The ministry of public health and social development of the russian federation

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reventive and clinical medicine




№ 1(34) 2010

4 issues a year


The journal is in the list of issues recommended by the Higher Certification Commission for the publication of research papers reproducing contents of doctor and candidate dissertations.
All rights reserved. Using any material of the journal reference is obligatory.
Address of the editorial board: 195067, Saint-Petersburg, Piskarevsky prospect 47, I.I. Mechnikov Saint-Petersburg State Medical Academy, building 35, scientific department.

Fax: 8 (812) 740-15-24,

Tel.: 8 (812) 543-59-18


Web-сайт: http://www.
ЛР № 020496

Sent to the press: 25.12.2009.
Format 60 х 84 ⅛.

Offset printing.

Conventional printer’s sheets 25.

Educational printer’s sheets 20.

Number of copies 1000.

Order № 1088
Computer make-up – «Articom plus» Ltd. Printed in the «Printing house ”Beresta”» Ltd., Saint-Petersburg, Kolya Tomchak str., 28
ISSN 2074-9120

Preventive and clinical medicine (Herald of the Mechnikov Saint-Petersburg state medical academy).

2010 № 1 (34), 241 pp.

Subscription index: 42363-полугод, 42364-год


Academician of RAMS, Honoured scientist of RF, M.D., Professor A.V.Shabrov

Academician of RAMS, Honoured Scientist of RF, M.D., Professor V.G.ARTAMONOVA (Saint-Petersburg), M.D., Professor A.M.BOLSHAKOV (Moscow), A.A.BORISOV (Saint-Petersburg), Honoured Scientist of RF, M.D., Professor V.A.DOTSENKO (Saint-Petersburg), M.D., Professor L.P.ZUEVA (Saint-Petersburg), M.D., Professor S.I.IVANOV (Moscow), M.D., Professor A.V.ISTOMIN (Moscow), M.D., Professor V.R.KUCHMA (Moscow), M.D., Professor B.V.LIMIN (Vologda), Honoured Scientist of RF, M.D., Professor V.S.LUCHKEVICH (Saint-Petersburg), Honoured Scientist of RF, M.D., Professor V.G.MAIMULOV (vice-editor-in-chief, Saint-Petersburg), Academician of RAMS, Honoured Scientist of RF, M.D., Professor G.G.ONISCHENKO (Moscow), Academician of RAMS, Honoured Scientist of RF, M.D., Professor Yu.Р.PIVOVAROV (Moscow), Academician of RAMS, Honoured Scientist of RF, M.D., Professor S.N.PUZIN (Moscow), Academician of RAMS, Honoured Scientist of RF, M.D., Professor, Yu.A. RAKHMANIN (Moscow), M.D., Professor P.G.ROMASHOV (Saint-Petersburg), Academician of RAMS, Honoured Scientist of RF, M.D., Professor P.I.SIDOROV (Arkhangelsk), Academician of RAMS, Honoured Scientist of RF, M.D., Professor G.A.SOFRONOV (Saint-Petersburg), Academician of RAMS, Honoured Scientist of RF, M.D., Professor V.I.STARODUBOV (Moscow), M.D., Professor E.I.TKACHENKO (Saint-Petersburg), Academician of RAMS, Honoured Scientist of RF, Professor V.A.TUTELIYAN (Moscow), Honoured Scientist of RF, M.D., Professor V.P.CHASCHIN (Saint-Petersburg), M.D., Professor T.S.CHERNYAKINA (executive secretary, Saint-Petersburg)

Corresponding member of RAMS, M.D., Professor N.M.ANICHKOV (Saint-Petersburg), Candidate of Medicine A.I.VERESCHAGIN (Moscow), M.D., Professor L.I.GLUSHKOVA (Syktyvkar), M.D., Professor S.A.GORBANEV (Saint-Petersburg), M.D., Professor V.A.DADALI (Saint-Petersburg), M.D., Professor G.I.DIYACHUK (Saint-Petersburg), Corresponding member of RAMS, M.D., Professor N.V.Zaitseva (Perm), M.D., Professor A.L.ZELDIN (Saint-Petersburg), Doctor of Biology, Professor A.L.KOVALENKO (Saint-Petersburg), Corresponding member of RAMS, Professor B.A.KURLYANDSKY (Moscow), M.D., Professor S.A.LINNIK (Saint-Petersburg), M.D., Professor A.V.MELTSER (Saint-Petersburg), M.D., Professor S.V.NAGORNY (Saint-Petersburg), M.D., Professor V.I.NIKOLAEV (Saint-Petersburg), M.D., Professor V.M.PETRENKO (Saint-Petersburg), M.D., Professor L.G.PODUNOVA (Moscow), Honoured Scientist of RF, M.D., Professor I.V.POLYAKOV (Saint-Petersburg), Candidate of Medicine I.A.RAKITIN (Saint-Petersburg), M.D., Professor V.G.RADCHENKO (Saint-Petersburg), M.D., Professor A.V.Skalny (Moskow), M.D., Professor E.G.TOPUZOV (Saint-Petersburg), M.D., Professor S.A.KHOTIMCHENKO (Moscow), M.D., Professor A.G. SHIMAN (Saint-Petersburg), Corresponding Member of RAMS, M.D., Professor A.P.SCHERBO (Saint-Petersburg), M.D., Professor I.Sh.YAKUBOVA (Saint-Petersburg)
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