения самих праздников, то в отличие от наших студентов бельгийцы не очень любят петь, хотя послушать современную музыку совсем не против.

Студенты в Дании предпочитают проводить праздники в кругу самых близких и верных друзей. Обычно днем они собираются у кого-нибудь дома, шутят, поют песни, иногда под гитару, а вечером отправляются компанией в бар. Из алкогольных напитков датчане чаще всего предпочитают пиво, стараясь сделать праздник приятным, душевным и в меру веселым. Интересная традиция существует у выпускников гимназий. В день окончания учебы в семье выпускника берут напрокат большую машину, напоминающую грузовик, и весь вечер катаются по улицам. В машине все члены семьи поют песни, после чего гулянье продолжается дома или в баре. Для американцев отпраздновать событие – не проблема: поездка с друзьями на природу, поход в клуб или ресторан… Главное, они всегда стараются делать то, что им нравится.

В России Международный день студента стали праздновать недавно. Студенты в этот день традиционно веселятся на полную катушку, забыв о предстоящей сессии, зачетах и «хвостах». Без внимания не останутся ни ночные клубы, ни бары, ни посиделки в общежитии… Но российский студент (об этом уже было сказано выше) отмечает свой день дважды в год. Ведь вряд ли кто-нибудь откажется от лишнего праздника!

Over to you
I. Comment on the following:

  1. A student at work on his true vocation becomes creative and passionate.

  2. Education is what remains when we have forgotten all that we have been taught. (George S. Halifax)

  3. The college graduate is presented with a sheepskin to cover his intellectual nakedness. (Robert M. Hutchins)

  4. Education is that which discloses to the wise and disguises from the foolish their lack of understanding. (Ambrose Bierce)

  5. Training is everything: the peach was once a bitter almond; cauliflower is nothing but cabbage with a college education. (Mark Twain)

II. Describe the university where you study to an applicant. Speak about its location, history, faculty, departments, students’ population, curriculum, etc. Be honest: specify the strong and weak sides of your alma mater.
III. Talk to your parents and compare their impressions about their student life with your own.

Vocabulary tasks

  1. Study the vocabulary box and use the words in the sentences of your own. Find the Russian language equivalents to underline the difference in the meaning of the words:

PROFESSION is a job that requires considerable training and/or qualifications.

TRADE is a skilled manual job and other training (He is...by trade.)

Some professions are called VOCATIONS, people do them in order to help others (Teaching and nursing are vocations.)

CAREER is a job or profession you follow for your whole life (She made a successful career in the sphere of...).

POST / POSITION are more formal words for a particular job (A position of...is advertised in the newspaper.)

  1. Compose the sentences to illustrate the difference between:

  1. an employer / an employee / an unemployed

  2. a salary / a wage

  3. to resign / to retire

  4. to fire / to hire

Before you read
I. In your opinion, which factors below are important for getting a job? Choose the seven most important and explain your choice. Is there anything missing from the list?
II. What are the best and the worst things about the occupations listed below? Which do you think are the two most boring and the two most interesting jobs listed? Which of the jobs are ‘typical women’s jobs’ in Russia?
A dentist; a teacher; a secretary; a flight attendant; a salesperson; an actor; a waiter; a soldier; a police officer; a hairdresser; a bodyguard; an accountant; a computer programmer.
III. Make a list of the most important things for you in a job. Put them in the order of importance, for example:

  1. Good salary

  2. Opportunity to become well-known

  3. ...

  4. ...

IV. What are the worst things about having to work for your living?

While expressing your opinion on this or that job you may use one of the following expressions:
I think it’s essential to...

I’d hate a job where I didn’t...

The nicest things about this job is...

There is no special advantages in...

Not many people would agree to...

The worst thing about this job is...

Reading tasks
I. Have you ever heard about a probationary period? Read the following text about the way it is organized in the USA and answer the questions after it:

Many businesses in the United States hire people on a trial basis. That is, they are hired for a probationary period. This trial period can last from one month to three years, depending on the job. During this time, a person’s performance is carefully evaluated, and at the end of it, the employee receives a review. If the review is favourable, the employee will be given the benefits of other regular full-time staff. If not, the employee is usually told his/her performance did not meet the company’s expectations, and employment there simply comes to an end. The employee understands right from the beginning that he/she may not be kept on after the probationary period.

However, it is possible for an employee to be fired at any time. The custom is that after the probationary period a person will usually only be fired for cause (unsatisfactory performance, excessive absence or lateness, stealing, etc.) or because the company is not making enough profit to justify keeping all its employees. In such cases, the employee is usually notified a few weeks in advance or is given the equivalent amount in pay. Often the employee is told about his/her dismissal in a conference with the supervisor, but sometimes a company will simply include a “pink slip” along with a paycheck. To get such a “pink slip” means you are fired.
1. What is the necessity of the probationary period from the point of view of the employer?

