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Rybinsk scienсe and technology school
«Engineering support of GTE parts performance characteristics».
Principal – professor Bez'yazychny V. F., Doctor of Engineering

Bez'yazychny Vyacheslav Feoktistovich was born in 1937 in a Cossack village of Olginskaya, Krasnodar Krai and graduated with highest distinction from Krasnodar Machine-Building Technical School in 1956 and Rostov-on-Don Institute for Agricultural Machine Industry in 1961. He worked as an assistant to «Technology of machine industry» Department at that Institute and continued his education from 1963 to 1966 as a post graduate student within the same Department. Since 1966 he has been lecturing in P. A. Solovyov Rybinsk State Aviation Technical University. In 1973 he was elected pro-rector on scientific research, from 1987 to 2005 has been elected for Rector of RGATU position, since 1985 – HoD for «Technology of aero-engines and machine industry» department and at the same time Deputy CEO of OJSC «NPO «Saturn» (Scientific Research). Since 2010 – Head of Department.

Vyacheslav Feoktistovich Bez'yazychny defended his graduate thesis for a theme «Research on standard weight deviations of casting blocks» in 1967, in 1983 he defended his doctoral thesis for «Development of fundamental theory for engineering support of aero-engines details quality and tooling efficiency» theme. V. F. Bez'yazychny was awarded an academic status of professor in 1984; currently he is the Honored Master of sciences and engineering of the Russian Federation.

For the first time ever V. F. Bez'yazychny developed principles of calculated estimation of details surface layer quality indexes and principles of tooling accuracy calculation for operations when workpiece surface layer is influenced simultaneously by both thermal and power factors caused by the cutting process. Analogues of the mentioned work exist neither in this country nor abroad. V. F. Bez'yazychny participated in development of an automated system of details processing technological conditions calculation intended for delivery of a complex set of machining accuracy parameters as well as detail surface layer quality.

V. F. Bez'yazychny continued his scientific researches by inventing techniques for machine tooling technological conditions selection ensuring specified values of endurance range, mating surfaces contact stiffness, tooled conjugated surfaces wear process intensity.

Main scientific publications include: Similarity theory in machine industry technologies. – М.: Mashinostroenie (Machine industry), 2007; Automation of gas-turbine aero-engines manufacturing techniques. Part One / V. F. Bez'yazychny, V. A. Poletaev, T. D. Kozhina, et al.; edited by V. F. Bez'yazychny and V. N. Krylov. – М.: Mashinostroenie (Machine industry), 2012; Engineering of a detail surface / Collective of authors; under the editorship of A. G. Suslov. – М.: Mashinostroenie (Machine industry). 2008. V. F. Bez'yazychny is also a co-author for a number of quick reference books: Mashinostroenie (Machine industry). The Encyclopaedia; Editorial Council headed by K. V. Frolov (chair.), et al. – М.: Mashinostroenie (Machine industry); Details of machines manufacturing techniques. V. III-3 / A. M. Dalsky, A. G. Suslov, et al.; edited by A. G. Suslov. – 2000. Quick reference book for production manager-machine engineer. In two volumes. V. 2 / under the editorship of A. M. Dalsky, A. G. Suslov, A. G. Kosilova, R. K. Meshcheryakov. – 5-th edition., revised and enlarged edition. – М.: Mashinostroenie (Machine industry). 2004. Processing of metals by cutting: quick reference book for production managers / under the editorship of A. A. Panov. – М.: Mashinostroenie (Machine industry), 2003, et cetera.

V. F. Bez'yazychny published more than 800 scientific works, including more than 40 in foreign sources; he has 10 patents for inventions and intellectual property certificates.

V. F. Bez'yazychny repeatedly delivered his scientific reports to academic communities of Poland, Italy, Yugoslavia, Czechia, Bulgaria, Slovakia and other countries. At V. F. Bez'yazychny advice and under his scientific mentorship 8 doctoral degrees and 55 Cand.Sci (Engineering) degrees were defended. Researches completed by V. F. Bez'yazychny and his disciples are widely used in practice. Results of V. F. Bez'yazychny's scientific works were awarded three silver medals of VDNKh (Exhibition of National Economy Achievements).

V. F. Bez'yazychny is the councilor on machine industry, member of three dissertational councils, member of editorial councils of such journals as «Assembly in machine industry, instrument making» and «Polyot» («Flight»), chairman of editorial council of the «Hardening technologies and coatings» journal, member of editorial council of the «Engineering Journal. Quick reference» journal.

V. F. Bez'yazychny's scientific and pedagogical practices are successfully combined with profound public activity. He is currently academician of the Academy of quality problems of the Russian Federation and President of the Academy of quality problems, Yaroslavl regional branch.

For both service strides and long-term diligent activities in education of engineering and technical talents combined with scientific activity V. F. Bez'yazychny is awarded a medal «For valorous work. In commemoration of the 100 anniversary from the date of V. I. Lenin's birth» (1970), a lapel badge «Honorable worker of the higher vocational training of the Russian Federation» (1997), the Order of Honor (2003), K. D. Ushinsky's Medal, a Commemorative medal for «Mikhail Vassilievich Lomonosov's 300-th anniversary», a medal of K. E. Tsiolkovsky, a Medal named after M. V. Keldysh, K. E. Tsiolkovsky's Order, an Anniversary medal of National academy of Sciences of the Belarus, an International medal named after Socrates for great personal contribution to development of modern science, a Medal of mechanical-engineering faculty of Slovak Engineering University (Bratislava).

Today V. F. Bez'yazychny is: a Honorable Doctor of Donskoy State Technical University, a Honorable Professor of National Academy of Applied Sciences of the Russian Federation, a Honorable Professor of Bryansk State Technical University, a Honorable Professor of P. A. Solovyov Rybinsk State Aviation Technical University.

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