Шкала оценки в системе «зачтено – не зачтено»
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Обладает достаточными языковыми знаниями, чтобы принять участие в беседе; словарный запас позволяет объясниться с некоторым количеством пауз и описательных выражений по таким темам, как семья, хобби, увлечения, работа, путешествия и текущие события.
Достаточно аккуратно использует набор конструкций, ассоциируемых со знакомыми, регулярно происходящими ситуациями.
Может высказаться понятно, несмотря на то, что паузы для поиска грамматических и лексических средств заметны, особенно в высказываниях значительной протяженности.
Может начинать, поддерживать и завершать беседу один на один, если темы обсуждения знакомы или индивидуально значимы. Может повторить предыдущие реплики, демонстрируя тем самым свое понимание.
Может связать несколько достаточно коротких простых предложений в линейный текст, состоящий из нескольких пунктов.
Студент понимает развернутые доклады и лекции и содержащуюся в них даже сложную аргументацию, если тематика этих выступлений соответствует учебно-тематическому плану. Понимает почти все новости и репортажи о текущих событиях.
Студент понимает статьи и сообщения по современной проблематике, авторы которых занимают особую позицию или высказывают особую точку зрения.
Студент умеет писать понятные подробные сообщения по широкому кругу вопросов. Умеет писать эссе или доклады, освещая вопросы или аргументируя точку зрения «за» или «против». Умеет писать письма, выделяя те события и впечатления, которые являются особо важными.
Не зачтено
Практически не обладает запасом слов и словосочетаний, которые служат для описания конкретных частных ситуаций.
Не контролирует употребление простых грамматических и синтаксических конструкций.
Не может произнести отдельные высказывания, составленные из заученных единиц.
Не может элементарно реагировать на речь собеседника.
Не может соединять слова и группы слов с помощью таких простых союзов, выражающих линейную последовательность, как «и», «затем».
Студент совершенно не понимает даже отдельные фразы в четко произнесенных сообщениях и объялениях.
Студент не может найти конкретную, легко предсказуемую информацию в простых текстах повседневного общения и бизнес-характера.
Студент не владеет элементарными навыками написания простого связного текста на изученные темы. Не владеет навыками бизнес корреспонденции
Шкала оценки защиты курсовой работы (проекта)
(Не предусмотрено)
Этап формирования компетенций в процессе изучения дисциплины «Иностранный язык» характеризуется следующими типовыми контрольными заданиями.
Типовые контрольные вопросы для подготовки к экзамену (зачету) при проведении промежуточной аттестации по дисциплине
Read and translate the text from English into Russian.
Summarise the information from the text and express your view points.
Be ready to discuss the topic.
Card 1 Text 1
Career Ladder
Career ladder is a metaphor for job promotion. In business and human resources management, the ladder typically describes the progression from entry level positions to higher levels of pay, skill, responsibility, or authority. This metaphor is spatially oriented, and frequently used to denote upward mobility within a stratified promotion model. Because the ladder does not provide for lateral movement, it is assumed to be a singular track with the greatest benefits at the top.
Job training programs, funded by public sector workforce funds and private foundations, have made attempts to increase the number of career ladders in various sectors, including health care, finance, and hospitality. The Annie E. Casey Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, and several other foundations funded a series of studies and pilot projects in the early 2000s to expand build a network of career ladders and mobility for workers through skills training and the use of workforce intermediaries, as described by Robert Giloth.
The California state Employment Development Department (EDD) also in the early 2000s funded a series of career ladder programs, spearheaded by then director Michael Bernick. The programs sought to improve mobility and income of low wage workforces in California. EDD worked with several industry associations in long-term care, hospitality, and even farm work. The career ladder programs had very mixed results.
Employees: Can develop new skills and competencies at your own pace and in your current job. Can advance to a higher level of responsibility without competition and without moving to a different work unit. Can demonstrate initiative and willingness to work to further department and University goals.
Managers and Supervisors: Can retain valued employees who are motivated to advance their careers. Can attract high quality employees with the opportunity to advance within their positions. Can develop well-trained employees who have high morale. Can provide a higher level of quality and service to your clients.
Card 1 Text 2
Cost-effective Route to Create Future Managers
Mike Turner, chief executive of BAE Systems, Europe’s biggest defence company, and a member of the Apprenticeships Task Force, is a prime example of how starting at the bottom of the corporate ladder can lead to a top job.
“I began my working life as an apprentice,” said Mr Turner, who argues that apprenticeships 30 remain one of the most cost-effective ways of filling skill shortages, as well as developing managers of the future.
According to the task force’s report, published today, BAE expects to save up to £lm a year by training apprentices rather than hiring and retraining outside workers, as apprenticeships cost 25 per cent less than training non apprentices”.
It is “much more attractive to recruit young people as apprentices, as recruitment costs are lower, staff turnover is lower and apprentices quickly identified with company values”, according to the task force. BT, the telecommunications group, for example, had “calculated a benefit of over £1,300 per apprentice per annum when compared to non apprentice recruitment”.
Companies, even in industries such as construction and engineering, where training costs were high, found that young people in the later years of their apprenticeships were making “a high contribution relative to their wage costs', said the task force.
Honda had reported that it took two years to retrain someone trained by another car manufacturer. Apprentices by contrast 'quickly understood their [Honda] company values and practices”.
Apprenticeships were also a “cost effective way of replacing an ageing workforce and ensuring the effective transfer of knowledge”, Xerox, the office equipment group, told the task force.