2. What difficulties does the probationary period present for the employee?
II. Enumerate Eveline’s qualities which led to her promotion on the basis of the following:
When Eveline joined the company nobody thought of her as being capable of such fast upgrading. She was working at the Personnel Department doing something necessary but unimportant. Then one day she had to take over the responsibilities of the deputy head who was suddenly taken ill. She then displayed wonderful abilities at handling people, being very adroit in talking to prospective employees and selecting the right people. She is a very articulate woman, so she can express her thoughts very precisely. No wonder, she was one of the best graduates of a law school.

She was noticed and promoted. Then she was found useful in making people believe what was good for them and for the company. So she was promoted again and became an imminent participant in discussing business transactions.

She also sees to it that the work should be done on time and makes her staff meet the deadlines. She is considered a valuable and dedicated employee. One of her numerous traits is her ability to formulate efficient plans to get the work done.
III. Burnout or professional exhaustion is quite common in teaching, social work, or other “helping professions”. These fields in particular seem to have inherent sources of frustration that contribute to apathetic and ineffective workers. Why do you think these specialists seem to be especially vulnerable? Try to find the answer reading the recommendations of a social worker about dealing with burnout or professional exhaustion:
How to Cope with Burnout
Burnout may affect any worker, regardless of training, position, or level within the system. It has been observed that the longer one is in profession, the greater the pressures are, or are perceived to be.

Social scientists have identified four stages in the development of burnout: idealistic enthusiasm, stagnation, frustration, and apathy, when the worker feels chronically frustrated on the job, but needs the job to survive.
1. Be aware of your personal needs and motives before choosing a profession. It is better to change careers than to be exhausted or ‘die on the job’.

2. Be able to identify, understand, and willingly cope with the ‘givens’ of reality. A certain number of failures are to be expected in any organization, in any life.

3. Establish appropriate and realistic goals for yourself.

4. Stress successes as well as failures. The proportion of successes that makes a job worthwhile must be established realistically.

5. Focus on the process, not the result. Evaluate work in the light of the quality of human contact, the use of certain skills, and the pleasure of doing a job that you consider important. Job satisfaction cannot depend exclusively on results, which are often beyond our control and may not be evaluated until much later.

6. In situations where there is an overload of work, set priorities.

7. Satisfy your personal needs or take time off from work without feeling guilty.

8. Do not consider work as being everything in life and make your outside life as pleasant as possible.

9. Have a certain amount of physical activity and develop ways to relax.

IV. Read and role-play the following conversation. How would you estimate the tone of conversation and line of behavior chosen by Ann? Compose another dialogue which could have taken place before the conversation with Mr. Collins, i.e. Ann discussing with one of her close friends/relatives a new job offer and her possible line of behavior:
A Difficult Conversation
MR COLLINS: What is it, Ann? You look disconcerted, sort of upset. Is there something troubling you?

ANN: Yes, it’s something I just cannot decide. I have to talk to you about it. I hate to bring it up but I’ve just got a really nice job offer. The work itself, the company – everything seems just right. It’s just the job I’ve been dreaming of. You know that my degree is in programming.

MR COLLINS: Why, that is a surprise! I thought you were very happy with us. You’ve never given a sign that you were dissatisfied with anything.

ANN: No, it’s not that I don’t like working here. I appreciate your attitude and I’m sure, I’ll never find a better boss. But I want an advancement. The new job is step up and a good pay rise. With the work I’m doing it seems I started forgetting all I knew in college.

MR COLLINS: Well, I really wish we could keep you but we can’t offer what the other company is offering in your specialization. I don’t doubt your sincerity and appreciate your directness. You’ve been really loyal to our company and ypu obviously deserve a raise. It’s a shame you’re leaving. But I understand, and we won’t hold a grudge against you. Good luck!

ANN: Thank you for understanding, Mr Collins. I wouldn’t like to leave the company with a bad feeling.

MR COLLINS: Not at all, not at all.
Over to you
I. Write a paragraph about someone who is very good at his/her job.
II. Comment on the following:
1. People doing dirty work should get higher wages than other people.

2. Work is the grand cure of all the maladies and miseries that ever be set by mankind. (Th. Carlyle, the British philosopher)

3. Work is much more fun than fun itself.

4. By working faithfully eight hours a day, you may eventually get to be a boss and work twelve hours a day. (Robert Frost, an American poet)

5. Anyone can do any amount of work, provided it isn’t the work he is supposed to be doing at that moment.


  1. Talk about your future plans or goals.

  2. Talk about the kind of life you hope to have.

  3. Talk about the things you once feared but will never fear again.

  4. Talk about the hopes and fears your parents have for you.

  5. Tell us about what frightens you the most about getting older.

  6. Talk about your hopes and dreams for your future family.

  7. Talk about an impossible dream.

  8. Talk about a dream or a hope that did come true.

  9. Talk about the problems you have had to overcome.

  10. Talk about the time a miracle occurred in your life.

  11. Tell us about the time when you felt you were the centre of the universe.

  12. Talk about a childhood experience you will never forget.

  13. Talk about a lesson that you learned “the hard way”.

  14. Talk about a funny experience that happened to you that you will never forget.
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И. А. Фомченкова, Н. А. Шайдорова icon Н. С. Кузнецова, Н. А. Шайдорова практикум по стилистике английского...
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