Be ready to discuss the topic.
Card 2 Text 1
Electronic commerce, commonly known as E-commerce or e-Commerce, is trading in products or services using computer networks, such as the Internet. Electronic commerce draws on technologies such as mobile commerce, electronic funds transfer, supply chain management, Internet marketing, online transaction processing, electronic data interchange (EDI), inventory management systems, and automated data collection systems. Modern electronic commerce typically uses the World Wide Web for at least one part of the transaction's life cycle, although it may also use other technologies such as e-mail.
E-commerce businesses usually employ some or all of the following practices:
Provide Etail or "virtual storefronts" on websites with online catalogs, sometimes gathered into a "virtual mall"
Buy or sell on websites or online marketplaces.
Gather and use demographic data through web contacts and social media.
Use electronic data interchange, the business-to-business exchange of data.
Reach prospective and established customers by e-mail or fax (for example, with newsletters).
Use business-to-business buying and selling.
Provide secure business transactions
In the United States, some electronic commerce activities are regulated by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). These activities include the use of commercial e-mails, online advertising and consumer privacy.
Internationally there is the International Consumer Protection and Enforcement Network (ICPEN), which was formed in 1991 from an informal network of government customer fair trade organisations. The purpose was stated as being to find ways of co-operating on tackling consumer problems connected with cross-border transactions in both goods and services, and to help ensure exchanges of information among the participants for mutual benefit and understanding. From this came Econsumer.gov, an ICPEN initiative since April 2001. It is a portal to report complaints about online and related transactions with foreign companies.
Card 2 Text 2
Amazon Goes to Hollywood with Film Deal
Amazon, the largest online retailer, is going to Hollywood after striking its first deal for the film rights to a best-selling novel.
It is expected to team up with a Hollywood studio and producer after it acquired the screen rights to The Stolen Child, a fantasy tale by first-time author Keith Donohue. As part of the agreement, Amazon pledged that it would market the film and its subsequent DVD on its website.
The deal comes during speculation that Amazon is poised to broaden its film ambitions by introducing a new video download service in conjunction with major Hollywood studios.
Amazon said it did not intend to co-finance the film, but that the company's brand, retail expertise, and customers around the world could make it “an extremely valuable partner in the marketing and distribution of this film”.
Amazon has this year increased its involvement in video programming on its site, launching a weekly interview programme with artists and authors. In 2004, the company also produced five short live-action films on its website, featuring 5 famous actors, which it used to promote its credit card and the range of goods available on its US site.
Another asset Amazon could bring to the film-making process is the consumer research compiled by its website. Based on its sales data, for example, Amazon would be well positioned to target the film at customers who have read the book and others like it, or bought similar DVDs from the site.
The deal also reflects the growing presence of non- traditional producers in Hollywood.
3.Be ready to discuss the topic.
Card 3 Text 1
Innovation in Business
The Conference Board of Canada defines innovation as the process through which economic and social value is extracted from knowledge through the generation, development, and implementation of ideas to produce new or improved strategies, capabilities, products, services, or processes. There are four major types of business innovation:
1. Radical Change to Products and Services. Radical or breakthrough change to products and services usually originates from R&D or other forms of formal creative activity and can be in response to unarticulated, unmet, customer needs. Often, but not exclusively, radical change is based on ideas for a new product or service stemming from research discoveries or other sources. It then evolves through a development process to eventual commercialization of new or extremely different products and services. These new products and services can drastically alter what companies sell, and generate major gains in revenue and profit.
2. Radical Change to Processes. Radical or breakthrough change to business and management processes is based on fundamentally new ways to plan, manage, design, produce, distribute, and market products and services. These changes are rare, but when they occur they can radically alter how companies operate, and yield major gains in productivity and profit.
3. Incremental Improvement to Products and Services. Incremental improvements add or sustain value by improving existing products and services. These incremental changes can be in response to evolving customer needs, or the result of ideas emerging from research labs or elsewhere. Most product and service innovation is incremental in nature.
4. Incremental Improvement to Processes. Incremental improvements enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of existing processes and practices. They are based on improving current business and management processes, such as planning, design, manufacturing, production, marketing and administration, supply chains, and communications. Most process improvements are incremental in nature.
Card 3 Text 2
Online Advertising
The volatility of Internet stocks says a lot about what is expected from them. It says rather less about the true health of the online advertising market.
Carat, the media buying group expects Internet advertising worldwide to grow by 25 per cent this year. In developed markets, growth rates are even faster. US first-quarter online advertising growth, for example, was 38 per cent, and there remains plenty of room for further rapid expansion. Credit Suisse expects US online spending to grow at an annual rate of 22 per cent over five years, but that still leaves it with a total market share of about one-tenth.
Demand from advertisers, however, is strengthened because people believe that online advertising generates a high return on investment. Measurement is never easy, but based on survey data from TNS Media Intelligence, online currently enjoys a return on investment of 26 per cent, compared with 17 per cent for magazines, the next closest category.
Online offers the opportunity for manufacturers to reach a larger number of consumers. A recent study found that US food companies are increasingly using the Internet to target children with interactive games and commercials, which is a concern for anti-obesity campaigners, but an example of the potential of “rich media”.
With expected overall advertising market growth of only 4 to 5 per cent this year, traditional media continue to lose share. In the UK, for example, print media advertising shrank 5 per cent last year, while online grew by almost two-thirds. Share prices of Internet stocks will continue to fluctuate greatly, but it is traditional print media companies that face the toughest future.